Hello there dear readers, let's have a little chat about vision and why it's so important. You see, vision is the ability to see clearly the end of something from the very beginning. You should be able to see the thing in your "mind's eye before it comes into reality. This is what they call a mental picture.
Just as the name implies, vision is the eyes for life. Imagine walking to a far location with your eyes closed throughout the journey. That's exactly how you will look like going through the journey of life without a definite vision.
If I tell you to leave your room to the bathroom with your eyes closed, you can, but you would do it slowly, trying to tiptoe and let your surroundings be your guide. But try doing the same thing with your eyes open, and bam! In a second, you are already there.
Vision, therefore, helps us to achieve things faster. Since we know exactly what we want and where we want to get to, we see the road map (plan of action) to take to get there quickly.
You need to have a clear picture of what you would want to become in the future. This then will become the driving force and strength which will, in turn, help you to overcome obstacles and challenges.
You see, our brain is such that it starts to map out all the possibilities and strategies needed to get what we set for it. That's why this saying came, "If you can see it, you can achieve it". Somehow our powerful minds start running its algorithms and can produce a plan of action for us when we give it that challenge of a vision. There really is some superpower lying dormant in us waiting to kickstart when we fuel it with a vision.
I strongly believe, and you would agree with me, that this is one factor that differentiates achievers and those who don't. There rarely is any successful person who started his or her journey and ended without knowing exactly what he or she wanted to be.
Obviously, it won't take vision alone to achieve, but the point here is that vision is the start of it all; the others followed suit after.
In the words of William Arthur Ward: "if you can imagine it, you can create it. If you can dream it, you can become it."
I hope that as the year has begun, we all begin to write our vision down and have a burning desire to see it through the year.
I'm not the best of writers, but I will try my best to keep blogging on all the information needed to see us succeed together.
I believe in you; you have what it takes.