Greetings to my esteemed friends on the Cent commumity and the entire hive blockchain. It's another day and time to share with you the secret on how to overcome pressure and depression. It's your friend @faquan saying hello from this part of the world.
Mastering our minds is very key to how we respond to situations and challenges as well as successes that comes our way. This is because the state of our mind is as important as that challenges our successes that we are achieve or face.
Many have gone through depressive times and have committed suicide and don't so many horrible things in order to be swallowed by such situations. The suicidal tendencies are visible because the individual have not mastered his or her mind. The mind can be controlled by us but many times will allow the mind to control us this is dangerous because it could lead one to depression and at its extreme to death.
There is what I called shock absorber and this means that one has mastered his mind or her mind and the respective of the challenges they face return to control that challenge not to harm them.
Developing capacity to handle situations is very important in everybody's life because situations hardship must come as well as successes. It will even shock you that many have died because of not managing their successes does this really look good success killing somebody.
A person can die through shock when he has been overwhelmed by poverty and lack and seeing and a lot of 10 million dollars you can just collapsed such an individual but if the person have earlier mustard heels are mined created a shock absorber the money will only look like a normal day life.
Mind you, it's not an easy job to master your mind because things are happening daily but with constant practice one can overcome all challenges. Have you mastered your mind or your mind is still controlling you I'm calling you now to know that depression and pressure a real in our life and in the life to come so therefore start by mastering your mind today and you'll become a successful person in life devoid of depression and pressure.