Quest for Stoken: Week 32 Speed Run

in #hive-17311510 months ago

Hello everyone at the SkateHive community! It's me @saydie and it has been a while since the OCD Boost Contest, highlighting SkateHive featuring Quest for Stoken which is a 2D platformer game intergraded with Hive Blockchain technology. And since, its been a while since I made a post about the game, I decided that I should probably made a follow- up post with my previous one specially when I made my fastest time ever since the game has been updated and have completed it within 12 minutes and 40 seconds. I might as well share my my tricks along each stage that might help everyone to complete the game and reach faster time so without further ado, let us proceed with the game.

Into the Game

  • Stage 1- 18s


Or should I say the tutorial stage was pretty much of a straight path that you need to traverse but it is quite long because you need to go to the 2nd floor to leave the stage by passing through the portals but if you skip the portal on the 1st floor, you will see a Shroom and by growing it, you can use it to jump higher and by it, you will be able to reach the 2nd floor and go to the portal immediately towards the next stage.

  • Stage 2- 10s

stage 2.png

Stage 2 was quite shorter than Stage 1 in terms of length but there was really no tricks into it. That said, you need to be careful because close to the end, there was a long void (don't know what to call it) which can kill you instantly if your jump was too short. There was a UFO projectile that will shoot you if you happen to land in the ground so it is preferable to land to the hanging bricks and jump towards the portal.

  • Stage 3- 18s


This stage was quite long and has the rails and the road where you can pass but it is better to use the rails since the path was straight and there were barely enemies you will encounter that you can easily escape even if they notice you. The road on the other hand was filled with enemies and it will be hard to avoid them all. There was a gun that I can use to shoot them but my aim is to finish the stage faster so using the road path was not an option.

  • Stage 4- 53s


The rails were also the optimal path for this stage but before that, I first took the gun on the below because the enemies here will mostly stalk me if I come close to them so better shoot them at long distance before they approach me. I will also use the gun in order to beat the boss at the front of museum cause it will be hard to bypass it without taking damage. I will also not pass through the portal to enter the hidden stages cause they would just increase my time.

  • Stage 5- 20s

stage 5.png

The museum has a straight path that you can cross but midway, there will be a tall wall that will hinder you with the obvious path filled with aliens and UFO's and at the same time, there was this not so obvious Shroom that you can grow to use it to jump to the brick and pass the wall. After this, it will be an easy ride as there will be no enemies until reaching the next stage.

  • Stage 6- 68s

stage 6.png

This was one of the newer stage so I am not quite used to it so sometimes, I have trouble in timing my jump and most of the path was filled with enemies so it is inevitable to defeat them. After this, you will see an arrow that will instruct you of the direction but I do not know if I just don't have the timing cause I was never able to reach of the top even when I use the Shroom to boost my jump. On the other hand, there was this other path were you can cross if you timed your jump or else fall into void and die instantly but when done right, will also serve as a good short cut.

  • Stage 7- 23s

stage 7.png

The beginning of this stage was the most difficult part of this stage because there was also a big void that when fell, can instantly die from it so you need to jump fast enough to land in the platform.

  • Stage 8- 93s


Stage 8 was an existing map from when I last played but with the update, the path has been reversed which makes it a lot harder to traverse. There was a shortcut with less enemies and has a straighter path but when I try to use it, there was an alien, to ambush me and prevented me from using the path so instead, I decided to use the more rough part and resulted me to received more damage. With very few health now, I decided to grow a weed tree to max my health before reaching the end of the stage.

  • Stage 9- 97s

stage 9.png

Currently, the most difficult path for me because of those big insects that throws projectiles. They are quite a pain to deal with because they will try to follow you but will throw ricocheting projectiles at a safe distance so you cannot beat them with the sword. At the beginning, instead of fighting the insect I tried to imprison him and fight the remaining of the enemies. The shades was essential into this because by pressing ctrl + v, you can throw it to press the switch.

stage 9b.png

After some point, I have reached Zeus and fighting him was easy but after that, there are more of this projectile- throwing insects. What I did this time was just to tank their damage and luckily, there were more weed tree to find in this stage so I just need to use them to gain my health back which might cause me some time but better than dying and restarting the stage.

  • Stage 10- 51s

stage 10.png

Due to some bad habits, before I know, I was getting the gun and the eye of the pyramid even though I can finish the stage without them and eat some time then I proceeded to traverse down the pyramid but this alien bumps on me and made me pissed to instead of continuing, I decided to kill it together with the rest of the enemies and this has caused me to lose some time.

  • Stage 11- 43s


Made some bad moves on this stage which has caused to almost die but this was supposed to be an easy and short stage. There was not much tricks I know to finish this stage quicker but if I did not make the mistake, I won't lose health and will finish the stage quicker.

  • Stage 12- 26s

stage 12.png

This stage seems to be yet unfinished and there was only 1 enemy that can easily avoided so I just slide through it with no problem and use the sunglass to activate the switch. I was close to dying so before I proceed to the next stage, I grow the weed tree first and max my health.

  • Stage 13- 53s

stage 13.png

There were lots of spikes on this stages which can instantly kills you in you step on them and there was also lots of darts to damage you. I got a little lost on my way and reach a dead end while at the same time, aggroed the insect so I need to lure it to me because the supposed path was throwing lots of darts and I would just receive lots of damage if I face them together. After this, there will be more spikes and darts to face but no more enemies to fight.

  • Stage 14- 172s

stage 14.png

At the beginning of this stage, you will be ambushed by 4 enemies and it was almost impossible to dodge them but I can also acquire the laser which I could use to defeat opponents at long distance which should make this stage supposedly more easier but I accidentally caught the attention of the projectile- throwing insect which forces me to confront it.

stage 15.png

I was able to defeat it but it cost me a lot of health and unfortunately, when I was going to the wallet to activate it, a random dart has killed me and makes me to restart the round. After this I make sure to not get the attention of the insect and I was able to finish the game.

And that was my attempt to speed run the Quest for Stoken. I was able to make some flawless runs on some stages but there was still a lot that I need to work on but I believed that beating the game on less than 10 mins was not an impossibility, would it be me that can make this a reality, I'm not sure but I hope that with this post, you will challenge yourself to finish the game with the shortest time possible.

That was all for this post. Thank you and see you at the next one!


congrats @saydie
you found all of the shortcuts. now i need to make more!

@thejajasper can you beat his time?