
in #hive-1743012 years ago

trinityart thumbnail.jpg

it's all about the right teaching

Nothing is really boring. I think boredom is a modern illness. Lol.
I remember my school days, yeah sure, a lot of teachers were really boring but it wasn't the topic itself, it was how they had taught the students. I remember even amazing teacher, which explained the same topic differently to different students. Depending how the student was able to understand. I think this is the real power of a great teacher. To be able to explain a topic on different ways.
As a student I was the worst in mathematics... Damn.. let's not talk about my grade... Hahahaha. But I remember I had for 1 school year a different mathematics teacher and that was incredible cause I was one year one of the best in maths cause the teacher explained it to me sooooo easily.

But wait, why I have this topic today? A yeah, I was talking with a friend about the metaverse and VR glasses and the good and bad about it. I think this "new" technology is super cool for education! But on the other hand parents have to watch out, a looot of weird shit goes on in the metaverse aka in this VR games... Hopefully humans will learn and do it this time better. The possibility that everyone everywhere could get an marvelous education is super coooool! Hope it will work out like that.

But now enough words... Let's check my drawing from the first pencil lines to digitalart. Wooouuupwoooup.

the drawing

trinityart comic teacher students 1.jpg

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Finished Artwork

trinityart comic teacher students final artwork.jpg

Your @akida aka TrinityArt

Check out my NFT Art here:


TrinityArt nftshowroom banner.jpg


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