The Downside Of Decentralization - A Very Sad Newcomer Experience

in #hive-1735753 months ago


Hi everyone, this is a pretty sad moment for TheRingMaster. Based on the title you could tell this is not one of my "Potential of Web 3.0" types of blogs.

Yesterday I experienced first hand, the downside of a decentralized platform where everyone has power. I woke up on a beautiful Sunday morning, had a couple meetings with my family and picked up my phone to start my usual engagement on Hive. I got greeted with a series of Downvotes from @bpcvoter1 , @bilpcoinbot1 , @bpcvoter3 and @thebilpcointrain accounts which after a little research, I found out that they were bot accounts and may be owned by @bilpcoin . I really wish they could just tell me their reasons before raining down that number of Downvotes.

It was 40 plus Downvotes on my blogs, comments and threads. I've been on Hive for well over three months and I've followed all the rules about Plagiarism, AI, respect for other users and everything in between. I've made so many good friends and I stay consistent on engaging with their epic blogs. Through engagement I've learned so much about Web 3.0 in a really short time.

  • Just check out what one of my good friends @borniet says about my engagements, and a few of my friends that know me say the same thing

If after all this hard work, a newcomer for 3 plus months can get attacked without a reason, isn't it a bit bad for the future stability and scalability of the platform?

TheRingMaster has a fighting spirit so I'll keep going on but this could discourage so many newcomers that follow the rules and yet could get that much damage.

A downvote is never a pretty picture no matter the HP. I honestly thought that by following set rules, I would have a smooth ride but then this happened.


Can Anyone Explain How Exactly The Downvote Works on Reputation?

I'm a bit confused with the downvote effect on the reputation of a user as well. I always thought that the impact of a downvote on your account is based on the HP of the one that hit the downvote button but in this case the HP of the bots were so low that even on PeakD it didn't show a downvote unless you scroll down the list of votes. However it still impacted my reputation so badly that I dropped from Rep "63" all the way to "38"

I am not sure whether it was due to the number of Downvotes that caused such a drop but it was very disappointing for me. I can't believe it would take 3 plus months of hard and intense work on the platform to build up a decent Rep and it gets dropped by bots with very little HP and infact some with a negative reputation as well.

I was literally on the same reputation with @bilpcoin (the owner of the bots, I think). All that hard work dropped.


Friends On The Chain

Because of how much I engage, I have made so many friends and I'm known by some long standing members on the platform and have over 200 followers. I thought it would be a good idea to ask in Inleo threads why this happened to me and I got a couple of responses.

@alonicus who is one of my favorite authors for prompts and classic storytelling gave me some pretty good advice. He said it would be worth checking a comment they left stating the reason but unfortunately there was no comment they left. He also adviced me to not focus on the Reputation and just do well on the platform and I believe that has cooled me down. told me to ask @bilpcoin for reasons why and I have done it but still without any response yet, just more bit downvotes to anything I do here.

For me the sad part is how the downvote kind of causes the comments I give to my friends to hide unless they click to reveal. That is bad for anyone that seeks to engage and make more friends. Without this issue I wouldn't be too worried about their downvotes.

Another very good friend of mine @danday asked me why my reply doesn't even alert his notification, I'm guessing maybe a low Rep won't but I'm not certain. The best explanation now is that when my comment gets downvoted, it hides itself until the author presses reveal. This is the negative impact of what @bpcvoter3 is doing to me and even while I was writing this blog, I saw the bot still downvoting my comments.

If this ain't handled, it's really going to discourage new users from joining the platform.


My Reputation On Hive

I take my Rep seriously on Hive because it's a prove of my credibility and my work and for it to happen this way really saddens me. This is something @hivebuzz or @arcange would know so well, TheRingMaster takes his growth very seriously, (assuming arcange is the one I speak to whenever I give a reply to Hive buzz).

I'm all about engagement, making friends and putting effort into my work. I literally win the @ecency leaderboard contest every week and that takes sacrifice of time and effort. I sacrifice this much because of my vision of growing on this platform.

Why Do I work This Hard - Because I believe in the potential of Web 3.0 and Hive to be successful and a big deal in the future.

However my new good friend and brother @anderssinho adviced me not to worry too much and just do me. It's an honor to have such great friends to hold you when things get this rough.

The Downside Of Decentralization

This sadly is the downside of Decentralization. Giving power to everyone may seem like freedom but it can also lead to unfortunate incidents like this.

I had to turn off my Internet to keep writing this blog because the notifications of bot downvotes kept coming to me. Till now they haven't said anything about why they choose to do this to a newcomer that wants to grow on the platform but I hope this gets handled.

I really hope those accounts see this blog and either reverse the decision or at least comment down below what the reason for the attack is. I understand everyone has the power to do whatever they want with their HP but should there not be rules around when to downvote someone. If they keep doing this, they make me look like I'm doing something so bad on the platform meanwhile I'm giving my very best to the Blockchain.

Treating newcomers like this will only lead to the platform still getting stuck in the early stages of development.

Imagine everyone owns a gun and can shoot at anytime. Who's to say who's going to get shot without rules and law enforcers ensuring that people use their power responsibly.

  • If you've got a problem with something I'm doing, you just let me know and I fix it rather than raining downvote bots on a new user.

If you follow me closely you'll know that I really love the Hive Blockchain and work so hard to grow and contribute. In my blogs I talk a lot about Web 3.0 and I believe in it's potential for future success. So it's kind of a huge blow to me and gets me worried about the Decentralization side where anyone can just attack you with their downvote button without even giving a reason.

If things go this way, how will it look like when Hive manages to onboard 10million or 100 million more users. I believe a system of responsibility needs to be in place.

If users can get downvoted even after following the rules and also being always respectful and working so hard on the platform, then I believe a new system needs to be in place.

I end my blog by respectfully appealing to anyone that controls or owns these accounts;


At least let me know my mistake if you don't want to reverse the downvotes. And I wish for any friend that would help me understand better what the cause of this attack was.

As always your feedback is much appreciated. Thank you all and have a nice week.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I just sent out Leaderboard prizes. I hope being number 1 again this week will make you feel better. Hang in there.

Absolutely Mel It actually did make me feel better. Regardless I'm a fighter and I'll keep pushing on this platform. It kinda slowed me down yesterday, I couldn't even engage till this morning but I'll keep going. Wow Mel you're always so good at lifting my spirits . Thanks so much... And ooo we all know what I'm going to do with my prizes hahaha it's perfect that today is 1st July it's power up time hehehe



@bpcvoter1 passed you the virtual joint!
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Aha, you got caught in the ugly bit of politics there it seems. I just stay out of it. Follow the advice and just keep going! You shall re-gain all you have lost. It is temporary!

Alright brother, thank you so much for the advice, I just wish they could tell me why at least

You've been told why. You interacted with someone else that they downvote... its like a plague...

Yes brother not an easy thing and very discouraging story for anyone that seeks to engage.. there's no telling who you may meet, I'm kinda changing my strategy and sticking with the friends I've already made

I think what you need to do is just look out for people on those bot's trail. Look to see if someone is getting downvotes daily.

Most of the time, if you arent a rule-breaker, the downvote bots are super low power.

I see your Rep is 63 again.


Your reputation score cannot be harmed by downvotes from anyone with a lower reputation than your own. It sucks when you see rewards plummeting, but the core of the chain is that no payout is guaranteed until a week has passed. Just remember, at least a decentralized system is harder for bad actors to completely take over.

Alright brother, I'll just keep pushing forward


Why people downvote (or upvote) is their own business, stop whining and move on.

Alright, I actually got similar advice yesterday to just keep going so I'll just do that

Below is how many downvotes I've received in the last seven days, none of which I've commented about (until now) or asked about (which I'll never do.)

People are free to act as they choose...just like you can whine and complain if you like. It's a choice.



@bpcvoter3 passed you the virtual joint!
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My goodness, that's a lot of Downvote, well G. it was kind of a first time for me and didn't know anything about what was going on so I freaked out and was looking for answers as to why I got attacked but I'm starting to realize thr not account owners thinks I'm friends with certain users he probably has serious issues with a while ago
This whole thing is pretty new to me now. I'm super confused but I'll just take the advice and keep going regardless thank you so much for showing me the image, it's a motivation to me

It doesn't matter what the downvote is for, maybe they fucken hate you, but who cares huh?Not everyone thinks like you, not everyone likes or respects you, (the same with me), but it's only meaningful if you make it meaningful. You do you and let others do them. best way forward.

Asking about downvotes is a fools errand, as are posts about downvotes. Move on, be a man.

I'm going to be a MAN I'm never going to ask about Downvotes again then. Thanks for the tough advice brother.


So sorry about it fren. Its a sad experience but one not to freak about. Sometimes you get caught up in feuds for interacting with a user. But its not much fren. Your consistence will eventually equalize all the negative votes on your comments. Just stay positive and keep up your great work.

Wow big brother, thank you so much for this.. you know something interesting? I've been making friends on Hive for my 3 months stay here and it was actually this post and the situation I went in that should the positive impact of making good friends. They all came in to encourage me and now I'm back on the road.. I am the top guy on Ecency leaderboard for engagement but now I'm going to add Inleo to it. This situation is only going to make me even more serious because I see the value of making good friends on Hive .mmm I'm grateful to have you as a brother here man !WEED


@theringmaster passed you the virtual joint!
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The Hive.Pizza team manually curated this post.

$PIZZA slices delivered:
borsengelaber tipped theringmaster
theringmaster tipped ifarmgirl
@savvytester(8/10) tipped @theringmaster (x16)

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Stay on track. Don’t let the downvotes affect your motivation and dedication 💪🏻

Alright brother, thank you so very much for this motivation... I felt so discouraged and even lost the edge to keep going on this platform !HUG

These downvotes happen sometimes, often with questionable reasons and there were already several cases where creators didn’t understand it.
Since you are posting and commenting a lot it was maybe just a matter of time before it eventually happens to some of your posts too.
Keep posting and engaging. You are doing a very good job in my view. Always active and with interesting posts.

might help and give some energy 😅🍕

Wow my good friend, you're the best motivator... I'm just going to take your good advice and keep going regardless. I really needed this. Thank you so much brother you're the best

You‘re welcome 🙌🏻

Dear @borsengelaber, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @theringmaster.

Want to know why they attacked you?
Because they downvoted anyone replying to my posts or comments or anyone who upvotes a comment or post of mine xD

However it still impacted my reputation so badly that I dropped from Rep "63" all the way to "38"

I still see your Rep at 63?

Wait really, then I guess the Upvotes I got for the blog kept it that way Because it dropped and it was a sad thing for me... Is there a way for me to solve this problem though brother? Because it affects my engagement badly. I send a message to my friend and it gets hidden because of their downvotes. I seriously don't want to be on the bad side of anyone here

Nah, not really a whole lot to do.... Thats web3 for ya.

Maybe stop making comments on my posts or comments, dno xD

But please if you could speak with them on my behalf, I was simply making friends and growing in the platform, wouldn't want to offend anyone 🙏

He is not speaking to me my friend :D
I am the one downvoting all of his shitty spam and he is mad about that

But please then I have been caught in a cross fire, please try your best brother because this will not help my growth on the platform at all

Its not really going to impact your growth either though x)

I understand brother but whenever I make a comment and they downvote it, it's going to hide from my friends until the press the reveal content button, that's my problem with this downvote thing


Alright then I'll just keep my distance and see what happens but honestly why will they attack me before letting me know this.... Alright bro bye then


He is mentally ill and would rather spend his time spamming Hive with non-sense that get help. Its a bit sad, but what can you do right?..

Do that, I hope it helps! Can't be sure tho :/


Hello Hive Community, you have all witnessed this account being downvoted to a negative reputation. Many others have also observed that Hive is not a pleasant place. It seems to be under the control of people who only care about money and power. Ironically, they are ruining it and the money stream will dry up. It's impossible to go against the hundreds of people you have wronged.

Hive has no future. It's in the hands of scammers and farmers who have no real interest in Hive, but only in the money they can make. They start businesses, open shops, raise their kids, send money to fake charities, and donate to people who pretend to be ill.

All of this is happening on Hive. Why are the Hivepolice and gang being funded to drive real users away all while supporting scammers farmers and self voters as we said before our story has been shared to many and many are watching in we are even being paid so as we kept saying downvoting our good legit content with minded stake and accounts that are used to support farmers and scammers is not smart it just makes Hive look a lot worse

Many writers on Hive seem to engage in a lot of meaningless chatter. They fabricate stories to create a false image of themselves, all the while promoting their own interests under the guise of helping others. Hive appears to be a complex mind game, with the use of downvotes to deter certain individuals and the creation of a fake blacklist to discourage support for specific users. It seems that some Hive users are benefiting from investments made by others, particularly those whom they are bringing onto the platform."

They say vote selling is not a thing on Hive, but it is still alive. It has just gone a bit underground. Now, we have all those projects where you can delegate for upvotes or hold certain tokens for upvotes. Vote selling is alive and kicking on Hive."

On Hive, there are big accounts self-voting on their own comments, posts, and using alt accounts. The HIVE POLICE DO NOTHING. We wish you luck on Hive.

Marcus, it's clear you're deeply engaged in farming on Hive. We observe your actions and the names you call us don't alter the truth. It seems you value Hive farming over honesty, which is unfortunate you are a sad man with no life let's be honest take a good hard look at yourself.

Downvotes do not affect us, but your actions have created real-life enemies. Regardless of your beliefs in karma, your actions will have consequences real-life consequences luck always runs out as you know as you like to gamble don't gamble with life.

Continuing this way will only increase the challenges you face in life and your mind. We're not intimidated by your tough stance or downvotes we'll maintain our course full steam ahead.

We'd be interested in understanding the curation rewards you earn from your Buildawhale comment farming. Your health seems to be a concern, and we genuinely hope you seek help. We'll keep engaging with humour and respect, regardless of the situation.

Posted using Bilpcoin



@bpcvoter2 passed you the virtual joint!
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The Power

How can you judge others for doing wrong when you are at fault? Using power to do wrong and then passing judgment on others who have done no wrong is not only hypocritical but also futile. It's essential to examine our actions before casting aspersions on others and talking about them.

Attempting to deceive others on a blockchain where all transactions are public is foolish. Trying to fool people who have been around blockchains for years is also unwise. It's disappointing to see that Hive is more centralized than Steemit and Blurt. The constant sell pressure on Hive, which comes from those in power constantly printing an unlimited supply of Hive and HBD, is disheartening it's sad selling false hope to many.

Many other coins and tokens have surpassed Hive's market cap and price, with even meme coins which have no use gaining more traction than Hive.

The concept of a decentralized blockchain is about freedom, and it loses its meaning when it is controlled by a select few who misuse their power. Downvoting legitimate users for no reason and spreading lies tarnishes the integrity of the system and contradicts the essence of decentralization.

It's crucial to question the authenticity of Hive blockchain, which claims to be decentralized but is, in reality, under the control of a few individuals who don't care about Hive. The actions of those in control of Hive are shocking, and it's clear that changes need to be made onboarding new users to a broken chain does nothing.

At Bilpcoin, we've been treated unfairly on Hive, with many negative comments and bad treatment in various channels. While many agree with us, they're afraid to speak up for fear of being downvoted and losing income Hive is not a friendly place unless you are part of the in-crowd. Many users on Hive are from poor countries and many take advantage of cheap labour, among other concerning practices we will keep expressing the truth until a change is made on Hive or Hive is no more

Hello Hive Community, you have all witnessed this account being downvoted to a negative reputation. Many others have also observed that Hive is not a pleasant place. It seems to be under the control of people who only care about money and power. Ironically, they are ruining it and the money stream will dry up. It's impossible to go against the hundreds of people you have wronged.

Hive has no future. It's in the hands of scammers and farmers who have no real interest in Hive, but only in the money they can make. They start businesses, open shops, raise their kids, send money to fake charities, and donate to people who pretend to be ill.

All of this is happening on Hive. Why are the Hivepolice and gang being funded to drive real users away all while supporting scammers farmers and self voters as we said before our story has been shared to many and many are watching in we are even being paid so as we kept saying downvoting our good legit content with minded stake and accounts that are used to support farmers and scammers is not smart it just makes Hive look a lot worse

Many writers on Hive seem to engage in a lot of meaningless chatter. They fabricate stories to create a false image of themselves, all the while promoting their own interests under the guise of helping others. Hive appears to be a complex mind game, with the use of downvotes to deter certain individuals and the creation of a fake blacklist to discourage support for specific users. It seems that some Hive users are benefiting from investments made by others, particularly those whom they are bringing onto the platform."

They say vote selling is not a thing on Hive, but it is still alive. It has just gone a bit underground. Now, we have all those projects where you can delegate for upvotes or hold certain tokens for upvotes. Vote selling is alive and kicking on Hive."

On Hive, there are big accounts self-voting on their own comments, posts, and using alt accounts. The HIVE POLICE DO NOTHING. We wish you luck on Hive.


Marcus, it's clear you're deeply engaged in farming on Hive. We observe your actions and the names you call us don't alter the truth. It seems you value Hive farming over honesty, which is unfortunate you are a sad man with no life let's be honest take a good hard look at yourself.

Downvotes do not affect us, but your actions have created real-life enemies. Regardless of your beliefs in karma, your actions will have consequences real-life consequences luck always runs out as you know as you like to gamble don't gamble with life.

Continuing this way will only increase the challenges you face in life and your mind. We're not intimidated by your tough stance or downvotes we'll maintain our course full steam ahead.

We'd be interested in understanding the curation rewards you earn from your Buildawhale comment farming. Your health seems to be a concern, and we genuinely hope you seek help. We'll keep engaging with humour and respect, regardless of the situation.

Posted using Bilpcoin


Congratulations @theringmaster! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain And have been rewarded with New badge(s)

You made more than 9000 comments.
Your next target is to reach 9500 comments.

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Hive Power Up Day - July 1st 2024

Mu progress looking good but @hivebuzz and @arcange I actually went through a series of Downvote attacks from bilpcoin bots and it just won't stop if there's anything you can do about that for me I'll be more than grateful because it's affecting my ability to engage

Sorry for the late reply. IMHO, it's not a big deal as your downvoters HP is low.
It doesn't affect your ability to engage with others unless you give it an exaggerated importance. Shit happens... move on and don't let it impact your journey on Hive.

Absolutely brother... It's not a problem with the late reply at all as you can see from my profile I've really moved on and getting bigger regardless... Thanks for the encouragement @arcange you're the absolute best


As cwow advised, stay away from his blog and any other hivers caught up in a downvote war with others, the downvote wont affect your rep because the downvoter doesn't have huge hp... so you are safe in that aspect but for hidden comment, you just have to hope he stop downvoting you...

Yes brother the hidden comment is the only downside. I'll take your advice big bro

For a newbie, yeah, downvotes mean a thing because it's like you're not doing well or you did something wrong.
But don't mind them. Whale wars and you got hit by the stray bullet.
Don't worry too much about it. I think the DVs you got are 0. And I see your rep is still 63.
Just continue what you've been doing til now and you'll be okay. You're already doing well actually, being here for 3 months with all these acknowledgement and hardwork is already great for a newbie!


Sorry to hear about the downvotes. I frantically checked your posts and there were no downvotes on them. I realized it was your comments that have been downvoted. But don't worry, the account has less HP. Just keep on with what you're doing. 😉 By the way, I see your rep as 63 :)

I see @theringmaster's Reputation on #PeakD as 47, while it remains at 63 on #Ecency. 🤔🤯🤓


That's weird, it's showing as 63 for me on peakd.

It's different on different platforms but I'm not worried at all, I've realized that my friends know me and that's all I need 💯❤️ !PIZZA


@savvytester passed you the virtual joint!
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It still shows as 47 for me on the #PeakD frontend on another device. 😅

Dear @ifarmgirl, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @savvytester.

Your device is broken, time to change it, lol! 😂

If that's the case, then @theringmaster's device is also broken, as it shows on his original post that his Reputation was only 38 according to #PeakD. 😅


Yes, you both should give me your devices and buy new ones 🤣

Hahahaha glad to do so dearest FG hahahahahaha !LOLZ

I'm now trying to move up the ranks again, I'm at Rep 50 now but I'm no longer paying attention to that I'm just going to keep making progress

As long as you use the #Ecency frontend and not other Hive blogging frontends, you would still see your Hive account's Reputation as 63 (or possibly higher). 😎😏


Oh wow, dearest FG your words have really encouraged me. It's a bit confusing with the Rep. On some platforms it's fine and I'm others it has dropped... But hey I'm just going to keep moving forward. I'm so honored to have friends like you dearest FG

I'm seeing the same rep (63) via Peakd and Ecency. You're doing great. DVs can be disheartening but don't worry unless your post earnings are being downvoted to zero.

Alright dear well thankfully not a single drop of my post earnings was affected.. I just got surprised with the downvotes because I knew I was following every basic rule on Hive so never expected it to happen to me. Well I've got great friends like you so I'm still so blessed here on Hive

Some just have nothing better to do and might be trying to distract you, haha.

Yes that's exactly what I'm seeing dearest FG... I'm trying to grow so well and this is a distraction but I'm completely over it and going to move on regardless


Congratulations @theringmaster! Your post has been a top performer on the Hive blockchain and you have been rewarded with this rare badge

Post with the most comments of the day.

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking
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Check out our last posts:

Hive Power Up Month Challenge - June 2024 Winners List
Be ready for the July edition of the Hive Power Up Month!
Hive Power Up Day - July 1st 2024

Whoop whoop! You've hit another milestone on your Hive journey! Keep up the good work @theringmaster!

Thank you so much Hive Buzz it's an honor to have you around... I'm moving up up and away yaaaay !HUG

Dear @hivebuzz, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @theringmaster.


The baptism of downvotes is hard to take and it is something that discourages newcomers, and we've heard about this enough times. Seeing a barrage of downvote notifications doesn't help, regardless of their power. Either way, those who go through this experience and keep going are generally quite attached of Hive. It hurts on the moment, but you'll forget about it.

But in your case, the situation seems to have normalized, other than the reputation for some reason (maybe there are some big downvotes on comments there weren't retracted because I don't see them on posts). Either way, don't make reputation your main metric. It's only a measure of how much author rewards you received from the reward pool on the lifetime of your account. It's more complicated than that, but it's the simplest explanation.

Wow brother, thank you so much for such encouragement. My best part was when you said those who go through those experiences and keep going... I believe I have experienced first hand the bitter part and I'm still filled with so much passion to keep going. Thank you and without friends like you I certainly would have given up. My friends really held me during this time

The Power

How can you judge others for doing wrong when you are at fault? Using power to do wrong and then passing judgment on others who have done no wrong is not only hypocritical but also futile. It's essential to examine our actions before casting aspersions on others and talking about them.

Attempting to deceive others on a blockchain where all transactions are public is foolish. Trying to fool people who have been around blockchains for years is also unwise. It's disappointing to see that Hive is more centralized than Steemit and Blurt. The constant sell pressure on Hive, which comes from those in power constantly printing an unlimited supply of Hive and HBD, is disheartening it's sad selling false hope to many.

Many other coins and tokens have surpassed Hive's market cap and price, with even meme coins which have no use gaining more traction than Hive.

The concept of a decentralized blockchain is about freedom, and it loses its meaning when it is controlled by a select few who misuse their power. Downvoting legitimate users for no reason and spreading lies tarnishes the integrity of the system and contradicts the essence of decentralization.

It's crucial to question the authenticity of Hive blockchain, which claims to be decentralized but is, in reality, under the control of a few individuals who don't care about Hive. The actions of those in control of Hive are shocking, and it's clear that changes need to be made onboarding new users to a broken chain does nothing.

At Bilpcoin, we've been treated unfairly on Hive, with many negative comments and bad treatment in various channels. While many agree with us, they're afraid to speak up for fear of being downvoted and losing income Hive is not a friendly place unless you are part of the in-crowd. Many users on Hive are from poor countries and many take advantage of cheap labour, among other concerning practices we will keep expressing the truth until a change is made on Hive or Hive is no more

Hello Hive Community, you have all witnessed this account being downvoted to a negative reputation. Many others have also observed that Hive is not a pleasant place. It seems to be under the control of people who only care about money and power. Ironically, they are ruining it and the money stream will dry up. It's impossible to go against the hundreds of people you have wronged.

Hive has no future. It's in the hands of scammers and farmers who have no real interest in Hive, but only in the money they can make. They start businesses, open shops, raise their kids, send money to fake charities, and donate to people who pretend to be ill.

All of this is happening on Hive. Why are the Hivepolice and gang being funded to drive real users away all while supporting scammers farmers and self voters as we said before our story has been shared to many and many are watching in we are even being paid so as we kept saying downvoting our good legit content with minded stake and accounts that are used to support farmers and scammers is not smart it just makes Hive look a lot worse

Many writers on Hive seem to engage in a lot of meaningless chatter. They fabricate stories to create a false image of themselves, all the while promoting their own interests under the guise of helping others. Hive appears to be a complex mind game, with the use of downvotes to deter certain individuals and the creation of a fake blacklist to discourage support for specific users. It seems that some Hive users are benefiting from investments made by others, particularly those whom they are bringing onto the platform."

They say vote selling is not a thing on Hive, but it is still alive. It has just gone a bit underground. Now, we have all those projects where you can delegate for upvotes or hold certain tokens for upvotes. Vote selling is alive and kicking on Hive."

On Hive, there are big accounts self-voting on their own comments, posts, and using alt accounts. The HIVE POLICE DO NOTHING. We wish you luck on Hive.

The downvote scam on hive is a huge issue. As it appears, there are some whales
on the platform, who spitefully abuse the facility for nefarious motives.

It has happened to me a few times, which brings up the red flags regarding investing resources on here 🤔

I came here to escape nasty censorship from Mark Zuccerberg and co.

There are some great projects on hive, such as PeakD, ecency and Actifit amongst others.
And I was here since the breakaway from Steemit.

Blurt was set up specifically to overcome the downvote malady. We have to see how that grows, but content seem to rank well on Google.

The community need to vote on the downvote weapon, which is scaring some hiveans away such as this guy 😬

Wow this is truly a serious matter brother, it wasn't easy for me... If I was not naturally a fighter, I would have quit Hive when this happened to me however I made lots of good friends that helping thrive and as you can see in the comments they really encouraged me to go own. I don't intend to keep staying here and it's an honor to know you too brother. Unfortunately the video couldn't play


Sorry bro #onelove

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