Get Powered Up

in #hive-17412215 days ago

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to appreciate a bit of a change in strategy I implemented a few weeks ago!


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I would like to think that I enjoy being flexible in a lot of ways in life. I think it's really important to have the ability to change ones opinion and strategy for things!


A few weeks ago, I was talking to Galen and he made a really good and interesting point about something many of us here on Hive do. We save our liquid Hive assets for Power Up Day and end up just doing it at that point. This seems like a bit of a waste of time in his opinion, and I thought about it and essentially agreed!

Getting the rewards from posts and letting it sit in our wallet saving it for a day in the future where we then just power it up anyway. This is an interesting thing that a lot of people here on Hive do. There are certainly lots of people who power up daily or as often as they can, but I think the majority of people save it then power it all up at once. I can see the usefulness of this for folks who are on the newer side, where they are participating in the gamification of Hive and getting a badge.

When you get to an account that has been here for quite some time though, it seems a little silly when you think about it, to save those assets and power it up anyway later on. I changed my strategy and power up every chance I get!

I personally think it's good to do this for a few reasons. One of them being that it builds our account faster when we do it because if we take 10 or 15 Hive and power it up every few days instead of saving it until the end of the month and doing a big 200 Hive power up, it should theoretically build the account stake quicker.


With Hive Power, there are a few things that come into play. One of them being the inflation of Hive Power. It accrues at a rate of variable 3% per year which is remarkable, and changes a little bit as the price of Hive fluctuates but it's pretty much around 3% give or take .5 or so. The benefit with that is that if you are consistently adding more Hive Power to your account as the days and weeks go on, along with claiming rewards, you are growing the stake that much faster. Getting that extra 10 or 15 Hive Power for 2 or 3 weeks of that 3% APR is more efficient than letting it sit there and then doing a big power up later, losing out on some of the inflation rate.

Some would say that the inflation itself is a scam to be honest, but that's a different road that I don't really want to spend time going down.

I gave this idea a pretty good thought and decided that it was indeed better to just power the stuff up as soon as you get it so that you gain those added benefits! It is fun getting to power up a big amount that's for sure but in reality, it's more efficient over the long-term to do it consistently and frequently instead of all at once and 12 times a year. From a numbers perspective, that makes a lot of sense!


What about you, do you think it's better to power it up on PUD or do you prefer to do it daily or as often as you can throughout a week like I have switched to? Let me know in the comments!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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Haha I guess different styles work for different people. I can see why the monthly day is a good activity from a habit standpoint. Most of the Hive that I get through posts and curations come to me as Hive Power by default already, so the only portions that I could power up are usually those SWAP.Hive which I get from divesting some of the Layer 2 tokens. It's not a lot so I usually do a clean up and power up either monthly or quarterly when I do a review of my account.

Yeah I hear you on that man. I don't opt for 100% power up posts but maybe I should? I don't know I like to play the markets too much. I don't make a lot of it but I do try to save some hive and HBD for the fluctuations!

I am on 50/50 for my posts as well. Usually I keep them as Hive and HBD as they are, unless there are some trading opportunities like sudden spikes hehe!

I used to power up every day, but now I am working to keep some liquid so I can move it into HBD if the price of hive becomes favorable. Like we saw today, price swings can come and go in an instant. Having to wait for a power down could lose you a lot of money.

Yeah for sure I agree with you there! I do the same. I stash my liquid hive on my wife’s account that she doesn’t use so that I don’t get the itch to spend it on something lol. But if there’s a good fluctuation going on then I make it a point to get it to work! The last hive spike we had I made 60 HBD off the fluctuations which I felt was pretty damn good lol

That's awesome. I have always had mine locked up so I have never been able to do that in the past. I am hoping to make some good gains this time by keeping some liquid. Smart move keeping it on your wife's account. I should do that with my wife's account.

It depends...
Like bozz said above, it's good to have some liquid incase of massive surges in prices.

Although I'm not a huge power upper your life kk

Yeah it's good to have done liquid around to take advantage of market actions! I do that as well, just not on this account. One of the strategies i implemented years ago was spreading things out a bit so that not all your eggs are in one basket and I think it's worked out pretty well!

I power up mostly on a daily basis. I keep some liquid hive to dish out as HSBI rewards, but I agree when interest is compounds continuously, the last thing you wanna do is wait!

Yeah I keep some liquid around but it's good to make sure to power up often. Getting those HSBI shares is great too!

A little bit off topic but the first image looks really beautiful, with the sky's reflection on the sea.

I think powering up often when possible could be a great option for those focused on building their HP, the process can happen faster with consistency.

Thanks man! That's a small mountain lake not the ocean :D it was definitely one of my favorite shots taken!

Yeah when we are working to build our HP stake pretty solid, powering up as regularly as we can is a great thing!

That is one way to see it, and you do have some valid points to consider regarding the power up strategy. I am the one who is still saving up the liquid hive and waiting for the power up day to power it up all at once.
The reason is the badge (there's still some feeling of achievement when I got it maybe should do 10 Hive next time), also for a small account like me powering up in a bulk once a month has some pride in it. LOL

But reading your post with those points, maybe I also should consider changing my strategy, maybe for the next month or so. : )

Yeah I liked the badges but I've got hundreds of the badges lol so I don't need them anymore. I think it's good to power up regularly and it's not a huge deal to do it every month but I prefer to do it whenever I can now. Seems to work ok but who knows!

Maybe, it could be better. Back in the day, I powered up bits of hive everyday, then I just lost touch because of life and all that. So I think some people just do it monthly because of time and all that, but overall, it's even better when it's daily

Yeah I'm not getting it for the badge or anything I just think it's great to do it regularly and consistently.

The swift verbal/text kick in the arse from @galenkp to get bizzy with the power ups was just what I needed and I am trying to do it once a week. Just whenever I get a few minutes to do it. 👍🤑👍

Haha yeah for sure dude I’m glad you do it as well!

I get the gamification benefit of HPUD, but I’ve never really taken part. I just power up as soon as see I have some liquid hive that I don’t want to invest in a hive engine token.

Same for HBD, which I add to savings.

The compounding effect of this over a longer time period is profound

Yeah that's for sure man! With hive prices these low it's so hard to save HBD. I'm not going to start saving HBD until hive gets back to the .30¢ range. It's so attractive to swap it for hive and power it up!

True. I just took 1000 hbd from selling my splinterlands deck and stuck that in savings. That’s now 1530 hbd!

Not many things on hive have been more profitable than that in the last 2 years.

Damn that’s awesome man! I’m low on HBD right now since hive is so cheap but eventually I’ll get back to stocking up on it!

The hive price is very low indeed, so I’m choosing to receive 100% HP rewards most of the time.

Now all we need to do is hope that hive manages to get some traction and a lot of new users, as that will help the price a lot.

I do both regular powerups and also particpate in the HPUD at the beginning of the month. I also keep a little liquid on hand for transactions with others. I agree though, it is a little silly to let a bunch sit around not working for you and those you curate.

Yeah for sure. It's good to keep some liquid on hand for things we need to do but also to play the markets a bit if we want. I've made some decent trades doing that!

I'm glad you participate in a bunch of these different things. It was a lot of fun when I was just getting things rolling. These days I'm about maximizing efficiency if I can.