My Outfist for the Christmas dinner of the company where I work.✨️

in #hive-1729589 months ago


Hey hey Amigos.

Amigos les quiero compartir lo Diosa que estaba yo en la cena Navideña que organizó la empresa donde trabajo actualmente. Desde que nos dieron la ubicación del lugar donde se efectuaría el evento empecé a preocuparme muchísimo ya que es un lugar bastante elegante y muy bonito, por ende empecé a cuestionarme que me pondría para ese día. He de confesar que la última vez que compré ropa fue en Julio que compré una camisa y un pantalón que mande hacer, del resto no tenia ropa adecuada para ir a ese evento.

Tuve que hacer un sacrificio ya que todo lo que estaba ganando era para la casa y las fiestas Navideñas. Sin embargo me gane un bono en el trabajo por unos impulsos que ejecute por 2 meses. Me dieron 50$ y con eso pude comprárme un pantalón en 25$ y la camisa me costó 20 $ solo me sobro 5 $ que use en unas medias .

¿Que les pareció? Les gustó el Outfist?

Nos vemos en la próxima.

Hey hey friends.

Friends, I want to share with you how Goddess-like I was at the Christmas dinner organized by the company where I currently work. Since they gave us the location of the place where the event would take place I started to worry a lot since it is a very elegant and beautiful place, so I started to question what I would wear for that day. I must confess that the last time I bought clothes was in July when I bought a shirt and a pair of pants that I had made, the rest I didn't have the right clothes to go to that event.

I had to make a sacrifice since everything I was earning was for the house and Christmas parties. However, I did earn a bonus at work for some impulses that I executed for 2 months. They gave me $50 and with that I was able to buy a pair of pants for $25 and the shirt cost me $20 and I only had $5 left over that I used on some socks.

What did you think? Did you like the Outfist?

See you in the next one.


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