Don't ever think of yourself too hight or special. Whether you stop liking someone or not, it doesn't remove a strand of hair from them.
You can dislike someone and they will not even notice, it will just continue to eat only you up. The time you liked someone, what did they profit from you just liking them? And when you stopped liking them, did they lose anything from them? They were still living their as usual, nothing changed.
That energy you want to use in disliking someone, use it to love yourself. Be very passionate in loving yourself that you stop bothering about if others likes you or not. You have to love yourself first, and don't care about what other people think of you, especially when it is just a minor opinion of what the feel about you.
When you learn how to immerse yourself into self love, you will stop bothering about others when they stop loving you. The thing about self love is you cannot over do it, no love for oneself is too much, because you only have you, and also others would want love to love themselves first before they even start to consider you as an option.
Do you know the self love is infectious. When you start loving yourself more, others also would want to join your energy in loving you also.
No self-love is too much, love yourself today.