My Weekend Ranked Battles #8 (Gods Unchained)

in #hive-1732869 months ago

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My Weekend Ranked Battles #8


Este fin de semana volví a utilizar mi mazo Zoo Light, un mazo que he estado jugando desde hace varias semanas. A pesar de tener un winrate positivo, no fue suficiente para obtener packs de la nueva expansión. Sin embargo, sí pude disfrutar de algunas batallas interesantes, que les comparto a continuación.

Batalla 1, vs Aggro War:

En la primera batalla, me enfrenté a un mazo Aggro War. Pude invocar dos Olympian Guards al inicio de la partida, gracias a que mi adversario pasó el primer turno. Uno de ellos no sobrevivió por mucho tiempo, pero el otro me sirvió para defender y así poder invocar a un Imperian Pacifist de forma relativamente segura.

A medida que avanzaba la partida, fui mejorando mi Imperian Pacifist a la vez que invocaba más esbirros y llenaba el campo de batalla. Mi adversario trató de jugar sus cartas, pero estas no sobrevivían un solo turno. Finalmente, logré mejorar todos mis esbirros y controlar completamente el board, mi adversario nunca retomó el control del mismo.

Batalla 2, vs Anubian Death:

En la segunda batalla, me enfrenté a un mazo Anubian Death. Nuevamente comencé invocando un Olympian Guard que se volvería más fuerte a medida que pasaran los turnos. Mientras tanto, fui invocando otros esbirros que se escudaban detrás de él. Mi adversario también invocó algunas criaturas, pero no las dejé sobrevivir más de un turno.

El enemigo también cometió el error de equiparse un arma sin tomar en cuenta que había un Vesper of Concession en mi lado del campo. Esto hizo que su arma solo durara un turno. A partir de aquí, la batalla ya estaba decidida. Además del daño que hacían mis esbirros, el daño que se realizaba mi adversario con su poder de héroe aceleraba la partida. Me di cuenta de que tenía en la mesa los puntos de ataque necesarios para hacer KO a mi adversario, así que fui por su cabeza.

Batalla 3, vs Control Nature:

La tercera batalla fue la más interesante de todas. Me enfrenté a un mazo Control Nature. En múltiples ocasiones, aparentemente tenía el control de la batalla. Sin embargo, mi adversario solo estaba jugando conmigo. Recuperaba grandes cantidades de vida o limpiaba la mesa en el momento justo. Fue una batalla larga e interesante, pero imposible de ganar a pesar de haber utilizado todos mis recursos.

My Weekend Ranked Battles #8


This weekend I played my Zoo Light deck again, a deck I've been playing for several weeks. Despite having a positive winrate, it wasn't enough to get packs from the new expansion. However, I did get to enjoy some interesting battles, which I'll share with you below.

Battle 1, vs Aggro War:

In the first battle, I faced an Aggro War deck. I was able to summon two Olympian Guards at the beginning of the game, thanks to my opponent passing the first turn. One of them didn't survive for long, but the other served to defend and thus I was able to summon an Imperian Pacifist relatively safely.

As the game progressed, I improved my Imperian Pacifist while summoning more minions and filling the battlefield. My opponent tried to play their cards, but they didn't survive a single turn. Finally, I managed to improve all my minions and completely control the board, my opponent never regained control of it.

Battle 2, vs Anubian Death:

In the second battle, I faced an Anubian Death deck. Again, I started by summoning an Olympian Guard that would get stronger as the turns went by. Meanwhile, I was summoning other minions that hid behind him. My opponent also summoned some creatures, but I didn't let them survive more than a turn.

The enemy also made the mistake of equipping a weapon without taking into account that there was a Vesper of Concession on my side of the field. This made his weapon only last one turn. From this point on, the battle was already decided. In addition to the damage my minions were doing, the damage my opponent was doing to himself with his hero power accelerated the game. I realized that I had the attack points needed to KO my opponent, so I went for his head.

Battle 3, vs Control Nature:

The third battle was the most interesting of all. I faced a Control Nature deck. On multiple occasions, I apparently had control of the battle. However, my opponent was only playing with me. He recovered large amounts of life or cleared the board at the right moment. It was a long and interesting battle, but impossible to win despite having used all my resources.


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Control Nature is always a good deck archetype I to always having a hard time beating it using my Aggro Nature deck.

I don't have much experience playing control decks, but they are generally very strong, they give a lot of problems if I don't defeat them in time with my aggro decks.

Same here, it is my perennial problem against control, if you don't kill them at 6-7 mana you'll be in trouble.

buenas peleas me ubiera gustado que coloques una copia o una imagen de tu mazo para ver si me sirve para mejorar mi mazo

Claro, no hay problema. Aquí está el mazo que usé:
Zoo Light