I'm watching you !

in #hive-1743015 months ago

Ne čitaj sa usana, čitaj iz očiju, oči govore stotinu istina. Oči su ogledalo duše je izreka koja nam govori da jednostavnim pogledom u oči možemo da prepoznamo nečije emocije, a da ne progovorimo nijednu reč.

Don't read lips, read eyes, eyes tell a hundred truths. The eyes are the mirror of the soul is a saying that tells us that with a simple look in the eyes we can recognize someone's emotions without speaking a single word.


U grupi nepoznatih ljudi pre ćemo se obratiti nekome vedrog pogleda, ko nema problem da uspostavi kontakt očima, nego namrgođenoj osobi koja odvraća pogled od nas. Ovo je samo jedna od mnogobrojnih situacija u kojoj nam je jedan pogled u oči nepoznate osobe bio dovoljan da preusmerimo svoje ponašanje.

In a group of unknown people, we are more likely to turn to someone with a bright look, who has no problem making eye contact, than to a scowling person who looks away from us. This is just one of the many situations in which one look into the eyes of an unknown person was enough to redirect our behavior.


Široko otvorene oči, koje imaju funkciju da prime više svetlosti, povezuju sa istraživanjem i poznavanjem okoline, i danas povezuju sa zadivljenošću, čuđenjem i ushićenjem.

Wide open eyes, which have the function of receiving more light, are associated with exploration and knowledge of the environment, and today they are associated with amazement, wonder and delight.


Oči su kao otvorena knjiga. Za razliku od emocija, čitanje misli iz pogleda bi se i dalje moglo svrstati u domen magije. Međutim, razvoj tehnologije nam je omogućio da steknemo uvid u način na koji pokreti očiju mogu da se dovedu u vezu sa našom sposobnošću prisećanja, pa čak i donošenja odluka.

Eyes are like an open book. Unlike emotions, mind reading could still be classified as magic. However, the development of technology has allowed us to gain insight into how eye movements can be linked to our ability to remember and even make decisions.



Imajući ovo u vidu, možemo reći da su oči više od ogledala duše. One su izuzetno važan činilac u procesu formiranja naše duše. Otvoren prozor koji daje i prima u isto vreme.

With this in mind, we can say that the eyes are more than the mirror of the soul. They are an extremely important factor in the process of forming our soul. An open window that gives and receives at the same time.



Dakle, iz pogleda dosta toga možemo saznati, jer oči puno govore i nikad ne lažu, ali moramo znati da će nas ponekad i odati, onome ko zna da gleda.

So, we can learn a lot from the look, because the eyes say a lot and never lie, but we must know that sometimes they will betray us, to the one who knows how to look.

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!



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Cold turkey.

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This looks so beautiful, lovely artwork, looks very realistic. Well done 😊👍🏾

Thank you for your support. All the best!


Eyes are always good (to have)