Writing Goals

in #hive-1741222 years ago

Hi fellow Hiveians,



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Writing Goals

I recently saw someone who I follow fairly regularly, happen to seem to shift their writing goals on the platform away from posting daily.

In thinking of this, I wanted to set myself a goal and see what I can do to achieve it but also what would it look like to get on the other side of said goal?


The particular author I'm referring to is quite well known here on Hive and has been a religious daily poster for several years now but I popped over to their page to see what things they had written about to see what I could drop a comment on when I noticed that it had been more than a day since they posted. That was odd, they were usually at least once a day, sometimes twice. Hmm.. I will have to dig into this further to make sure they are okay, physically and mentally.

With that in mind though, I wonder if they achieved the goal they set out to do on the platform in one way or another. Posting every day for "X" number of weeks, months or years. How many would that be? I don't know but it's an interesting thought. One that I started to formulate myself into a goal that is different than my Hive Power and other numerical goals that I've set for myself and my account here. I want to post once a day, every day, for 5 years!


Why 5 years? That's likely not going to be a concrete answer but I tend to enjoy numbers that are 5's and 0's since they fit into each other numerically when you add or subtract them. So with the notion of posting once a day for 5 years, where am I at with that now? Well my posting streak started December 27th 2020. 2020 was a hell of a year for many reasons but for me it was a year that I finally decided that I would be sitting my ass down and writing at least one post a day every day for a month. That month then moved to two months, then to 6 months and then I said fuck it let's keep going and see how far we can make it! I've made it 2 years and 2 months just about now. I'm almost halfway to my 5 year mark which is cool. What I can't picture myself though is what life will be like in another 2 years and 10 months lol. With how the world is rapidly changing, a lot for the worse, but some for the better, what will that look like?

What will I be writing about? Will we have more or less of certain types of content? More users, exponentially more or a decent amount more than we have now? Lots of questions and interesting to think of that far into the future for sure. What I do plan on doing though and being consistent in is the posting and see how things develop over that span of time. It would be cool to think of that my account would be over "X" amount numerically as far as Hive Power is concerned but that's hard to say as that definitely fluctuates wildly on a day to day basis. One of the interesting things, doing some rough calculations that could certainly change, at least on the curation front my account will be about 7,500 Hive Power further along than it is at now, factoring in the slow growth over time that it has with the curation reward I'll be getting daily for the votes I'm sending out across the ether here.


I'm thinking that I should rather enjoy writing one post a day over that span of time. I have thought about trying to bring it up to 2 posts per day but that's too much pressure. I don't think it would do me well to try and churn out that much content, because quite frankly I sometimes barely have enough to get through a particular week never mind trying to write double the volume lol. It would certainly be challenging in many regards to attempt that!

The good part as well for me in writing one post a day is that I get to also enjoy the other important part of it all: the community engagement. Without being in the communities and commenting on stuff, responding to others and being a decent citizen of Hive, I think it would lose a lot of it's luster. I get a lot of enjoyment, as do many, with being in the trenches of the communities and posts to try and encourage others along and do what's good for the overall performance of the community and that's have discussions and make friendships all over the place! So while the posting is going to be important and fun for me, long-term it's definitely equally as important to continue to do the commenting that I've been doing so that we can all flourish and encourage more people onto the platform!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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2 posts a day definitely might be challenging. But I’m sure you thought the same thing when you considered writing a post a day too. Honestly man, you’re doing great with over 2 years posting streak. I can’t imagine the stuff you have going on offline, but being able to balance that with Hive is amazing. I’m sure I don’t have nearly as much work, and yet I find it difficult to write a post a day everyday. It’s even become more challenging recently.

Hahah well it helps that I have about 90-120 minutes per evening to get to writing posts. It doesn't always end up being solely writing but a lot of engagement and other Hive related activities! It's fun though but some nights such as last night, I said fuck it and went to bed at 9pm because I was tired lol. That's the benefit of scheduling them ahead of time, being able to take a break!

Once you find your rhythm dude, you'll be able to keep it up! It's just getting that rhythm that takes a little time. I started and stopped for about 9 months of posting once a day for a few days and couldn't manage a week before I said fuck it, I have to commit to writing daily and then it hasn't stopped since. Just takes a random situation for you to encounter and you'll be doing it!

Haha I welcome my random situation with open arms then, because God knows I’ve said enough fuck its to last me a lifetime of committing to posting.😂

Lol I'm sure you'll get it one day dude! Just don't force it and it'll come naturally I think.

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I can feel you, making a post a day is quite hard, not to mention making two post daily and consistently would be another level of the author. All the best my friend, I hope you can break your 5 years posting goal, that would be really awesome.

You are also nice, that you always spends your time engaging and checking on the author that you know to check them out. I do hope they are doing ok, even though I don't know them.

And I will be one of your followers, inspired by you to also reach that kind of consistency ( i hope), and earn that yearly author badge.

Thanks my friend! It's going to be a fun journey for sure. I'm hoping to be able to make that 5 year mark. Once I get to that, what will the next goal be? Who knows! :D Maybe 10 years since I like 5 year increments and think that's a decent way to make some plans lol.

You know the author, as I've seen you comment on their posts! Suspenseful, isn't it?! Lol I hope that things are well and one of these days I'll pop over and just outright ask.

I think the engagement of posts and comments is definitely one of the best parts of Hive! Obviously earning some crypto is great but it's a pretty tight and important community here which is great. It helps dilute the ugliness of the world for me which is nice!

That would certainly be nice to see you reach that goal. At least I will know very well someone who set milestones and records for other to break. hahaha

Really? that is nice that you also notice that I roam around and make comments on another post. I should dig deeper, to find them. I am not sure how my feeds are working, because sometimes I don't see the author I follow on my feeds, even though they are already making a post.

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I think it's important to truly enjoy the writing and if that leads to a post a day then fine. A great goal to have would be to have fun though as a person is more likely to bring a little more personality to the posts as opposed of posting for the sake of it or to get some sort of record.

I posted daily for 240 weeks and, over the time I've been here (six years in June) have an average of 1.5 posts a day on the blockchain. I've enjoyed it, and still do, but there's more to life, so much more, and I think a user needs to consider that.

It's easy to see those who aren't passionate about it all as the posts seem hollow husks, to me at least; I see fun as a good motivator to brings ones best though.

Good luck with your goal.

Ha, you're actually the inspiration for the post dude. I was finished writing for the day myself and usually try to pop over to some folks posts that I enjoy and thought I hadn't visited yours for a bit so I stopped by and saw that you didn't post in more than 24 hours. I immediately thought you got hurt! Lol but then looked back and saw you had that quite a bit over the past few weeks so then felt a little bit better.

It got me thinking though, of writing and goals and all that. I enjoy sharing the things that the little man and I are up to, talking about some of the random things we see and all that but I've certainly shifted my thinking a little bit of late with Hive posts and interactions. I was leaning more on the calculation of rewards and setting goals for rewards and all that. I then read a post from TaskMaster though about his goal and it shifted my thinking quite a bit, in that his goal was just to write a post a day and engage with the community instead of setting numerical goals.

That made me think of how what I was doing felt a bit greedy, trying to calculate rewards and focus on that aspect of it instead of the better and more fun aspect of it, as you said having fun. I'm trying to get more into that mindset now and yeah I would like to certainly get a post published every day and have so far but I've also taken a larger number of nights off from writing and even commenting entirely recently with some of the stresses that have gone on at work and it's definitely been a mindset shift for me!

I'm thankful that for right now, I am able to write with the usual enjoyment and passion that I have been for the last few years which is good. When I'm not in the mood to write at all, I just don't write and I think that's important. Trying to force the content isn't a good way to go I think!

Ha, you're actually the inspiration for the post dude.

I thought as much.

In week one of me starting on Hive (it's predecessor) back in June 2017 I decided I'd make it about fun and shifted the focus away from the rewards deciding the value would come from writing. It was great because it did, and also came from the enjoyment of interaction with some very cool people. The monetary rewards came as a matter of course. Get the other two right and that's how it's going to roll.

Fun is good...Forcing content is shit.

Damn, that's some streak, fairplay to you and good luck reaching 5 years! Just take it one day at a time and see how you get on, but considering you've made it this far means that you can get over the next hurdle.

Do you ever write multiple posts in a day and set some to post in days you think you might be off?

I posted daily back shortly after I joined, from January to around May, but in May my streak got broken and from May to September I wasn't able to be as active, and I didn't hit my next streak until this January.

Thanks! Yeah I absolutely schedule all of my posts LOL I think the only posts I don't always schedule are the Power Up day posts since I actually have to Power Up on the day but I do write the whole thing ahead of time and then post it that day with a screenshot of my activity.

The posting streaks are good and a lot of fun to keep going, it's just trying to find the different bits of content sometimes that can be a little challenging. Thankfully I've got all kinds of shit that goes on in my life that I can write about. Not all of it is amazing but it's enough to fill at least one post a day and I try to schedule out several days in advance. I, at my best, was able to schedule 30 days of posts in advance! It was nuts lol but that's the limit for post scheduling which is funny that I hit the limit.

I fear the same will happen if I happen to break my streak hahaha it's like when I used to run. I would suck it up and just keep going and see how far I could run. Once you stop, your brain says fuck it and you have a little bit of a time starting it back up.

Keep up the streak though dude! I think you can do it!