I posted the other day about some Lego plants I had built. I also had another kit to do that is sort of a plant. Anyone who has seen Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy know Groot with his limited vocabulary. This kit is of him in 'baby' form and still in his pot.
This is another kit where the parts come in paper bags, but there are some smaller plastic ones inside as they like to separate some of the parts. I assume this is just how they get them all together. The first bag does not look like much as this is the actual mechanism with some gear wheels driving a couple of rods that will attach to his body.
Bag two is for the plant pot to cover it all up.
Bag three is for his body and arms. There are a few stickers to apply. As with the bonsai kit there are a lot of dark parts that can be hard to see on my tray when picking them out. The vines are a nice touch. Some parts are quite fiddly and you need to pay attention to which way around things go. Not everything is totally symmetrical.
I enjoyed this one. The engineer in me likes a mechanism. This one is fairly simple, but effective. He may have been inspired by this.