Mother's treasure

in #hive-1707984 months ago

Lucy sat on the couch in the sitting room, so deep in her thought that she didn't notice her husband walk in. Her daughter, Nancy was sick and needed surgery urgently. It was an expensive surgery. She and her husband, Stanley had already spent everything they had for Nancy's treatment prior to that moment. As a result, the business she and her husband worked so hard to build together crumbled. Now that Nancy needed surgery, they didn't have the money for it.

Lucy had three brothers. They were also struggling financially. They couldn't help her. Lucy had exhausted all her options in trying to raise the money needed for the surgery.

"Honey, Honey, Honey!" Stanley yelled, trying to get his wife's attention

"Oh sorry, I didn't notice when you walked in" Lucy said.

"You've been thinking a lot lately. I'm scared that you could fall sick. We can't afford that at this moment" Stanley replied.

"I know, but I can't help it. I don't want to lose my daughter" Lucy said as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Don't worry Honey. We will find a way. There's always a way." said Stanley.

Lucy missed her late mom. She wished her mom was alive to comfort her. Her mother was everything to her. Unfortunately, her mother died of cancer years ago. Lucy decided to visit their old house where she lived with her mom and her brothers.


When she got there, the house was dusty, and cobwebs were everywhere. The place had been turned upside down. Apparently, their mother had told them before she died that she hid diamonds in the house. She never told them where exactly the diamonds were hidden. All she said was that the diamonds were worth millions.

She wanted the right person to find those diamonds, and she knew the right person would definitely find it. She also didn't want her children to depend on the wealth from the diamonds. She wanted each of them to work hard and build their own wealth first.

However, after their mom died, Lucy's brothers turned the entire house upside down, searching for those diamonds. They couldn't find it. At some point, they believed their mom was only bluffing, and there was never any diamond.

As she stood in the house, memories of when she would run around the house came rushing back. She missed those days. She missed her mother's cooking. She remembered how her mother would make her favourite food, pasta, every Sunday and they would all eat as a family.

Lucy walked around the house, reminiscing about those memories, and it gave her peace of mind for that moment. Then she saw her mother's old chair. It was her mother's favorite chair. Lucy sat on it. She faced the window, enjoying the morning sunlight. She saw a vase by the side of the window. A plant was in it. Her mother loved gardening. She had a garden in the compound. It was her passion. Lucy also took that passion. Lucy love for plants was as much as her mother's love for plants.

Lucy took the vase, trying to admire the plant, and then it slipped from her hands and fell to the floor, breaking in the process. Behold, she saw her mother's diary which was hidden Inside the vase and covered with soil. She began reading the diary. She got to see her mother's view on things. The more she read, the more she got engrossed. At the end of the diary, the last thing her mother wrote was

"Though my garden holds my treasures, my children are my greatest treasure"

Lucy shed a tear on reading that statement. It made her miss her mother more. Initially, Lucy didn't put any meaning into that statement. Suddenly, it hit her. There might be a cryptic message there. After a moment of thinking, Lucy concluded that there could be something in the garden. She went to her mother's garden. There were all kinds of plants and flowers. She remembered that her mother loved daisies. It was her favorite flower.

Daisies occupied one aspect of the garden. So Lucy decided to go there and dig the ground. Lucy took a shovel and began digging. Five minutes in, she struck something solid. It was a box. She took out the box, opened it, and behold, diamonds were in it. A lot of diamonds.She had found her mother's diamonds which her brothers searched tirelessly for. Lucy couldn't believe it. Those diamonds were worth a fortune.

This didn't just mean that they would get the money for Nancy's surgery, it also meant that she had automatically become rich.

The diamonds were sold, and Nancy had her surgery which was successful. Lucy and her family lived more comfortably as they had become wealthy. Lucy started another business with her husband, gave her brothers their share of the money while she held on to the majority.


Great post 👍

What a touching story, the diary revealed how much love Lucy's mom had for her and that made her feel her absence the more.

Great piece.

Wow, i'm glad Lucy found those diamonds and her daughter's surgery was successful. I'm sure her brothers are regretting not believing their mom when she said she hid

Hello @trexane, Your story comes up strong as being partly written by AI. Did you use an AI editor to help you compose this, or rewrite portions? It does seem to be the case. Please clarify (quickly) so we can curate, if that is justified.

Thank you.

Hi @theinkwell, I did not use any AI editor whatsoever. The post was completely written by me.

I'm confused right now as to how this is possible.

You can see from the screenshot above that I wrote it in my notes app. You can see the time there (1:04am), which is around the time I made the post. Here are more screenshots:
