in #hive-1745782 years ago

Share your experience under #earthhour

It's that time again!
Every year in spring the "Earth Hour" is proclaimed worldwide.

pixaby Jordan_Singh

Earth Hour is a call to be aware once again that we should take much more care of our Earth. That we respect and honor it. That we do not waste its resources senselessly.

I remember this day in 2021 very well. It was the first time I totally got involved with this hour. All lights off, cell phone off, wifi off. And, hmmm, I must say it was a fascinating experience!

What do you do for an hour in the dark? It was not very cold and so I could sit on the terrace and really enjoy this time. It is also very fascinating how quickly the eyes got used to the darkness and you can find your way around quite well.

Anyway. Now it's that time again and I would like to invite everyone here on HIVE to join in! Turn off all the lights on Saturday March 26 in the evening between 8.30 and 9.30 pm. As a sign that we care very much about our planet. It doesnt matter where on this planet you are, it is always your lokal time wich is counted.

Yes, I know. "What's the point of this one hour?" many will think to themselves. But if we don't at least start with one hour, what else should we do to make a difference? And maybe this one hour is enough to make us realize how much is wrong in our lives and could be changed.

pixabay cocoparisienne


Teile Deine Erfahung unter #earthhour

Es ist wieder so weit, jedes Jahr im Frühling wird weltweit die "Stunde der Erde" ausgerufen!

Die Earth Hour ist ein Aufruf, sich einmal mehr bewusst zu machen, dass wir uns viel mehr um unsere Erde kümmern sollen. Dass wir sie achten und ehren. Dass wir ihre Ressourcen nicht sinnlos vergeuden.

Ich kann mich sehr gut an diesen Tag im Jahr 2021 erinnern. Es war das erste mal, dass ich mich total auf diese Stunde eingelassen habe. Alle Lichter aus, Handy aus, Wlan aus. Und, ja ich muss sagen es war eine faszinierende Erfahrung!

Was macht man eine Stunde lang im Dunkeln? Es war nicht sehr kalt und so konnte ich auf der Terrasse sitzen und diese Zeit wirklich genießen. Sehr fazinierend ist es auch, wie schnell sich die Augen an die Dunkelheit gewöhnen und man kann sich ganz gut zurechtfinden.

Wie auch immer. Jetzt ist es wieder soweit und ich möchte gerne hier auf HIVE alle herzlich einladen mitzumachen! Schaltet am 26. März abends zwischen 20.30 und 21.30 alle Lichter aus. Als Zeichen dafür, dass wir uns sehr wohl um unseren Planeten kümmern. Egal, wo auf der Erde ihr seid, es ist immer die lokale Zeit die zählt.

Ja, ich weiß. "Was bringt schon diese eine Stunde?" werden sich viele denken. Aber wenn wir nicht wenigstens mit einer Stunde beginnen, was sollen wir dann tun? Und vielleicht reicht diese eine Stunde aus, um uns klar zu machen, wie viel in unserem Leben falsch läuft und verändert werden kann.

Ich habe mir überlegt, es wäre nett wenn jeder der gerne mitmachen will unter dem tag #earthhour danach mitteilt, wie es ihm ergangen ist, was er getan hat, was er gefühlt hat, was ihm in den Sinn kam?

Hoffe die Idee gefällt euch :-) Eure B.

I just was looking for, and couldnt believe it, there was NO SINGLE posting under the tag #earthhour! We should change this with a lot of great earth healing content, dont you think?

Would'nt it be nice if everyone who would like to participate could share afterwards under the tag #earthhour his experience? How they did, what they did, how they felt, what came to their mind?

Hope you like this idea :-) Yours B.

more informations:
my hometown Graz / Austria also will join and switch of Monuments Light.
picutres from pixabay
Translated with (free version)


Thank you for the reminder! I used to do #earthhour every year when it started, but I think I missed it the past couple of years and didn't realize until after the fact.

I think it isnt present in the media than it was in the past! So my earth hour starts in 15 minutes :-) prepared something to drink and than "lights out for a while" :-)

Happy to found this post. Do you know about light pollution? Go to know we think alike.

Via @dreemport

Ist irgendwie bisher an mir virbei gegangen dachte erst es geht um die Zeitumstellung, ach herrjee, das ist ja morgen/übermorgen.

Mal schauen ob ich da morgen dran denke ich bin ja vergesslich.

!LUV und !LOL

Morgen abends ja :-) ich fands eine Erfahrung wert eine Stunde abends alles auszuschalten
!hivebits !LUV !LOL ich versuch dich zu erinnern

Did you hear about the cartoonist being investigated?
Police on the case say he has a sketchy past.

Credit: reddit
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I would have actually done this had it been I saw the post on time. Too bad I didn't.. It's past now though but as at yesterday, I actually switched off my phone through out the night which is unlike me.. Lol.. I'm glad I actually did that. My phone needed rest too.. 😂 😂..

@dreemport brought me here

Oopps, I missed this one... but at that time, our lights are usually switched off, except the ones outside the house.

I missed this. And i like the dark. Wow
How do i not miss this again?

Did you work out those muscles for 25minutes? 👀... Hehehe.

Just seeing this, it makes sense to show appreciate for the earth in our own little way. I never heard about this tag before, I will check their rules

That hour is a good sign of solidarity and reminder that care must be taken with replenishing the earth @beeber!
Translator issue:
"lokal time wich is counted." should be "local time which is counted."
This post was obtained through Dreemport.

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I surely missed this one.
but here in Bali we have our yearly earth day where everything were off for a day. it is part of our tradition called Nyepi or silence day. even the International airport is closed for a day. : )

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 98 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

I'm sorry I didn't read this before. Although around here we sometimes unfortunately unintentionally contribute more than an hour without electricity due to bad service.

This initiative is the least we can do to bring relief to the planet. Cheers! And have a great week!

This time I got here via dreemport.

PD: don't forget to drink water 😉😄

I recall participating when I was a teenager just sitting outside with my parents and older brother while the house was dark. We had a small firepit going and we just sat and enjoyed the relative quiet of the evening. Thank you for reminding me of this worldwide event, I'll try my best to turn off every light and device in the house!

Youre welcome :-) sitting outside with family and a little fire place sounds great.
My earth hour just finished and once again I enjoyed it. I think the main part is just getting aware how often we waste energy without a reason.

@tengolotodo hi nightowl ❤️ just was thinking about earth hours day and we we're talking about to promote it a little bit earlier one day?
Just a reminder, hope youre fine

Hehe @beeber first of all a belated Happy Valentine's Day 💙😘

Aha Earth Hour is not far away!

I am not sure what the German wwf site has. Yes would be great to do something. Would be even cool if we can get some sort of collab between ecency waves and inleo threads for it somehow. We need to think ...

Give an hour for Earth on Saturday 23 March 2024 and help bring our world back to life.

Yes it was so sad that people never knew about earth hour.
Nice idea with the collab. As I am not that active and reliable these days, I tag @melinda010100 @palomap3 and @mypathtofire to jump into idea finding If they like. Still enough time 😊

I'm happy to support Earth Hour in Waves!

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