Searching for Switch kickflip in the back of my memories.🛹 👊 [Esp/Ing]

in #hive-17311510 months ago

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Hello Hive Community.
Welcome to another video for my channel, today I decided to start doing my Switch tricks, I chose Sw kickflip because it was one of the easiest ones, but today it became chaos.

Hola, Comunidad de Hive.
Bienvenidos a otro video para mi canal, hoy decidi empezar hacer mis trucos de Switch, elegi Sw kickflip porque era uno de los que hacia mas facil, pero hoy se volvio un caos.

I tried it a few days ago but it didn't work, I think my body is a little out of coordination when it comes to popping and scraping, because when I watch the video just when I try the sw kickflip I hit the pop and try to scrape at once and it doesn't come out.

Hace dias lo intente pero no me salio, creo que mi cuerpo esta algo descordinado a la hora de hacer pop y raspar, porque cuando veo el video justo cuando intento el sw kickflip pego el pop e intento raspar de una vez y no me sale.

At that moment there is the lack of coordination, I have to do the pop first and then scrape but I think it is because of the time without doing it that I lost the movement, I fell several but only one was the one that I liked. I have no choice but to continue training to get back to my muscle memory.

En ese momento esta la descordinacion, debo hacer el pop primero y despues raspar pero creo que es por el tiempo sin hacerlo que perdi el movimiento, cai varios pero solo uno fue el que me gusto. No me queda de otra que seguir entrenando para volver a mi memoria muscular.

Tropical ando cool jazz funk look - Taro

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This was a clean sw flip bro! It's true, if you don't do a trick for many months you "forget" it but it's so easy to remember tricks and the challenge of doing so is fun (most of the times haha)!