Frida Kalo 🎨🖌️🌼🌺🌸🌼Frida Kahlo

in #hive-17430128 days ago

Ona je poreklom iz Meksika, koja je specifičnim slikama, poznatim obrvama, ali i nepobedivošću, ostavila svoje ime zapečaćeno u istoriji poznatih ličnosti, Frida! ličnosti.❤️🎨

She is originally from Mexico, who left her name sealed in the history of celebrities with specific images, famous eyebrows, but also invincibility, Frida! personalities.❤️🎨


"Slikam cveće kako ne bi uvenulo."

I paint flowers so they don't wither."


"Ništa nije konačno. Sve se menja, sve se kreće, sve poleti i odleti."

"Nothing is final. Everything changes, everything moves, everything takes off and flies away."


Preživela sam dve velike nesreće u životu. Jednu u kojoj me tramvaj učinio kakva jesam, a druga je Diego. Diego je bio daleko gori.

I survived two big accidents in my life. One where the tram made me who I am, and the other was Diego. Diego was far worse."


"Stopala, šta ćete mi vi kada imam krila kojima letim."

"Feet, what will you do to me when I have wings to fly."



"Na kraju dana, možemo izdržati mnogo više nego što mislimo da možemo podneti."

"At the end of the day, we can handle a lot more than we think we can handle."

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

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