From the Trenches to Triumph.

in #hive-1707985 months ago

From the Trenches to Triumph


A child by the name of Jamal was raised in the most impoverished area of the city. You see, it had not been an easy life for him. His mother had to work three shifts just to keep a roof over their heads as he was growing up without his father. From the beginning, the cards were stacked against him.

Jamal carried a great deal of weight, yet there was a fire in his eyes that would not go out. A ray of hope that glowed more brilliantly than the neon lights that illuminated the streets at night. In his heart, he realized that this was just a transitory issue and that he had to jump over it in order to go to the other side.

As you can see, Jamal was a bright young man. Despite all of the stress at home, he excelled in every subject. Teachers had always told him that if he set his mind to anything, he could do anything. Jamal's nose was buried in a book, dreaming of a brighter day, while his pals were running around the streets.

The kids in the neighborhood tried to dim his light though. They made fun of him for studying so hard, said he was too "uppity" and didn't belong anymore. But Jamal paid them no mind. With a singular goal in mind—a scholarship that would allow him to leave the hood and start over—he was completely focused.

Just when it seemed his dreams were finally about to manifest, the unthinkable happened. His mom fell seriously ill, hospital-bed sick. The medical bills started piling up higher than Jamal could have ever imagined. Working three jobs still wasn't enough anymore.

That flame of hope inside him started to flicker, you feel me? Having to drop out of school to hustle any kind of job he could find just to scrape some money together. Selling candy on the low at school, bussing tables at the diner, whatever kept that light from going out completely.

But Jamal refused to be counted out. Through the struggle, he held onto that glimmer of hope with everything he had left. He wasn't going to let anyone or anything stop him from making something of himself.

That's when his friend Femi came through in the clutch. Femi had always supported Jamal, even when the other kids were making fun of him. He told Jamal about this school a few towns over that hooked students up with scholarships and financial aid if they could play basketball. Femi knew Jamal had mad skills on the court, even though he never seemed too hyped about showing them off.

At first, Jamal was doubtful. Like how was he going to balance school, work, taking care of his mom, and finding time to play basketball? But Femi wasn't having any of that self-doubt nonsense. He told Jamal he had to take a risk if he really wanted a piece of that success pie, you heard?

So Jamal put his everything into preparing for that scholarship tryout. He stayed late after his jobs to get some shots up at the park. Sacrificed the new sneakers he wanted to buy basketball gear instead. He was locked in, driven by that everlasting hope that he was destined for more than what the streets had mapped out.

The day came, and Jamal left it all on the court. He cooked anybody that stepped up to guard him. The scouts were like "who is this kid?!" When the dust settled, Jamal was leaving the gym with a full scholarship under his arm.

Tears were flowing when he ran to tell his mom the news. She held his face in her hands, so proud that her baby boy's unwavering hope had finally paid off. For a moment, it seemed like nothing could stop Jamal's momentum.

He made the team his first year at the new school. Started pouring in buckets and became the talk of the town, you know how it goes. People started taking interest in this hotshot kid from the streets who was balling out on the court and holding a 4.0 GPA. Jamal was feeling himself, like his dreams of going pro and leaving the hood for good were finally coming into focus.

But then life came through with another gut punch. His mom's illness took a turn for the worst, and she didn't make it through the semester. Jamal's whole world crumbled around him in an instant.

The kids in the neighborhood came at him, saying he should have stopped chasing those pipe dreams and stayed in the hood to be with his mom. For a moment, Jamal started believing them, thinking maybe his blind hope had cost him precious time with the one person who always believed in him most.

That flame inside him that had been burning so bright was damn near extinguished now. All he could feel was anger, regret, like that glimpse of a better future wasn't meant for someone like him from the trenches.

But just when he was ready to completely give up, to let that murky darkness consume him, he remembered his mom's sacrifice, her belief that he could defy the odds. Jamal knew she would be ashamed if he threw it all away when he was so close to greatness.

So he let the tears flow, grieved the loss of his queen, but summoned that glimmer of hope from deep within one final time. He played his heart out the rest of the season in her honor, balling like she was courtside watching. Led his team to a championship, shattered records left and right. His name was in every major scout's mouth.

When he walked across that stage as valedictorian to accept his degree, the roar from the crowd was deafening. Kids from back home, family he never even knew he had, friends and former naysayers, all of them were standing tall for Jamal that day.

He made it, friends. Let nothing or nobody kill that eternal flame of hope that burned brighter than any street light could ever shine. The odds were stacked, life threw every curveball it could muster, but Jamal persevered to manifest his biggest dreams. Living proof that a little hope can go a long way if you keep feeding that fire, no matter how small the spark.

Thank you for reading my post


Jamal is a role model. I felt bad when his mom died but I was glad she lived long enough to see that her son was moving in steps to greatness. I am sure she will be proud of him in her grave. Femi is the kind of friend every Jamal need in their lives.

Perfectly quite similar to what happened to me which I explained in my recent story. I can feel what Jamal was feeling because I was in his shoe years back. It must have look like his word was collapsing at that time when his mom fell sick. Quite difficult for him to handle

Jamal did it, he made his mom proud at last despite all the odds against him. He's indeed a conqueror.
I enjoyed reading this. Good job

Came through #dreemport

Even with all the struggles Jamal was still strong. Nice story.

I almost cried reading this. It is always the darkest of nights that the brightest of stars become visible. Kudos to Jamal. #dreemerforlife 🌹

Jamal was really strong facing all those obstacles but still grinding on.

This is a story of grass to to grace, despite being faced with great challenges he never lost sight of what matters and kept grinding, though it also took the help of friends around him for Jamal to see his potentials. This is an amazing story of commitment, persistent and determination.

Pop in from #dreemport

hi @zino01. This was another inspiring tale, however, there are a few things you need to take note of if you want to improve your story writing, and garner more support for your posts. Your story was entirely narrative in form and this means that it lacked balance. It needed dialogue to drive the story forward and to reveal the characters and their relationships with each other. Dialogue would have drawn the reader in and to made them identify and empathise with your main character, Jamal. Take a look at some of the articles shared as links in the below post. If you work your way through the articles systematically and aim to incorporate what you learn about the art of story-telling from them, your writing will be elevated.

[Catalogue of fiction writing tips](

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Great story, I felt like I was right there every step of the way. Jamal would be part of the #dreemerforlife family for sure!