What's up everyone! Hope you all had a great week from wherever you're in the world. Mine was just fine, some chilling time with friends for Carnival, barbecue, slackline, skateboarding and a lot of work the past couple days.
Coé rapazeada! Espero que geral tenha tinha uma boa semana. A minha foi suave, curtindo em casa com os amigos durante o Carnaval, churrasquin, slackline, rolé de skate e muito trabalho nos últimos 2 dias. Cão ladra mas a caravana não para!
Switch Crooked
Today's video is from January 29th. Stuart, Arthur and I went to Rio to skate at Praça XV and in less than 45 minutes it was raining. We couldn't help ourselves but smoke some joints, drink a beer and be disappointed... we didn't expect Dinhero to host us, though.
O video de hoje é de 29 de janeiro. Eu, Stuart e Tuco descemo pra XV pra dar um rolé e em menos de 45 min já tava chovendo... ah verão! Ficamo tristin, só fumando os baseado, tomando a geladinha... Mas não contávamos que o Dinhero iria falar "cola pra cá, rapeize!"
I don't even have to describe how awesome it ended up being! We had a lot of fun, Igor and Pedro met us there later, everybody landed nice tricks and I learned the SS crooked seen above !
Preciso nem falar o quão foda foi! Gastamos nossa onda, Igor e Pedro colaram com a gente depois, geral voltou várias e aprendi o SS crooked do gifzin mais acima.
(Unsupported https://odysee.com/$/embed/edit_dinhero-x-soma/b1057766a3cfdd1aea05fa1be3f71f5204b27a05?r=ENqme8jzF1XCoEn7btuZcCQzBbsLXscq)