Ráfaga de luz / Burst of light - Cheap aggro light deck 🇪🇸 🇺🇸

in #hive-173286last year

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Ráfaga de luz

Antes de la baraja aggro light, estuve probando los arquetipos order light y olympian light y aunque estos arquetipos también son muy efectivos dependen de cartas algo más caras para tener una buena sinergia, la baraja superaría la barrera de los 5 dólares y entonces no estaría cumpliendo mi objetivo principal de presentar una baraja económica con la que poder avanzar empezando en el juego.

Como cualquier otro arquetipo aggro, aggro light es una baraja rápida que se centra en el uso de criaturas de bajo coste para inundar el tablero con cartas que se complementan entre sí con una buena sinergia en la que las criaturas van mejorando a medida que avanza la partida, además es una baraja muy efectiva y fácil de jugar.

A continuación comparto con vosotros mi baraja aggro light con la que he conseguido avanzar hasta Solar Gold.


Deck code:


Cartas clave del mazo

  • Radiant Dawn. Cada criatura amiga gana +1/+1 y pierde el sueño. Cuesta 3 de mana
  • Humble Benefactor. Eco. Rugido: Da +1 de salud a una criatura amiga. 1 de ataque y 1 de vida por 1 de mana.
  • Protective Benediction. Por 4 puntos de mana da dos de los siguientes efectos a cada criatura amiga con fuerza 2 o menos: +1 armadura, frontline, protegido, o +2 salud.
  • Felid Janissary. Rugido: Da +1/+1 a una criatura amiga. 2 puntos de ataque, 2 de vida y 2 de mana.
  • Inquisitor Informant. Rugido: Da orden +3 a una criatura enemiga. 2 puntos de ataque, 3 de vida y 2 de mana

Puntos fuertes:

1. Buena relación coste-eficacia. 
2. Relativamente fácil de jugar.
3. Versátil, puede contrarestar una variedad de estrategias diferentes. 


1. Vulnerable al control y al late game.
2. predecible.

Posibles mejoras:

Algunas cartas que podríamos añadir al mazo para intentar mejorarlo serían:

  • Asterius, Glittering One. Frontline. Rugido: Las criaturas amigas con fuerza 2 o menos obtienen +2/+2. 4 de ataque y 6 de vida por 6 puntos de mana.
  • Chaining of the Gods. Elige dos: La criatura más fuerte gana -3/-2. La criatura más débil gana +2/+3. Cada criatura gana +1/+1. Cuesta 4 puntos de mana.

Burst of light

Before the aggro light deck, I was testing the order light and olympian light archetypes and although these archetypes are also very effective they depend on somewhat more expensive cards to have a good synergy, the deck would exceed the 5 dollar barrier and then I would not be fulfilling my main objective of presenting an economic deck with which you can advance starting in the game.

Like any other aggro archetype, aggro light is a fast deck that focuses on the use of low cost creatures to flood the board with cards that complement each other with a good synergy in which the creatures are improved as the game progresses, it is also a very effective and easy to play deck.

Next I share with you my aggro light deck with which I have managed to advance to Solar Gold.


Deck code:


Key cards of the deck

  • Radiant Dawn. All friendly creatures gain +1/+1 and lose sleep. Costs 3 mana
  • Humble Benefactor. Echo. Roar: Give +1 health to a friendly creature. 1 attack and 1 life for 1 mana.
  • Protective Benediction. For 4 mana, give two of the following effects to each friendly creature with power 2 or less: +1 armor, frontline, protected, or +2 health.
  • Felid Janissary. Roar: Give +1/+1 to a friendly creature. 2 attack, 2 life, and 2 mana.
  • Inquisitor Informant. Roar: Give +3 order to an enemy creature. 2 attack, 3 life, and 2 mana.


1. Good cost-effectiveness. 
2. Relatively easy to play.
3. Versatile, can counter a variety of different strategies. 


1. Vulnerable to control and late game.
2. predictable.

Possible improvements:

Some cards we could add to the deck to try to improve it would be:

  • Asterius, Glittering One. Frontline. Roar: Friendly creatures with power 2 or less gain +2/+2. 4 attack and 6 life for 6 mana.
  • Chaining of the Gods. Choose two: The strongest creature gains -3/-2. The weakest creature gains +2/+3. Every creature gains +1/+1. Costs 4 mana.


▶️ 3Speak


Glad to see this deck is working for you! It's a really tight list - all 2xs! - and you can't beat the price.

Thanks, yes it is very tight but each card has something to contribute and that generates synergy.
The next deck will be death, the most difficult of all to make an economic deck, but I will try to achieve something useful for this God with a low budget.


Did you hear about the claustrophobic astronaut?
He just needed a little space.

Credit: reddit
@darthgexe, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of gameexp


Congratulations on advancing to solar gold using the deck 63.9% is a very high win-rate, the percentage may seem just above 60 but if you are going to count the victory against defeat it is very impressive.

Thank you very much, yes, it is a quite high winrate but we have to take into account that there are relatively few games, even so I think it can be maintained above 50% without any problems.

You're welcome. I hope to build a light deck soon!

@darthgexe, sorry to see that you have less Hive Power.
Your level lowered and you are now a Red Fish!

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