Ko voli mace? Ako je odgovor DA, onda će vam se ovaj post dopasti sigurno. Mace su najzastupljeniji kućni ljubimci. Ok, psi takodje, ali mace su interesantnije za crtanje. Dakle, evo kako su nastale današnje mace...
Who likes cats? If the answer is YES, then you will like this post for sure. Cats are the most common pets. Ok, dogs too, but cats are more interesting to draw. So, here's how today's cats came to be...
Danas nisam počela skicom.Počela sam tako što sam nacrtala jedan stepenik tehnikom suvo na suvo.
Today I didn't start with a sketch. I started by drawing one step using the dry-on-dry technique.
Mačka sa leve strane je trebalo da ima šare na ledjima ali sam se predomislila. Biće jednostavno crne.
The cat on the left was supposed to have patterns on its back, but I changed my mind. They will simply be black.
Svako voli društvo pa i ova Maca. Lepše je u dvoje, zar ne?
Everyone likes company, including this Maca. Two is better, isn't it?
Ups! Gde je glava? 😉
Oops! Where's the head? 😉
Evo, dve zaljubljene glave,pardon, mace.🥰
Here, two heads in love, excuse me, kitty. 😉
Bliži se Dan Zaljubljenih, pa, eto ideje za lepu čestitku...💌💞
Dragi moji, želim vam prijatan ostatak noći...mrnjau. 😉
Valentine's Day is approaching, so here are ideas for a nice card...💌💞
My dears, I wish you a pleasant rest of the night...mrnjau. 😉
Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.
Greetings from Anka vregolana!