Hello guys!
The whole day for my free time I was studying on perspective drawings, how to utilize them to create a scenery. And explanation videos where quite helpful to broaden my knowledge on some parts I didn't have an idea on. In any case, todays post this night wont cover much of the new ideas learned but will be more about me starting a trail run at 3 point perspective with the guide lines. I started it late and its almost morning so I had to do the shading abit too quick to have time to post it. So its really not that well shaded but surely I will complete it. The goal Is to make a complete 3D scenery which I Will build up to that in due time. As a result I made the image 2D for now and colored quick. The lessons and application of it I learnt was really helpful. Pretty soon I would be able to tell the tale of the chakkula village fiction story with scenery as I imagined doing In the future.
Thanks for viewing
Hive 🚀🚀🚀