Reaching Top 5! On Control Light (18/20) Over Weekends - $32.83 USD Budget Deck

in #hive-1732862 years ago

Hey Guys!



How was my grind this weekend? (please skip for deck content)

Here we are in our beautiful Weekend Ranked Event! And man, I just wish this could be the whole week like this haha. However, with these new features the Awesome Dev team has been working on GU, seems like soon there will be even a way to earn $GODS daily!

Alright in this early weekend, I've been playing Control Light! I got derranked and got pissed haha. Couldn't get a lot of wins through my official 25 matches. It's crazy, cause I feel like sometimes I have to be pissed in order to perform my best!

Just remembered this guy here, young Yusuke
Urameshi.. He also has to get beat up/get pissed
to surpass his limits!

However guys, after being beat up so hard this really pushed me towards new levels! Not only I came up with a pretty nice uptaded version of my deck (90%) wich I'll be sharing soon, with even more solid winrate, but I was able to rank all way up to mythics and beyond! Haha and I mean waaay beyond.

Hell yeah dude GU is cool as it looks! A F2P player can get to the top 5 on weekends guys!

This really brings me the feeling of realization guys. You see, I really love TCG since a child and GU is giving me more than I ever wondered for just making what I love.. This fills my heart with joy man, and I kind of somewhat get some of my Hope on Humanity back! 😂

Also shouts out to Masterclass5 right there right above me, the man is like a GU dynossaur.. Have you guys seen his User ID??? And I noticed lately, my winpoints stats are better than they were before.. As I understand, the more we have the better is is right?

And here is the graph of my grind to you guys, that last line over there going up happens to be just the one I got to top 5 right there, and the one wich the deck in this post is reffered to! So, you guys still have plenty of time to grind, this is a cheap deck feel free to use it and claim 18w+ rewards!



Control Light Deck Updated!


The matches went out like this:

Opp GodMatch NumbersWinrate x God Archetype
War (Auros)8 - 8W/0L100% - Aggro, Control, F.A.
Death (Malissus)5 - 5W/0L100% - Zombie, Midrange
Light (Thaeriel)4 - 3W/1L75% - Control Light
Nature (Aeona)3 - 2W/1L66% - Aggro, Midrange

Ok guys, so I tested out a lot of card combinations and I mean A LOT haha. Really spammed Thaeriel these days as I think he's strong, and I myself am actually going to do an Investiment on an NFT on Gods Unchained collection! So I happen to not have all the ca$h I want right now on IMX, but that is not a problem for us F2P..

Wich also is very cool to me, to be able to invest in a crypto game without EVER spending even 1c of my money.


The Deck Breakdown I made is pretty good I guess about the cards so, today I'll bring you guys the card alterations and general playstyle wich I did not mention!

General Playstyle

Alright guys, we're running an "Control" type deck and I just think the most appropriate God Spell should be:

Summon Acolyte

Man this tool made by @kephler is so good and easy to use, I am using diamonds for all non-buyable cards in my posts hahahaha.

This god spell is very very op guys. You can flex it your way, filling the board with acolytes to fight for you defending your board, attacking opponent face or creatures! Even favor can be gathered with these. I sued to think this was not worth it for being 3 mana, but once I got used I just cannot play without it. Even when facing war.

Card Alterations

Easy one here.. took out Vanguard Axewoman x2 (WTF mate, have you gone mad?) NO.


In exchange of:

Dryder Sailweaver x2


Straight up one change here, but the effectiveness is very very high boys and gals trust me! You'll be amazed. This card can hold itself so good, yet having great stats, I think the fact that they only made it accessible (nowadays) for light is very OP and underrated.

Asides that, most of the times I would just spend both of my Vanguards to populate the board so.. If that is the mean, than this one's just happens to be better at it!


End Notes

That is what I had to brind today guys, I hope we got a good grind in this aweasome and inspiring game that GU is! I'l be recording soon some videos and who know I'll be able to get my NFT to show you? haha. Let's get em' 💪

Thanks on your time for reading my post, and all of you who have been here with me along my journey. I'm much appreciated! Wish you guys a great saturday and cya soon!




Wait I'm confused, what did you end up getting for weekend wins? Also, not sure if you got the deck from the same guy as me from Reddit, but I had a ran a very similar deck last couple of weekends; only achieved 14 wins but the guy from Reddit got 19 and 22.

Brother what are you consfused about? Also what are you meaning? I started that deck from the scratch so... What does my rewards got to do with this?.. It happens so that I'm the one confused now 😂.

I was asking how you did for the Weekend Ranked Event?

Yay! 🤗
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Amazing result! Congratulations!

Deck is cheap and powerful. Good skills are needed for such results too probably. You probably have it in your blood as you said you loved such games since you are a kid.

What app do you use for recording videos? Maybe, I should start posting videos too...

Happy to read those words bro :). Well I have some skills of mine maybe haha 😂 we all do.. maybe is just effort!

My man, I use for recording! It has a built-in tool right after recording, in wich you can trim your video it is totally free, and there's even a Google Chrome/Brave extension! I think for firefox and safari there might be too..


I tried the vimeo extension in Brave browser - it works. Thank you! 🙂

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