My Thoughts on Tik Tok CEO Management of Congressional Hearing

in #hive-174578last year

Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash

This post is reflecting on how TikTok CEO Shou Chew managed the challenging interviews from a comms point of view. And for the record, this article does not express any political view.

So TikTok CEO ticked (no pun intended) many boxes. A good learning opportunity.

  • well prepared, came with information, data points and actions

  • listened actively, good eye contact before replying, didnt jump in/interrupt

  • came across calm, genuine, and poised

  • Not baited, bridged back to his key points where possible

  • dressed appropriately. Blue is often recommended as associated with trustworthiness.

  • his body language (slightly leaning forward) and facial expressions were appropriate (no smirks, eye rolls etc)

Anything else you'd noticed as good or bad from this session?

Penny for your thoughts?

Closing Remarks.png
Lastly, as a fellow Singaporean, very proud of how he's indirectly represented Singaporean brand on a global stage .


!PIZZA for you, fellow metafren


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As I told you a couple of days ago, please look for more appropriate niche communities as OCD community is for topics that don't fit in any other community and should be used when you don't find a niche community for your post.

For reflecting on things, we have the Reflections community.

Sorry pal! Overlooked, will watch out!