1. Build Healthy Financial Habits
It takes about 66 days for a new behavior to become an automatic habit. Stick to a productive daily routine to build healthy habits. When you build healthy financial habits, you will struggle less in lift.
2. Diversify Your Income
The average millionaire has seven streams of income. If you have heard of the saying, "Don't put your eggs in 1 basket." Then you know that you should not rely on just in one job. Start building multiple income steams today.
3. Pay Yourself First
The average millionaire saves and invests about 60% of their income. Never live bigger than your paycheck. Don't consume but instead, use your paycheck to invest for your future. Live like an undercover millionaire today to be a millionaire tomorrow.
4. Start a Business
A bigger percentage of millionaires own their own business. There's a reason why so many millionaires choose entrepreneurship over employment. They are their own boss. Live your life without limits and build a lasting empire.
5. Build an Emergency Fund
Most people struggle to sort out an emergency. That means the average people would have to resort to high interest credit card debit to pay for surpprise expenses. Do your future self a favor and save 3 to 6 months worth of living expenses.
6. Build Your Network
A degree is good but your network is better. One of the greatest indicators of your future success is determined by the people who know you and trust you. Build and maintain meaningful relationship as early as possible. Your network is your Net Worth.