Devojka se penje na stepenice/ The girl is climbing the stairs

in #hive-1743013 days ago

Odavno nisam vežbala ljudske figure.
Potražila sam inspiraciju na Pintarestu. Videla sam jednu simpatičnu devojku, nažalost ne znam ko je autor, ali evo, pokušala da je uhvatim svojim okom i četkicom.
Sliku sam nazvala "Devojka se penje na stepenice"...
Naravno, akvarel...

I haven't practiced human figures in a long time.
I looked for inspiration on Pinterest. I saw a cute girl, unfortunately I don't know who the author is, but here, I tried to capture her with my eye and a brush.
I called the picture "Girl climbing the stairs"...
Of course, watercolor...


Sa skicom je sve lakše..
A sad kolorisanje...

Everything is easier with a sketch..
And now the coloring...


Najviše me je privukla njena poza i držanje tela pri hodu, kao i zanimljivi detalji poput torbe, frizure...

I was most attracted to her pose and body posture while walking, as well as interesting details such as her bag, hairstyle...


Kombinacija boja je prava poezija. Ja sam unela i violet boju...

The combination of colors is real poetry. I also added violet color...


Sve sam zadovoljnija i zadovoljnija. Ispunila sam svoja očekivanja...

I am more and more satisfied. I met my expectations...


Mislim da je to to. Uostalom, ulepšala mi je ovaj tmuran dan, nadam se i vama?
Hvala na pažnji i prijatno!

I think that's it. After all, she brightened up this gloomy day for me, I hope you too?
Thank you for your attention and enjoy!

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


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It is really impressive and original
Great art accomplishment and well-deserved recognition!



Unfortunately, it is not original because, as I wrote, I looked at the tutorial and tried to draw it in a similar way.

I accept recognition when I am a complete author. 😏

But it was certainly hard and tiring, you should know that too 🙂
Thanks for the message and greetings!