Atlantminati: Secret Society, Deception Atlanteans, A Gods Unchained deck guide

in #hive-1732862 years ago

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Atlantminati: Secret Society, Deception Atlanteans


Atlanteans are a tribe that has been around since genesis, and with Etherbots getting looked at again may easily become a stronger prospect in all players decks. The God of Deception is attuned to Atlanteans and synergizes very well with it's Core God-Specific atlantean cards. Most of this deck can be "altered to fit" but below are some key pieces that are necessary for the most deadly deception Atlantean experience.


Key Atlanteans: Tribal Synergy

Undertow Rover: This card is insane! Adding divine shield to one of you units each turn can amount to some crazy plays. Divine shielding a hidden Atlantean or a boost walker boosted creature can be exactly what you are looking for.


Boost Walker: This card is a staple in every Atlantean deck. +2/+2 and twin strike being added to any atlantean is serious value for a 4/4 4. Even if it has burn 1 and will die overtime. A must have for Atlantean decks.


Amphora:This card is instrumental in the early game, and available in core so it isn't hard to get your hands on. As a 0/2 1 with frontline this can block a lot of early annoying aggro. Drawing a card and progressing your deck is crucial for maintaining board dominance or control.


Windup- Roller: A 3/2 2 cost where both players draw a card. Essential card draw and very nice in almost every atlantean deck.



Other Notable Synergistic Atlanteans for Deception:

Smoke Bomb: This creature grants stealth, so ideally you would want to run serious agression and use this to stealth your buffed creatures. A bit unwieldy but can work out quite well.


Thaumnetic Golem: A 6/6 6 with hidden AND buffs each Atlantean's attack by 1 at the end of your turn. This is a lot of value but is a tad late game. It should also be noted that "Lightning strike" from nature can take out this card and make your 6 mana use feel very sad. There is a reason I usually only run one of these.


Devouring Golem: This creature is a 4/5 5 cost with twinstrike that gains +3/+3 at the start of your turn and destroys a random Atlantean. This card benefits GREATLY from being hidden or having it's "sacrifice" be hidden from enemy removal. Once this card gets going it's monstrous, even as a 5 drop it's stats are more than fair.



Overall Strategy: Hidden Threats and Removal

This particular deck list runs a lot of early and mid range removal. That coupled with ample card draw for the early game allows for decision removal or aggresion. There are a few key points of strategy that MAKE OR BREAK this deck that I will go over here. There are certain spells that are very crucial to play using deception in the current meta (at least generally). You can see in this video the apropriate use of three is a crowd and various removal in this short 4 minute victory. Stone skin, umber arrow, rapture dance, and hunting trap are a MUST. Those offer key removal for deception that is hard to find in any other cards.



Other Atlantean Decks? Yes They're Coming

I will be posting about other Atlantean decks and how they fare in the meta, next up is either war or magic. As they have the next most synergy currently with my collection. Worthy deck iterations will be posted here for fun and wins. This tribe is one of my favorite tribes so far, despite not being all that "meta" most of the time.



Deck Rating: Fun and Effective

Deception Atlanteans are fun and effective, there is enough card draw so this deck can be played aggro or midrange. I personally enjoy more midrange which this deck archtype can also accommodate. If you want to see the specific list I used and how it's doing currently (including meta edits). You can click my GUDecks link here. On average it is usually a 65 percent to 70 percent winrate, but is edited to account for meta at difficulty tiers (hunting traps added, high arc removed, etc.). I will also be posting more to youtube aswell as 3speak once I develop the art for the channel there. Likely a longer form voice over guide with commentary and quips, but for now enjoy this raw 4 minute victory. It was particularly spicy.



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You just made me want to give Atlanteans a try. Good luck to me!

Good luck to you indeed! Atlanteans are always worth a try. Fun but not the most meta. Cheers, thanks for stopping by

You're welcome and have a nice day ahead.

Atlants! Hell yays! So awesome to see another fan of the best tribe in GU. I really liked that you went over Devouring Golem; it's a favorite card of mine and I actually hadn't ever thought of using it in deception to make use of Cheat to hid it. So will def be trying that out!

There's a whole discord full of Atlant lovers that I don't see you as a member of, assuming this username is also your discord name. Here's an invite, it'd be great to have you there!

I do enjoy Atlanteans greatly, despite them not seeing the most love compared to anubians or Olympians. Cheers! I'll have to check it out. Always nice to meet other Atlantean fanatics

I used to play that, still got a bunch of cards. Know anyone buying?

I might be interested depending on what they are, but if you list em they would probably go. Thanks for stopping by man.

I didnt consider Atlantean until now,but looks like you have some good combos available.

Atlanteans have synergy, worth a try. It won't be as effective as aggro war or nature though. Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate the comment. Cheers!

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