Why Failure is Not an Option

in #hive-1735756 months ago

According to the views of our culture, failure is considered as a form of defeat, a unconstructive phenomenon to be emerged from. For this reason, growing up, we are made to believe that the ultimate measure is success; the opposite is shame. But what if I said that failure is in fact an important facet of success? What if I told you that there no reason not to try to achieve that success because failing is not a bad thing, it is actually the foundation of success?

It is not failure, but an exceptional inculcator. It is here that we learn what does not serve us, so we can think and do something else. In a way, it acts as a form of a challenge for us to change and evolve to something better and tougher. The implication therefore is that failure is not the ultimate end, but a deviation towards success. As the saying goes, "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: That which keeps one moving forward is courage.


It is not difficult in the least to find numerous examples of people who had failure in their lives but did not allow it to govern them. Oprah Winfrey lost her first television job in Wisconsin because producers deemed her ‘unfit for television’ but did not let go and is now a media titan. It is however important to note that before being published, J. K. Rowling went through the whole process of searching for a publisher and getting multiple rejections here only to be rewarded by having what can be considered today one of the best selling books series of all time – Harry Potter. Instead of failure putting them off the individuals persisted with the programs and used it as motivation to push them forward.

Its also helps to realize that failure is not of weakness, but of courage. Dauntless means you are able to go out of your shell and take your chances in this world and in life. This for me means that it is not easy to fail and it is equally hard to dust yourself up and try again. It seems people so much fear failure because it is regarded as the inability to accomplish something, but it is simply a process through which we learn and improve.

But why do people persist in coming up with excuses for failure? Why is it seen as a problem which should be solved and eliminated, rather than a prospect that should be wished for? Maybe it is because of fear, fear for something which we have never experienced: fear of failure. In fact, failure is perfectly normal; it is a perfectly acceptable part of the process. It is not something to be feared but something which needs to be understood and taught as one of the critical lessons in life.

Instead of ending up with various excuses for failure, let us try to repackage it as a way of growing. It is high time we extend our hand and accept failure because it is but part of the process towards success. We should venture, or attempt for something new and should not fear of making mistakes. And as for the final statement: there is no reason for failure – it triggers people’s desire to prove themselves and to achieve the impossible. The ‘failure’ is not the end, but is, in fact, the start of something new. It is an opportunity to develop, to progress, and to be better than one was before. Therefore let us accept failure because in actual sense it is not a choice but rather a stage in our way to glory.