Tricks session with good friends🛹 👊 [Esp/Ing]

in #hive-17311517 days ago

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Hello, SKATEHIVE Community.
Welcome to another video for my channel, today I am happy, because I was sharing with good friends. So we agreed to try to do some back to backs of some tricks.

Hola, Comunidad de SKATEHIVE.
Bienvenidos a otro video para mi canal, el dia de hoy estoy contento, porque estuve compartiendo con buenos amigos. Asi que nos pusimos de acuerdo eh intentamos hacer algunos back to backs de algunos trucos.

I hope you enjoy it because I really enjoyed it a lot and I hope to continue unlocking tricks with my friends

Espero que lo disfruten porque de verdad que yo si lo disfrute mucho y espero seguir desbloqueando trucos con los compañeros

Every day I am feeling more comfortable with the 8.25 board, it's time to keep practicing

Cada dia me estoy sintiendo mas comodo con la tabla 8.25, toca seguir practicando

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