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"A man should understand his spouse so as to lead to something successful, without understanding there will be disagreement and two cannot work together if they don't agree" Kunle, Abdul's friend always told him.
Kunle and Abdul has been friends since university, they studied medicine and surgery in one of the best universities in England. After life within the university walls they graduated with honorary degrees in their course of study, and moved forward to establish themselves in the world outside the university walls.
The two young men have become very successful in their careers, and they're also living their dream life,but what's all the enjoyment for? if not having to share with family. Kunle and Abdul recognized it was high time they started a family of their own since they weren't getting any younger, they both agreed and started putting things in place to aactualize their goal.
From the onset Abdul has always had problems with keeping a relationship, while Kunle on the other hand has always had healthy and thriving relationships. Kunle had already gotten a girl whom he wants to get married to and the relationship was doing just fine, now the question is how about Abdul? Abdul met a beautiful lady in London Kayla by name they started a relationship which didn't last up to 4 months and it was dissolved.
It's been a year ever since Kunle and Abdul decided to settle down and have a family of their own, in a space of one year Kunle has maintained his relationship but Abdul has been into three different relationships, Abdul decided to talk to Kunle about his problem because he was no longer happy about it, so they decided to meet up at their favorite spot to talk about it over few bottles of drinks. They met ordered drinks and Kunle initiated the conversation,
" My guy what did you want to talk about, you know I have to go back home soonest to my fiance"
After few seconds of silence Abdul replies;
" This is exactly my problem I envy your relationship with Veronica so much, you've never had bad records when it comes to keeping women, but me in a space of one year I've been in three relationships; one with Kayla, another with Chloe, and the last one was with Alexander, and now I'm currently with Lydia and I love her so much. I really want things to work out between us but the roots are already shaky, I feel I might lose this one too"
" Not to worry friend you won't lose this one, well I believe so much in patience and understanding. To solve this let's point out the problem, what did Kayla find wrong in you?"
Kunle continued.
" She said I was too stingy for a successful man, and I'm not ready to be with a gold digger someone who wants me for my money"
Abdul replied
" I see and Chloe, what did she say?"
Kunle further asked
" She said I wasn't romantic, I don't send her gifts,surprise flowers and so many other things I feel are unnecessary "
Abdul said
" And lastly Alexandra what was her own problem?"
Kunle asked again
" Alex said she likes me but she doesn't want to be with who can't trust her with his fortunes and you know me, I worked way too hard for all I've got to lavish it on a woman"
Abdul answered
At this moment Kunle had a shocking revelation so he exclaims;
" Ah-ha I've gotten it, I now understand why you're always having issues with women "
" Okay my friend, tell me what you know "
Abdul replies with so much focus on kunle's face, Kunle continues;
" Kayla said you were stingy, Chloe said you weren't romantic, Alex said you couldn't trust her with money the whole problem centers around money, without money you can't care for a woman you can't send her gifts and flowers, she expect you to be a provider and you my friend is just scared because you worked too hard for your money, remember why we needed this women initially, it's so we can build a family to share our wealth with and not keep from, give her money without her asking, take her on vacations, beautiful dinner events and see how she stays glued to you "
" Wow! my friend you are wise and Lydia's problem is also money related, I've heard all you've said I'll do my best and be a better man thanks so much for helping me realize this, I'm sure with this information I can keep Lydia happy "
Abdul replies
" It's all good my friend a responsible man can be identified by his woman's appearance, I'm glad I could help out "
Kunle ended.
Abdul took Kunle's information seriously and his life worked out better than he expected; he married Lydia and they lived happily together, also Kunle married Veronica and they too were happy.


Abdul should have put one or two together to know why his relationships weren't working out.

Sometimes, when things seem not to go well, the problem could be us. I'm glad Kunle spotted it for him

It's important to learn the love language of our partners and gifts and money are essentials in addition to love. Abdul surely had to learn across the complaints from his women to bring about a good change in himself. Good script


Sometimes I have come to discover that when things are not really working well, it might be because we are not doing something right