progress? my proposal for an NGO that invited me to participate in a contest

in #hive-1743012 years ago

good night to all those who live for art just like me in this great community of @sketchbook here ending the day with one last illustration and post which is a work I did to participate in an NGO contest


is this work called progress? and the topic is the environment, among the list that the ngo sent me to participate there were different topics and among those was the environment and I got down to work once I chose it

As you can see, it is a being made of garbage, a walking contamination that takes everything in its path, both objects and living beings, it is an illustration that took me approximately 2 hours and I am satisfied with what I did, here I will leave you part of the process of creation






and here ends this post in #hive of today's dioa which for me is special since I had time without participating in any contest of some NGO, I hope you like it and obviously them hahaha until next time


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Your content got selected by our fellow curator desro & you just received a little thank you upvote from us for your great work! Your post will be featured in one of our recurring compilations which are aiming to offer you a stage to widen your audience within the DIY scene of Hive. Next time make sure to post / cross-post your creation within the DIYHub community on HIVE and you will receive a higher upvote ;) Stay creative & HIVE ON!

thanks for this :D

You're welcome. The drawing looks nice. Keep up the good work.

This looks scary. Wow! What a great piece.


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I love it!

thanks :)


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Wow marvelous

thanks :)