My Weekend Ranked Battles #4 (Gods Unchained)

in #hive-17328611 months ago

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My Weekend Ranked Battles #4


Después de un fin de semana terrible la semana pasada, pude reinventarme y mejorar mi participación este fin de semana. Esta vez, logré 12 victorias y avancé hasta la liga Solar Gold, aunque no pude mantenerme mucho tiempo allí.

Esta vez, ajusté mi mazo Aggro Light para hacerlo un poco más competitivo y creo que lo he conseguido. Por supuesto, puedo seguir mejorandolo, pero vamos poco a poco.


Te compatire algunas de mis victorias:

Batalla 1, vs Aggro Death:

En esta partida, comencé con un buen draw, con un Empyrean Pacifist acompañado de cartas de coste bajo. Afortunadamente, mi adversario no pudo o no quiso eliminar mi Empyrean Pacifist con un hechizo, en veze de eso, se equipó un Necroscepter (yo tenía a mano un Vesper of Concession). Sin embargo, después de eliminar su arma, mi adversario jugó Sulfuric Rain, aplicando quemadura a mis esbirros.

Mantuve el control del tablero sacrificando mis esbirros quemados y usando mi poder para invocar acólitos. De esta forma, tendría cartas para reaccionar a lo que viniera. Pero la partida no se alargaría. Proteji mis esbirros con Protective Benediction y mi adversario no reaccionó. Dejando mis esbirros con vida, listos para hacer KO en el siguiente turno.

Batalla 2, vs Ramp Magic:

Comencé la partida con cautela. El mago es un dios al que respeto mucho. Intenté apoyarme en mi poder para invocar acólitos y así no gastar mis cartas tan rápidamente. Sin embargo, vi la oportunidad de invocar a un Empyrean Pacifist junto a 3 esbirros más de coste 1 y llenar el tablero. Solo esperaba que no acabara con mi Empyrean Pacifist en este turno, los otros tres esbirros tenían protect.

Afortunadamente, el mago bloqueó con un Guild Enforcer y no utilizó ningún hechizo para dañar mis esbirros. Utilicé Protective Benediction para darle armadura y más puntos de vida a mis esbirros y así mantenerlos con vida para el siguiente turno. Tuve la suerte de robar un Radiant Dawn que me ayudó a eliminar el Guild Enforcer y tomar control total del tablero. Mis esbirros resistían los hechizos del mago y mantenían el control haciendo daño a la cara del mago.

Hasta que el mago logró limpiar la mesa, quedando con vida solo mi Empyrean Pacifist. Me apoyé en mi poder para invocar acólitos y retomar el control del tablero, mientras que el mago buscaba maneras de curarse y protegerse. Pero logré robar un segundo Radiant Dawn para buffear mis esbirros y poder seguir haciendo daño. Luego, el mago jugó un Ember Oni, pero este no logró acabar con mis esbirros y no le cura lo suficiente para aguantar mi siguiente ataque.

Batalla 3, vs Aggro War:

Al principio, estaba muy contento de haber robado 2 Empyrean Pacifist. Pero luego de que mi adversario jugara su esbirro 3/3, me di cuenta que jugarlos en el primer turno solo sería sacrificarlos, así que decidí esperar. En el segundo turno, los invoqué esperando que al menos uno de los dos quedase con vida. Afortunadamente, mi adversario dejó ambos con vida y luego pude potenciarlos con más puntos de vida a la vez que llenaba el tablero con esbirros de coste bajo.

Mi adversario cometía el error de ignorar mis esbirros y enfocarse en hacerme daño directo (lo que también le causaba daño a él). Y luego, tomé control total del tablero, mejoré mis esbirros con Radiant Dawn y el adversario ya estaba condenado.

My Weekend Ranked Battles #4


After a terrible weekend last week, I was able to reinvent myself and improve my performance this weekend. This time, I managed 12 wins and advanced to the Solar Gold league, although I couldn't stay there for long.

This time, I adjusted my Aggro Light deck to make it a bit more competitive and I think I've achieved it. Of course, I can keep improving it, but let's go step by step.


I will share with you 3 of my victories:

Battle 1, vs Aggro Death:

In this game, I started with a good draw, with an Empyrean Pacifist accompanied by low-cost cards. Fortunately, my opponent could not or did not want to remove my Empyrean Pacifist with a spell, instead equipping a Necroscepter (I had a Vesper of Concession in hand). However, after removing his weapon, my opponent played Sulfuric Rain, applying burn to my minions.

I kept control of the board by sacrificing my burned minions and using my power to summon acolytes. This way, I would have cards to react to whatever came. But the game would not last long. I protected my minions with Protective Benediction and my opponent did not react. Leaving my minions alive, ready to KO in the next turn.

Battle 2, vs Ramp Magic:

I started the game cautiously. The mage is a god that I respect a lot. I tried to rely on my power to summon acolytes and not spend my cards so quickly. However, I saw the opportunity to summon an Empyrean Pacifist along with 3 more 1-cost minions and fill the board. I just hoped he wouldn't end my Empyrean Pacifist this turn, the other three minions had protect.

Fortunately, the mage blocked with a Guild Enforcer and did not use any spell to damage my minions. I used Protective Benediction to give my minions armor and more health to keep them alive for the next turn. I was lucky to draw a Radiant Dawn that helped me eliminate the Guild Enforcer and take total control of the board. My minions resisted the mage's spells and maintained control by dealing damage to the mage's face.

Until the mage managed to clear the board, leaving only my Empyrean Pacifist alive. I relied on my power to summon acolytes and regain control of the board, while the mage looked for ways to heal and protect himself. But I managed to draw a second Radiant Dawn to buff my minions and keep dealing damage. Then, the mage played an Ember Oni, but it failed to finish off my minions and did not heal him enough to withstand my next attack.

Battle 3, vs Aggro War:

At first, I was very happy to have drawn 2 Empyrean Pacifists. But after my opponent played his 3/3 minion, I realized that playing them on the first turn would only be to sacrifice them, so I decided to wait. On the second turn, I summoned them hoping that at least one of the two would survive. Fortunately, my opponent left both of them alive and then I could power them up with more health while filling the board with low-cost minions.

My opponent made the mistake of ignoring my minions and focusing on dealing direct damage to me (which also caused damage to him). And then, I took total control of the board, improved my minions with Radiant Dawn, and the opponent was already doomed.


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12 wins is amazing! Nice job. As for me, I only won 10 games.

10 wins is also a good.

Oh, sorry, let me correct myself, I only won 7 this weekend. It was last week when I won 10.