Watercolor to Heal my Soul. Drawing Grogu / Acuarela para Curar mi Alma. Dibujando a Grogu

in #hive-1743012 years ago



Currently there are millions of things happening that flood my mind with positive and negative thoughts, some strengthen me, others bring me down for a few moments.

I can not stay still, neither mentally nor physically, so I started to create a drawing as close to grogu, to be honest I have no basic knowledge to draw, at least I have the ability to draw a sheet with pencil and ruler in hand.

It is a great blessing, that's how I consider it, although sometimes I don't understand why my world is as I never expected, but if I have to live it, I look for a reason to move forward.

Then, my intense search for the metarials that I plan to use for my watercolor painting begins. I get a cotton sheet, its texture is a little soft and I take the pencil sharpener to sharpen the tip of my pencil. What a beautiful pencil, with its sharpened tip, while my thoughts reminds me of my not so hard childhood, when I almost never used the pencil sharpener, just not to waste my pencil so fast because I didn't want to be without the most important instrument for my studies. My mother didn't seem to have enough money to buy a new pencil for me and I didn't want her to get a headache because of that, while my brother almost every day came back without his pencil.


I think that today I can understand my life a little more, because I always valued the insignificant pencil that my brother left behind at school, for me it was like my treasure.

Now, my hand takes the long ruler to trace each measure, hoping to get an almost perfect result that will be captured on the cotton sheet, its stroke is so subtle that I almost do not press the tip of the pencil so that it is not damaged and avoid dirtying it with an erasure. That's how I was as a child and that's how I am as an adult.

Then I look for the help of the equadra waiting for it to join the long ruler, once drawn the Horizontal lines, those similar to the horizon that seems to divide the sea from the sky, and now I have to mark on them the Vertical lines, that although it seems to go in a swoop has the function of drawing small squares or pixel.

I mentioned that I don't know how to draw but what I came up with was to create a pixel art style drawing.

Who cares if you are a horizontal stroke or a vertical stroke when only I know what I want to achieve.

I got my pixel art sketch on the sheet and started to outline Grogu's head and clothes and finally I drew his cute eyes, nose and mouth.

How nice! now we are going to use the watercolor paint, with brush in hand I wet it with water and rub over the watercolor paint very softly to stain it with color and begin to paint his eyes, pixel by pixel, and varying tonality.

So I did it step by step with each pixel, some painted I liked others not, but I was so anxious to finish my first watercolor drawing, to stop a little my thoughts, but they were no longer my thoughts also awakened my emotions and feelings, while my breathing stopped for a second, I ended up sighing many times.

I do not lose my faith, my world can change if I continue to practice while my soul heals.






I Love You

[DeepL]( Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version))

En la Actualidad está ocurriendo millones de cosas que innunda mi mente de pensamientos positivos y negativos, algunas me fortalecen , otros me derrumban por unos instantes.

No puedo quedarme quieta, ni mentalmente ni fisicamente, así que empecé a crear un dibujo lo más parecido a grogu, para ser sincera no tengo conocimiento básico para dibujar, al menos tengo la capidad para trazar una hoja con lápiz y regla en mano.

Es una gran Bendición, así lo considero yo, aunque a veces, no entiendo, porque mi mundo es como jamás lo esperé, pero si me ha tocado vivirlo, busco una razón para seguir adelante.

Entonces, empieza mi búsqueda intensa de buscar los metariales que pienso utilizar para mi pintura acualera. Conseguí una hoja de algodón, su textura es un poco suave y tomo el sacapunta para afilar la punta de mi lápiz. Que Hermoso Lápiz, con su punta Afilada, mientras mis pensamientos recuerda mi no tan dura niñez, cuando casi nunca usaba el sacapunta, sólo para no desperdiciar tan rápido mi lápiz porque no ansiaba quedarme sin el einstrumento casi más importante para mis estudios. Mi madre parecía no tener suficiente recursos económicos para comprar un lápiz nuevo para mi y yo no quería que le doliera su cabeza por esa causa, mientras mi hermano casí todos los días regresaba sin su lápiz.

Creo que hoy si puedo entender un poco más mi vida, porque siempre valoré el insignificante lápiz que mi hermano dejaba olvidado en la escuela, para mi Era como Mi Tesoro.

Ahora, mi mano toma la regla larga para trazar cada medida, esperando conseguir un resultado casí perfecto que quedará plasmado sobre la hoja de algodón, su trazo es tan sutil que casi no presiono la punta del lápiz para que no se dañé y evitar ensuciarla con una borrada. Así fui de niña y así soy de adulta.

Luego busco la ayuda de la ecuadra esperando que se una a la regla larga, una vez trazadas las lineas Horizontales , esas parecida al horizonte que parece que divide el mar del cielo, y ahora tengo que marca sobre ellas las lineas Verticales, que aunque parece ir en picada tiene la función de dibujar pequeños cuadros o pixel.

Mencioné que no sé dibujar pero lo que se me ocurrió fue crear un dibujo con estilo pixel art.

A quién le importa si eres un trazo horizontal o un trazo vertical cuando sólo yo conozco lo que quiero lograr.

Tengo plasmado sobre la hoja mi boceto con pixel y empiezo a remarcar el controno de la cabeza y vestimenta de Grogu y finalmente trazo sus lindos ojos , nariz y boca.

Qué Bonito! ahora vamos a dar uso a la pintura acualera, con pincel en mano lo humedezco con el agua y froto sobre la pintura acualera muy suavente para mancarlo de color y empezar a pintar sus ojos , pixel por pixel, y variando de tonalidad.

Así lo hice paso a paso con cada pixel, algunas pintadas me gustarón otras no, pero estaba tan ansiosa por terminar mi primer dibujo acualera, para deterne un poco mis pensamientos, pero ya no eran mis pensamientos también despertarón mis emociones y sentimientos, mientras mi respiración se detuvo por segundo, terminé suspirando muchas veces.

No pierdo mi Fé, Mi mundo puede Cambiar si Continuo practicando mientras mi alma se cura.

Los Amo



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I have to mark on them the Vertical lines, that although it seems to go in a swoop has the function of drawing small squares or pixel.

And this painting is indeed very similar to an 8-bit character. Nicely done. Congratulations.


Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.

Thank you for quoting my words and for your support. I am pleased🤗

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Drawing is very good for healing the soul and with the much more continuous watercolor technique, step by step you will gain enough confidence to take new risks in drawing.

Thank you for visiting my blog and writing me beautiful words.

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The people doing V2K with remote neural monitoring want me to believe this lady @battleaxe is an operator. She is involved deeply with her group and @fyrstikken . Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. I cant prove she is the one directly doing the V2K and RNM. Doing it requires more than one person at the least. It cant be done alone. She cant prove she is not one of the ones doing it. I was drugged in my home covertly, it ended badly. They have tried to kill me and are still trying to kill me. I bet nobody does anything at all. Ask @battleaxe to prove it. I bet she wont. They want me to believe the V2K and RNM in me is being broadcast from her location. And what the fuck is "HOMELAND SECURITY" doing about this shit? I think stumbling over their own dicks maybe? Just like they did and are doing with the Havana Syndrome https://ecency.com/fyrstikken/@fairandbalanced/i-am-the-only-motherfucker-on-the-internet-pointing-to-a-direct-source-for-voice-to-skull-electronic-terrorism