The power of Self-love.

in #hive-1735755 months ago

Standing up for oneself is rare in a world that is so used to negativity and scepticism, self-love is a rebellion. A different conversation is needed, the conversation in which we focus on ourselves a little more.

Self-care on the other hand, involves taking care of your body especially by feeding it properly, taking proper care of your health among others. It is acknowledging that you as a person are deserving of success, compassion, love and understanding, irrespective of your failure or weakness.

And we have to understand that selflove is not selfishness which means one prioritizing your own needs, wants and desires above that of others. Neither is it self-acceptance where you only acknowledge your strength and also your weaknesses without judgement.

Another thing to note is that they are common barriers to self love. One of it is self talking to yourselves negatively. Always allowing those in inner voices inside of you to undermine your confidence. Also living your life on societal expectations. Always comparing yourself to others.

I also advise one to live past your past traumas. Those by experiences always coming back to make you doubt yourself or feel ashamed. And also stop hiding your true self. Your imperfections and the rest.

There are some various things I did to practice self-love and I'll be discussing them here to. Just steps one can cultivate self-love.

1. Learn to focus on your present moment.

2. Don't be too harsh on yourself. Treat yourself with kindness, learn to understand yourself and be patient.

3 Always express gratitude. Go back to reflect on your strengths, what you have accomplished and then your positive experiences.

4. Learn to speak to yourself daily and positively. That is positive affirmations. One of the things that I learnt to do daily and it has helped me so much.

5. Try hard, emphasis on try hard to establish healthy limits with others and this will help to protect your time and energy.

6. Lastly, take time to celebrate your uniqueness.

Doing all of these will definitely help to build your confidence, improve the relationships and communication you have with others.

So don’t forget the basic rule of life; it is not wrong to love yourself, it is very crucial. It is here that Brene Brown notes that with welcoming worthiness and brokenness, one can free himself from fear and pursue wholeheartedness.