in #hive-1743013 years ago

Hello Person. I really dig your doodles... Your blog is very honestly one of my favorites on Hive lately.

I would love to propose a project to you that involves me turning your doodles into little digital sculptures.

I made this one of #35. I love it.
Sad Fish Green.jpg


Wow, this is really neat! What process did you use to create this?

And yes I might be open to a project - can you elaborate a bit on what you have in mind?

Thanks for stopping by and I really appreciate the reblog!

I use blender. I'm still in the learning process, but basically I modeled it, sculpted it, added some materials and a couple lights and an environment and viola.

This took me a few days (about 10 hours) but I'm getting quicker every day =)

Basically my idea was to make more of these and mint them on NFT Showroom and split the profits. I've been an nft creator and collector for a while now but never minted on Hive which is really where I got my start in crypto just after the last big bull run (it was steamit then) and I would love to get back into being involved on this platform.

I think in the long run if we kept it going this could become a really cool collection, your work really speaks to me (I know it's simple but I find beauty in simplicity and being able to tell a story with a single, simple image) and we could potentially animate some, maybe branch out to other block chains or something.

I had a crazy idea of having each piece be a series in itself reinterpreted by different artists (like animators and physical sculptors etc... where holding one nft in the series (say the sketch of #35) you automatically get dropped each successive one (like the sculpt of #35 and maybe an animated version etc down the road. I think they would have to be tied to the original nft someway to retain the scarcity of buying the later nft as a 1 of 1.

I've got a few ideas but in the beginning I think keeping it simple and seeing where it goes might be best.

Any thoughts?

I think it sounds like an interesting plan :)

How about this, why don't you go ahead and mint the first one and send me a link to it on NFT Showroom?

Naturally, I'm on board with splitting any profits - but since I know there's a minting fee, I imagine you would want to recoup that cost first from the sale before splitting.

Also, I'm not sure what you have in mind for titles to use in NFT Showroom - all I'm doing with my doodles is numbering them, of course, so I guess you could either just use the number as the title or come up with some other angle.

And I think your idea for multiple animators/sculptors is a good one, but it's probably smart to keep it simple in the beginning as you observed.

Cool, I'll have to get vetted by the nft showroom team before I can mint so I'll get on that. Last I knew the minting fee was only like 1 hive but that may have changed.

Sounds good, keep me posted :)