I started to research the "Ad Revenue Sharing Program" on Twitter and have been thinking about relaunching of my Twitter account. I am serious enough about this venture to have created the image above with DALL-E.
I stopped posting on Twitter around the same time that I started posting on SteemIt/HIVE. I quit Twitter because I was upset with the censorship and manipulation on the platform.
To qualify for the ad sharing program one needs to have 500 followers (which I have) and 5 million impressions a quarter (which I don't have).
Back in the day I did an okay job of getting retweets; the goal of five million impressions is doable and sounds intriguing.
The problem I discovered with Twitter was that thoughtful posts languished while provocative posts would go viral.
Yeah, I know how to say provocative things. Sadly the provocative posts I penned would often be used by political groups that I disliked.
The Niche for My Tweets
For an twitter account to thrive, it needs to have a target niche. A large portion of the Twitter audience admits that they use twitter to follow politics.
So, I am thinking about tweeting my posts about the history of the left/right split. I have a working title called "The Two Sides of the Coin." This work claims that the left/right split that is tearing the world apart was created by advocates of the monarchy. The goal of the left/right is simply to divide the people so that the ruling class can take control.
My argument is that the things that Progressives hate most about Conservatives are true about progressivism, and the things that Conservatives hate most about the progressives are true of conservatism.
Each side of the left/right split project the weakest elements of their philosophy onto one's opponents.
The tact that I want to follow produces the provocative tweets that X Corporation promotes. Unfortunately, while it produces provocative statements. It also produces a great deal of animosity. I might find myself kicked out of Musk's censorship free platform.
My target audience is the #walkaway movement. While this movement is largely about walking away from the Democratic Plantation, I think that is good for people walking away from the left to understand that the same problems that made them switch their political identity are also found in the GOP.
My Twitter and HIVE Accounts
I really don't enjoy politics. The goal of my tweets will be to show that the left and right have the same roots.
It is a controversial stance.
I don't want this to be the primary focus of my HIVE account. So, I don't think I will do all that much cross posting between the platform.
After all, I don't want people on Twitter thinking that HIVE is some sort of bastion for posts on independent thought or free market economic reform. HIVE clearly is not a good forum for discussing monetary reform or health care reform.
HIVE is a place about making passive income by investing in HBD.
Did you know that you can earn 20% interest on HBD?
I don't like HBD.
I will a few have cross posts on posts on Twitter specific to HIVE. I might even use the #POSH tag now an then. But I will probably stick my long form posts on #politics on a different forum.
Before I started HIVE, I was working on a youtube channel. I might create some sort of podcast for long form posts. I regret not making the channel.
Follow Me on Twitter
If you want to follow my twitter account it is twitter.com/yintercept. I pretty much follow everyone who follows me. You can drop a comment with your twitter account. You will probably get a follow. You might get a free slice of cyber pizza and a $0.03 upvote.