Takyarts' INKTOBER 2023 Summary

in #hive-17430110 months ago

Hey 'yall! My seasoned artist a$z is back on Hive..hopefully this is it. Hehe! I can't recall if someone asked me before if I would participate on Inktober this year. Eventually, I slowly got my motivation back and brought out my sketchpad and pens.


I was only able to do twelve prompts in October and completed the rest of the prompts two weeks ago. Yeah, too slow, I know. Blame life, chores, and toxic home. Heh!

Inktober has a total of 31 prompts and yes, I was generous with my drawings this year compared with my previous inktober entry where I combined all prompts in one drawing. INKTOBER, The Lazy Way (Super Late Entry, Yay...) This year, I drew the prompts individually with four prompts in every page. Again, to at least save space and ink. 👌


First thing I did was draw the frames for each prompt. Tip to get motivated in completing all prompts is to ink all the frames ahead including the names of the prompts so no matter what happens you have no choice but to complete it. The 31st prompt was an entire page because I always believe to save the best for last!

Materials I used for this year's Inktober:
● Sterling 6"x9" sketchpad
● Rotring Tikky 0.5 mechanical pencil
● Sakura Pigma Micron 03
● Sakura Pigma Micron 01
● Uni Pin Fine Line 01 dark grey
● Uni Pin Fine Line 01 sepia
● Sakura Gelly Roll 10
● Black Brush Pen (bought in Daiso)
● Old discolored ruler (but still does the job)

Too much pens, eh? The Uni Pin pens were impulse purchases months ago and I feel a slight regret every time I see it. Lol. Just kidding! These pens might have its purpose someday!

(1) Dream & (2) Spiders


My drawing for the first prompt, Dream, is a representation of a child showing her mom that she had finally achieved her dreams. We all want to make our parents proud, right? And whenever we reach a goal, the people we're excited to share our success with is our family wherein for me would be my mom. She has always been happy and proud even with the smallest achievements I get. It's sad that she won't be here when I reach bigger achievements someday but I know she will be there somewhere celebrating and being the proudest and happiest for me. 💕

Spiders. Omg. Seeing it on the list of prompts almost made me not to participate on Inktober because it's one of my fears. Sorry if they look more like ticks instead of spiders. I chose not to look for references! The scenario I drew for the prompt is myself being so much occupied with preparing for a concert I am about to attend and forgetting to clean the spider webs on some corners in the room. (Disclaimer: This scene is fiction. I was cleaning ang painting my room while preparing for the concert.)

(3) Path & (4) Dodge


For the Path prompt I have to draw the scene where we were lining up to enter a concert venue two months ago. Want to know about the show I've been to? Check this link - [The One Ok Rock Luxury Disease Asia Tour in Maniila Experience] Majority of us were confused where should we line up so most of us were just standing on the sides waiting for the lines to be organized. However, the situation remained the same even after the doors to the coliseum has already opened. After some minutes of squishing ourselves into the crowd, the bouncers finally took over and helped to organize the lines. They were strict and kept shouting not to get out of our lines.

And for Dodge prompt, I drew my little self back in kindergarten dodging a shuttlecock at full speed. I wasn't aware that I walked in the middle of elemetary students playing badminton. It was after class so my mind was occupied with thoughts whether my fetcher has already arrived or not. If I hadn't dodged it, it would've hit my forehead and who knows what happened.

(5) Map & (6) Golden


Funny that I could get a couple of references from my Manila trip for Inktober! I have to share our struggle of getting our way out from a mall to get to a restaurant for dinner. Thank goodness for Google Maps even though they can be a little confusing sometimes! "Walang lagusan!" roughly means "There's no way out!" I don't know why I blurt out "lagusan" instead of "daanan" (passage) or "exit". Lagusan is usually a term used for portals in spiritual/paranormal topics. Lol.

Golden. Well, there's not much explanation needed here. Goldens for Golden prompt!

(7) Drip & (8) Toad


Tears dripping from eyes for Drip prompt. I had a difficult time coming up for an entry for this prompt, honestly. This is the only idea I had in mind. Yikes!

Toad! Yes, finally the time has come for me to draw it! I've been taking care of my mom's plants now in our backyard and when it's raining, toads/frogs love to chill on the pots or even behind tall grasses which sometimes sends me to a surprise when watering the plants. Most of the time they don't like being disturbed. I would get a stare like they were frowning while one even tried to fight back!

(9) Bounce & (10) Fortune


Another concert reference for the Bounce prompt. The vocalist would instruct us to jump every now and then, and I just find myself bouncing to the tune of the music. I swear it was exhausting! And drawing the shoes was literally exhausting as well!

Of course, it's always Hive which comes to mind when speaking of fortune. I have always believed that Hive has a great future, all thanks to the great minds making sure it will be possible one day!

(11) Wander & (12) Spicey


For some people, their minds are their escape from the unpleasing reality.

Spicey, for me, would be drawing someone eating chili! It's awkward when you have to pose in front of the camera and use yourself as reference. Lol.

(13) Rise & (14) Castle


For the Rise prompt, I drew a girl being possessed and levitating from her bed who scared her little sister. The words in the speech balloon roughly translates to, "Moooom!!! (look at) sister Bunaaang!!!"

Not exactly how it looks like but I tried my best to recall the castle I had in my dream few years ago. It was a castle built in the moon with a waterfall in the middle. I remember I can't keep my eyes off of it in my dream. It felt magical yet eerie at the same time.

(15) Dagger & (16) Angel


My entries for the Dagger and Angel prompt were made to be connected with each other. I drew an angel shaking in fear while holding a dagger because angels were meant to be good but this one particular angel committed an unforgivable crime. She was scared of what she did and now she's afraid of the consequences.

(17) Demon & (18) Saddle


Demons can be cute, too, right? I drew a girl with an angelic innocent look where behind that facade are her inner demons waiting to be unleashed when triggered.

When I read saddle, I imagined a horse. And when I thought of horses, Attack on Titan came to mind. Here's Armin preparing his horse in the middle of the forest before they resume their expedition outside the walls. Hopefully he saw the titan nearby!

(19) Plump & (20) Frost


I've been eating oranges lately which inspired me to draw it for the Plump prompt. My hands has been shaky ever since so you can see how the orange in the middle isn't a perfect circle. It almost looked like a pear but I swear it's an orange!

For frost, I drew tulips buried in snow with its petals covered with frost. I had a tough time thinking of an entry for this one and was also finding out how to effectively show the frost in my drawing.

(21) Chains & (22) Scratchy


Chains! Hmm.. I was intimidated when I read this in the list of prompts this year. Honestly, I don't know how to draw metals using pens. You know, you have to make the texture appear like it's shining plus all the other details that should be present. I just came up with a woman wearing a chainmail with chains as her tool for battle.

For scratchy, I drew a cat who enjoys rubbing its body into a porcupine. Yup, that's a porcupine!

(23) Celestial & (24) Shallow


Another prompt, I struggled to come up with an idea. Maybe this is a representation of the quote, "I see the universe in your eyes." The left side is a black hole while the right side is a planet.

Shallow. Asians can relate to this drawing a lot! Although I don't use this technique, a lot of Asians use their finger to measure the amount of water when cooking rice.

(25) Dangerous & (26) Remove


What's something dangerous for me? Voodoo dolls and black magic. I won't say much but yes it's veeery dangerous!

What came to my mind when reading the Remove prompt was erasing someone from a photo. I'm not sure if couples who break up actually do this or do they just delete the entire photo? Lol. The checkered area took a lot of time to draw!

(27) Beast & (28) Sparkle


Beast! Definitely a chance to draw the beast titan! I was scared of beginning this prompt but I'm glad it turned out alright. This took me a lot of time as well because I drew so much lines. If you notice, it's almost funny that the beast titan was seemingly looking at the next prompt and was looking amused by it.

Sparklers for Sparkle! My entry for this prompt was supposedly a crystal but I find it difficult to draw so I went for sparklers instead. You can see my brush pen is already dying here.

(29) Massive & (30) Rush


Inspired from the Indian taking a storm in Philippine social media through his video reactions on Indian street foods. Along his famous comments were, "Sobrang dami na yan insan!" (That's already too much, cousin!) Yeah, all the Indians in the videos he react to were either his cousin, uncle, aunt, etc. Of course, it's only for entertainment.

For Rush prompt, I drew packages needed to be shipped ASAP. This one looked simple but it's one of the most difficult to draw because I have to measure lots of lines.

(31) Fire


Now we have come to the last part of the show! Fire! I hope you find the drawing cool because that was what I was aiming for. Haha! I drew a person standing on top of corpses she had killed with her flaming arrows. As if it weren't enough, she also burned the whole neighborhood including the trees. Who is she, by the way? :)

I still have a lot of practice to do when drawing flames. As you can see here, they looked ugly. The flame at the tip of the girl's arrow was the only flame that I actually liked.

Here are some WIP from my Inktober entries:


Congratulations, Takyarts!

I survived Inktober 2023 and I wish I can do the prompts earlier next year! If you have noticed, I drew lots of hands for this year's Inktober. I want to improve drawing hands so I have to suck it up 'till it gets better. And I know very well that I still have lots of things to improve on especially on traditional art.

So now Inktober is over. What's next? Hmm.. One good thing that I got after doing the Inktober challenge is that I felt somehow motivated now to draw again. :)
