Tangent. I'm sick and tired of governments and people who for some reason think that governments are going to protect us. History is loaded with examples that prove that government is the most fickle and dangerous form of human interaction.
But at this point is any government worse than the US? And I ask this unironically.
If you still think the US government are the 'good guys' because they are 'our guys', pay careful attention.
'the US accused the tanker ... of smuggling sactioned Iranian oil'. The verdict? Yoink.
The US government, behind its military, are now pirates. We can sanction stuff, and since that stuff still exists (oh wow), we just take it. 'We make the rules'.
Inwas aghast at the idea in recent weeks that 'Russia might default' on its loans, aftet the US stole its dollars and wouldn't let the Russians pay off debts with them. This is the most illogical, hate-filled backwards logic ever, and it doesnt even seem to matter much, until you realize that 'Russia defaulting' means we get to take their stuff.
→ We took your dollars.
We can pay in Rubles
→ No you can't.
What can we do?
→ Nothing, now we will seize your assets.
Yes I understand this is WAR, but do you? I thought we didn't want to get into a war with Russia, just send billions of dollars to Ukraine so they could fight.
But stealing peoples things is an act of war. Its not legal just because you change the rules.
This is why the rules-based international order is such a farce.
Its just rules for thee but not for me. US are looking like the bad-guys, and losing all respect dexent people have had for it, respect built up long ago by a generation long since gone. Maybe Eisenhower.
Back to the story at hand.
The dollar is dying. Who can respect a game of rules from a party that can chane the rules whenever they want. Be careful with your stable coins folks because the US is in the 'we will be pirates and steal shit your shit' phase of the collapse of empire.
Yes the problem is the CIA, secrecy and hegemony. Power corrupts absolutely.
The only logical argument I here defending the US is 'the other guy is worse'. Literally everything else is willful blindness. The other guy is worse is the last ditch argument.
But, is it even true?
Okay, not even Eisenhower. Going to have to start naming president ñs from a much earlier era.
Its just not the case that, for example, NATO was set up to protect against Russia. It was a military alliance against an enemy that not longer exists, the Soviet Union.
Not an inch eastward was 'our promise', but we changed the rules. Why? I fear but know that its nothing deeper than war and death is profitable.
I do not comply.
I am about to head the the US, and I have a number of reservations, but the top of my list, even above covid or monkeypox or any related restrictions (I'll be swimming back if I have to thank you very much) is my growing realization of the incredible ignorance that I will have to face.
Will I shut up to keep the peace?