Hi fellow Hiveians,
Today I wanted to talk about how writing is affected by a lot of things in life!
The Right Mood
Writing is such an important mood-driven thing for people.
I've been noticing quite a bit lately, that there are a lot of things that are so closely tied to my mental state that it's really interesting to observe it. When I am in a specific mental state, such as what I am in right now, I have topics that I want to write about but I stay away from. I then shift to other topics that are a little more free-flowing and find my mojo in that regard.
I've had a number of situations lately where I've had some abnormal mental states, but I've had to keep things going with my writing and other activities. This has reflected in terms of my writing - where I am doing more writing about some topics than I am for others. I also think that some of the contributing factors to this whole thing is that I haven't been able to get out and do some scenery exploring like I've done so often in the past.
This has translated into me writing more rant style posts, or ones where I am doing some more philosophical things than I am topics that I enjoy like building things or sharing some photos. I am just now taking a bit of a mental glance back at that type of stuff and find it quite interesting for my own needs.
I think part of what I've also noticed is that I've got a pretty sizable list of topics that I want to write about and explore written in a note on my phone. I am very frequently scrolling from the top right down to the bottom to the more recent ones instead of trying to hash out something in the beginning or the middle.
With my mental state being in the zone that it has been, I've not been overly excited to write about some of these deeper topics which is a little frustrating for me, since I wrote them down I do intend on getting to them.. eventually.
I've been trying to make some additional changes to various things in my life so that I could get an improved mode and productivity type of boost for many reasons, and one of them is for sure to improve my mood for writing these types of things. It may sound weird, but I don't like having a list of things that I want to do but end up skipping over parts of them because I have one hang up or another that is preventing me from completing it.
What about you, do you keep an eye on your mental state when it comes to writing, and how it impacts it? Let me know in the comments!
-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated
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