Announcing Skatehive Witness + 30 Hive Giveaway

in #hive-1731152 years ago

Thumbnail by @illusivelf

After more than 4 years on Steem Hive building a solid community of skateboarders and bringing action to the blockchain, Skatehive community decided to take it's next step to decentralization and we are more than stoked to announce that Skatehive witness is LIVE.

Running a witness node will help in further stabilizing and decentralizing Hive blockchain, raise awareness of Skatehive and earn us Hive rewards meaning more support to skateboarding content in our community.

Thanks to Hive witness and OG skater @mengao we were able to set everything up, keep the node running smooth and sign our first block on Tuesday 11-15-2022!


Why Vote For Skatehive Witness

We have shown our commitment to Hive non-stop for the past 4 years. We've organized HUGE online Games of S.K.A.T.E, giveaways, rewards for contests, events, and helping skaters buy new equipment and we're still here pushing!

We have a lively 800+ members Discord, 1000+ community members on Hive, solid presence in real life events events (e.g. I ❤️ XV 2022), parterships with projects like @gnars and @ocd and above all passion for building (e.g. Introducing Stoken, Quest For Stoken).

Some people already trusted us with their votes! If you wanna support what we are doing then the only thing you have to do is cast a vote on our witness and help us crack the rankings!

Vote via Hivesigner


from you favourite Hive front-end (Peakd,, Ecency etc.)


30 Hive Giveaway

To celebrate we're giving away 30 Hive to 3 lucky winners (10 Hive each). All you have to participate is to follow the instructions of the tweet bellow

Winners will be chosen randomly using 24h after giveway ends and Skatehive will contact winners on Twitter after publishing the results. Easy peazy right?

Thank you all for your support

Big thanks to our community for grinding the blockchain all these years, to all our partners and to everyone who contributed in any way! Love you all.

Cheers everyone and...



Join the Skatehive Discord to learn more about Skatehive, our goals, partners and of course connect with the community 👇

Find Skatehive On


Cant believe it! Glad to be part of this

Cheers broda!

donr, also voted for u in witness. pls select me

Already voting since day 1 hehe! Cheers Skatehive fam! To the moon!

You have my vote whenever I get home

Thank you Rilo ❤️❤️❤️


I gifted $PIZZA slices here:
@rilo(1/5) tipped @skatehive (x1)

Learn more at!

It’s truly amazing to see how far we’ve come! Looking forward to what the future brings us!

I we both know what the future will bring us! Lots of STOKE

Good shit man! Let me flip one of (see what I did there LOL) my votes from one to yours dude! Love the stuff I’ve been seeing here man, perfect timing to do this stuff. Bear markets are for building and when the bulls come out shit explodes!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for the support all those years @cmplxty ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️