Hola amigos de Hive, espero estén muy bien
Esta semana no subí contenido, porque todo lo que dibujaba no me gustaba, no me salían bien los trazos, o dibujaba mal la anatomía... Etc. Supongo que era un bloqueo creativo, creo que se llama así.
Por tal razón me decante por hacer un retrato porque me gustan mucho y es relativamente sencillo para mi, espero les guste a pesar de su sencillez
Hello friends of Hive, I hope you are very well.
This week I didn't upload any content, because I didn't like everything I drew, I didn't draw the strokes well, or I drew the anatomy wrong... Etc. I guess it was a creative block, I think it's called that.
For this reason I decided to do a portrait because I like them a lot and it is relatively simple for me, I hope you like it in spite of its simplicity.