Zombie Death is amazing [ ENG | ESP ]

in #hive-1732862 years ago

Gods Unchained - Zombie Death is amazing.png

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For the last month I have been playing exclusively with two gods: Elyrian and Lysander. Specifically, a sort of control/midrange with the mage and light aggro. Although I have relatively good results in the daily P&E and Weekend Ranked with those two I was encouraged to put together a very different deck with which, to my pleasant surprise, I have had an incredible performance. I can say that Zombie Death is amazing.

Zombie has always been a special archetype for me (especially annoying), and it was the first one I met when I started playing Gods Unchained almost a year ago. So I put together an incomplete deck, very basic, played a few games and bought some additional cards, and made some adjustments. Finally I had an optimal result and, best of all, at a very low cost.


Por el último mes he estado jugando exclusivamente con dos dioses: Elyrian y Lysander. Concretamente, una especie de control/midrange con el mago y luz aggro. A pesar de que tengo resultados relativamente buenos en el daily P&E y el Weekend Ranked con esos dos me animé a armar un deck muy diferente con el que, para mi grata sorpresa, he tenido un desempeño increíble. Puedo decir que Zombie Death es increíble.

Para mí el de zombis siempre ha sido un arquetipo especial (especialmente molesto), y fue el primero que conocí al empezar a jugar Gods Unchained hace casi un año. Así que me armé un mazo incompleto, muy básico, jugué algunas partidas y compré unas carticas adicionales, fui haciéndole ajustes. Finalmente tuve un resultado óptimo y, lo mejor, a muy bajo costo.


With that deck of just over 30 USD was enough for me to beat opponents with much better options and climb back to Mythic, from Ethereal Diamond, where I had been stuck for a couple of days. It still has many possible adjustments I could make to it, but I have no doubt that, despite the time and the evolutions that the meta has had in all these months, the zombie archetype is still something that holds up very well. I could even say that nowadays it is much better thanks to MJ cards like Curse of Greed, which give it a plus to have more control in the field.

Con ese deck de poco más de 30 USD me bastó para vencer a contrincantes con opciones mucho mejores y escalar nuevamente hasta Mythic, desde Ethereal Diamond, donde llevaba un par de días atascado. Aún tiene muchos posibles ajustes que podría hacerle, pero no tengo dudas de que, a pesar del tiempo y las evoluciones que el meta ha tenido en todos estos meses, el arquetipo de zombis sigue siendo algo que se mantiene muy bien. Incluso podría decir que hoy día es mucho mejor gracias a cartas de MJ como Curse of Greed, que le dan un plus para tener mayor control en el campo.

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If played well, you will never run out of creatures. I think this is the biggest advantage of zombies. Your opponent will have to spend resources every turn to destroy creatures that, with a good combination of Cursed Obelisks and Necroscepter, will fill half the field again. Then it will be enough to play an Overseer of Vitality or Corpse Explosion at the right moment to end a game that could be getting complicated.

Speaking again of Overseer of Vitality, it is a fundamental tool that demonstrates the multifunctionality of several of the cards of this archetype. Well played, it can clear the opponent's field of all those creatures with two health or less, regardless of whether they have divine shield, hidden or ward, while buffing the creatures themselves. Likewise, Netherswarm Lord also fulfills the function of buffing and allows to draw extra cards, ideal for those complicated games in which an extra card can make the difference.


Si se juega bien, jamás te quedarás sin criaturas. Creo que esta es la mayor ventaja de los zombis. Tu oponente sí o sí tendrá que gastar recursos en cada turno para destruir criaturas que, con una buena combinación entre Cursed Obelisks y Necroscepter, volverán a llenar medio campo. Entonces bastará con jugar un Overseer of Vitality o Corpse Explosion en el momento indicado para acabar con una partida que pudiera estar complicándose.

Hablando otra vez de Overseer of Vitality, es una herramienta fundamental que demuestra la multifuncionalidad de varias de las cartas de este arquetipo. Bien jugado, puede limpiar el campo del rival de todas esas criaturas con dos de salud o menos, sin importar si tienen divine shield, hidden o ward, a la vez que buffea a las criaturas propias. Asimismo, Netherswarm Lord también cumple la función de buffear y permite robar cartas extra, ideal para esas partidas complicadas en las que una carta adicional puede marcar la diferencia.


Undoubtedly Necroscepter is the best of this deck; the crucial and irreplaceable piece, and taking two is ideal. It is a machine to create annoying creatures, which also allow us to heal ourselves, and subtract favors from the opponent, so it will also cost him more to play with the sanctuary.

Sin dudas Necroscepter es lo mejor de este deck; la pieza crucial e irremplazable, y llevar dos es lo ideal. Es una máquina de crear criaturas molestas, que además nos permiten curarnos, y restarle favores al rival, por lo cual también le costará más jugar con el santuario.

Separador HIVE - Gods Unchained.png


Basically, although it seems obvious, without zombies you can't play Zombie Death. If the draw doesn't benefit you, or in the middle of the game you lose both Cursed Obelisks, Necroscepter or the Arch of Amenmose, it's probably finished. They are the engines of this deck. However, that is a very extreme situation, it would be unusual for that to happen.


Básicamente es que, aunque parezca obvio, sin zombis no se puede jugar Zombie Death. Si el draw no te beneficia, o en medio del trámite de la partida llegas a perder los dos Cursed Obelisks, Necroscepter o al Arch of Amenmose muy probablemente esté acabado. Son los motores de este deck. Sin embargo, esa es una situación muy extrema, sería poco usual que pasara.


Juan Pavón Antúnez


Translated with the help of DeepL || Traducido con la ayuda de DeepL

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This is a really clean deck list. I've been looking for a list that really works well with Arch, and I think this is it. Thanks for sharing! I've been running big nethers with over the line. I like it, but this will definitely add some variety.

Thank you! Over The Line is a great card. I would love to find out how to attach it to this deck.

If played well, you will never run out of creatures. I think this is the biggest advantage of zombies.

Indeed, it can fill the board of creatures in just a single turn, which to be honest annoys me a lot whenever I go up against Zombie Death. (^_^)

For the opponent it's annoying, but when you're the one with the zombies it's a delight when that happens.

Indeed, and I agree, it is a delight (^_^)

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Agregaré la carta "Overseer of Vitality" en mis batallas, se ve buena.👍👍👍

Para la mayoría de los mazos Death de control o mediorango es una criatura perfecta. 👌

Well, congrats on reaching Mythic again but the real hustle I believe is to sustain there and perform great at the weekend event! The deck looks really solid and I really like the fact that is quite cheap and maybe I would give it a try! Thanks for sharing mate!

What do you call an island populated entirely by cakes?

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Congratulations on returning to Mythic! Zombies has great potential. The slightest buff can make them the top archetype of Mythic so I am ready to harvest leggies any moment 🙂 I am content with aggro Deception currently, this is why I don't play zombies myself.

Necronomics is an interesting addition to zombies. It gives you an extra turn. For example, on turn 3 + pip, you can drop Cursed Obelisks, Necroscepter, and use god power to get frenzied.

I just checked Necronomics. It looks like a very interesting card, although a bit expensive. Maybe it will be my next target after I collect some GODS.