Hello friends. I went out today to an art contest. It’s just a sip and paint program where you get to paint a sketch and it’s also a way of getting to meet more people. In this event, you get to learn some basics of painting and you’d be taught how to mix colors. I learned those today coupled with the fact that I was able to meet different people. I had a nice time painting and I must confess that this is actually the first time in my life when I’m getting to handle a brush and then paint something. You can get to see some of the pictures I shared and look at what I painted and also the one’s my friends painted.
Human beings are like water. We flow anywhere. Would you believe that I met some of my old time friends here? I was shocked and we reuinted again. It’s just so funny how I’ve always thought I’m never going to see them again.
Also, I’m glad I made new friends and also put my painting skill into practice. I hope to go for the sip and paint program more and more so I can be perfect.