You are beautiful
You are Amazing
You are perfect
You are Unique
You are Exceptional in your own way
The way Jesus made you
The way he created you is so breathtaking, Therefore Don't let anyone look down on you, on your personality, be on Top gear.
Talk yourself up all the time, that's why whenever I am oportuned to set my gaze on the mirror, I look at the other me and say. Why the content so Different?
Why the content so Different
Why? Because you are a force in your world, even if they say, you look like someone, you talk like someone or you act like someone, my dearest you are not that someone. Maintenance your own uniqueness
You are the one to make yourself standout, don't always try to be part of the crowd.
My own Magic
Growing up as a young teenager in a neighborhood with a lot of different background, I saw young girls of my age getting pregnant out of wedlock, I said to myself, GIFT you cannot end up like this, you have to stand out, so I was oportuned to be invited to a church in 2015, after my WACE EXAMINATION, I was done with secondary school then, I was excited and Enthusiastic about life and my next stage(preparing for jamb, going to the university) with all this in mind, so guess what I joined this church and then my first day being there was the day, it was announced that they would be starting up their teens church wow, wow, wow, this was an opportunity to make impact, so amazing boiling down to a few months, I started getting involved in the church Activities, I became a cell leader and It became a must to reach-out to those in my neighborhood, so I grabbed it all,I started talking to as much as I could about Jesus and I made a lot of impact, I reached out to so many young people over there and they gave there lives to christ and they all became born-again, this was magic for me. And it still is till date. So in all of this my own Magic was and still is standing out
What's your own Magic
What's the content so Different about you?
For many it could be there smile
Their laughter, there ability to reach-out to others moltivate them, encourage them,
It could be selflessness, love, care, patience, their ability to Appreciate, the magic can be in your accademic life(how you help others with what you know for them to be able to become better, or it could be how you used your skill to impact others and now they are doing Excellently well.
*What's your own Magic?"