Skatehive Weekly Community Meeting Recap (9/20/2022)

in #hive-1731152 years ago

What's up Skatehive Fam?

Our weekly community meetings in Skatehive Discord are going strong and we know lots of you wish to join but don't have the time so starting from today and every Tuesday we'll be sharing a "Skatehive Community Meeting Recap" so you don't miss out on what was discussed.

Skatehive Community Meetings happen every Monday inside Skatehive Discord and everyone is welcomed to join, get to know each other better and talk about how we are gonna take over the world using our skates and brains hehe!

Skatehive Community Meeting Recap (9/20/2022)


Yesterday's meeting was so much fun as a few new faces joined the chat, connected with each other and talked about lots of different topics regarding the future of Skatehive

📑 Topics of Discussion

  1. New community Edit
  2. Gnars introduction and proposal
  3. App ideas
  4. Skatehive DAO progress
  5. Dework Tasks Organization


1) Community Edit



Ask Skatehive community to send us footage in #Community-edit channel inside Skatehive Discord,gather that footage and edit them into one full-length y November 1. The deadline for submitting clips will be October 10th. More detailed post about community edit coming the next couple days.

Community members in charge

Editor : @stickchumpion
Footage Curating and Gathering : @homelesscrewmx
Uploads/text : @knowhow92

Feel like watching our latest community edit?

2) Gnars introduction and proposal


We introduced GNARS project to everyone attended the meeting, talked about the synergy between GNARS and Skatehive and explored the possibilities of a Skatehive Proposal to GNARS DAO that will benefit both parties.

3) App Ideas


Though partnership with Skatehype didn't go that well we learnt lots of things and we are already working on a replacement app solution as fast as we can.

Lots of ideas on the table but only one Token to fuel them all, STOKEN! We discussed lots of app related-stuff like costs, work hours, UI etc. as well as talked about STOKENomics hehe!

More details about Stoken and future app to be announced in the future.

4) Skatehive DAO Progress


As we are transitioning into a DAO we wanna make sure we are as much transparent as we can with the community so we showed everyone our progress. This includes our "Safes" in different blockchains, list of authorized wallets, proposal voting plans and more.

5) Dework Tasks Organization


Dework is one little awesome tool for DAO communities to use as it allows community leaders to add bounties inside their Discord groups and pay contributors with crypto directly via Dework once bounty is complete.

We showed our community how Dework works, how they can start earning crypto by getting involved with building Skatehive and had some fun delivering tasks to anyone interested.

This concludes this "Skatehive Community Meeting Recap"

Keep an eye on the "Events" channel inside Skatehive's Discord server so you don't miss our on any meeting or event!

Join the Skatehive Discord to learn more about Skatehive, our goals, partners and of course connect with the community 👇

About Skatehive

SkateHive is the house of Web 3.0 skateboarders and our goal is to onboard skaters and "extreme" artists in the blockchain world.

SkateHive is built on top of decentralized platforms that allow us to own our accounts, our communities, which means that instead of allowing others to advertise on our content to generate value, we tokenize interactions, allowing us to retain value generated by our content, to be sold on the free market in the form of cryptocurrency.

Find Skatehive On



Big ups to anyone tuning in! Awesome meeting!


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LFG fam!! 🚀🚀🚀

Let's build brother 💪💪💪

That is doing the homework!

Always Vlad haha

I wish I could’ve made it.. Glad to see the collaboration with Gnars, STOKEnomics debate and will try to sync on the next call to participate! Great work guys, keep shredding 🔥

See ya at the next one bro!