"CREATE, SHARE, WIN at HIVE❤ in 2023" [en/es]

in #hive-1745782 years ago

Greetings humans...

Today I want to talk to you about our beloved blockchain as many people are on it but don't know about his past, how it works; plus some facts you might find useful.

The great #Hive is an open source and decentralized blockchain that is based on the code of Steemit, another social media blockchain (although most of the users migrated to hive more than 2 years ago). The platform is based on written, visual and audio-visual content, allowing users to publish and share content online, as well as reward HIVERS ( content creators ) through native tokens such as HIVE and HBD (Hive Dollars) ; as well as other kind of rewards ( LIKE BEING REWARDED WITH SECOND LAYER TOKENS WHICH IF YOU ARE INTERESTED YOU CAN CREATE ONE FOR AN APPROXIMATE OF 70 DOLLARS FOR SOME COMMUNITY OR NEW PROJECT ).

If you are someone who loves online content creation and social media, let me tell you that #Hive is the platform for you as you will learn a lot here.

But Hive is not just an ordinary social media platform, it's a beautiful, active and engaged community! Thanks to it #Hive has created numerous applications and tools, such as . PeakD, Hive Keychain and Hive Engine, as well as games like @splinterlands, @hashkings, @wrestorgonline that allow users to interact with the platform and use their tokens in various ways.

Here I talk in a very general way about the above applications and projects, but you can go deeper in their official pages:

#PeakD: written blog platform where you can upload your posts in front of a specific topic, for videos you can use 3SPEAK.

#Splinterlands: collectible card game with 2 years of experience in the community. Here your cards have value, has several second layer tokens and beautiful community.

#hashkings: farm game where you can farm, harvest and interact with the BUDS token. It also has some fun arcade games.

#Woogame: is a wrestling card project in progress which is currently in a land sale event. Good story and potential.

#leothreads**: is a finance blog which currently has a section to make short twitter-like posts to be closer to the users. Very interesting and popular.

#Hive Engine**: is the app where your coins are hosted; with it you can trade your assets. You can also use another one like TRIBALTEX..


links APP:

In addition, Hive has a decentralized governance system, which means that token holders have a say in making decisions about the direction of the network. Imagine having a platform where you and other users can decide together how to improve and direct the future of the network! WELL, IT ALREADY EXISTS HEHE.


Something that I like and I find interesting is the level system as it consists of a number that you have next to your profile name which will go up as users vote you, comment and interact with you.
The other part is the system of badges which I love and motivates me because some of them we can have just for holding some tokens or recognition of certain communities or projects.
Here is an example with the user @acidyo :


HIVE currently occupies the 218 position in market capitalization, so imagine you have a very valuable toy and you want to sell it. To know how much it is worth, you have to multiply the price you put on it by the amount of people who can buy it; it is more or less the deficiency. Currently the price per coin is 0.45 (very cheap) although its maximum has been 3 dollars and its average price is 1.80 dollars.


To conclude, Hive is the ideal platform for those who want to be rewarded for their creativity and work in this social network and its ecosystem, while at the same time being part of an active and engaged community, join today, if you are already part of it I congratulate you, be part of the Hive social network revolution!
That's all for today, let me know if you are interested in this kind of post; don't forget to learn something new, do sports and the most important thing ** BE HAPPY.**



Saludos humanos...

Hoy quiero hablarles de nuestra amada blockchain ya que muchas personas estan en ella pero no saben sobre su pasado, como funciona; ademas de algunos datos que te pueden servir.

La gran #Hive es una blockchain de código abierto y descentralizada que se basa en el código de Steemit, otra blockchain de medios sociales (aunque gran parte de los usuarios migraron a hive hace mas de 2 años ). La plataforma se basa en el contenido escrito, visual y audiosivual, lo que permite a los usuarios publicar y compartir contenido en línea, así como también recompensar a los HIVERS ( creadores de contenido ) a través de tokens nativos como HIVE y HBD (Hive Dollars) ; ademas de otro tipo de recompensas ( COMO SER RECOMPENSADO CON TOKENS DE SEGUNDA CAPA LOS CUALES SI TE INTERESA PUEDES CREAR UNO POR UN APROXIMADO DE 70 DOLARES PARA ALGUNA COMUNIDAD O PROYECTO NUEVO ).

Si eres alguien que ama la creación de contenido en línea y las redes sociales, dejame decirte que #Hive es la plataforma para ti ya que aqui aprenderàs mucho.

Pero Hive no es solo una plataforma de redes sociales común y corriente. ¡Es una comunidad bella, activa y comprometida! Gracias a ella #Hive ha creado numerosas aplicaciones y herramientas, como . PeakD, Hive Keychain y Hive Engine, tambien juegos como @splinterlands, @hashkings, @wrestorgonline que permiten a los usuarios interactuar con la plataforma y utilizar sus tokens de diversas formas.

Aqui te hablo de una manera muy general sobre las aplicaciones y proyectos anteriores, pero puedes profundizar mas en sus paginas oficiales:

#PeakD: plataforma de blog escrito donde puedes subir tus post frente algun tema en especifico, para videos puedes usar 3SPEAK.

#splinterlands: juego de cartas coleccionables con 2 años de experiencia en la comunidad. Aqui tus cartas tienen valor, posee varios tokens de segunda capa y bella comunidad.

#hashkings: juego de granja donde podes cultivar,cosechar e interactuar con el token BUDS. Ademàs Tiene algunos juegos arcade muy divertidos

#Woogame: es un proyecto de cartas de lucha libre en proceso el cual actualmente esta en un evento de venta de tierras. Buena historia y potencial.

#leothreads: es un blog de finanzas el que actualmente tiene una secciòn para hacer publicaciones cortas tipo twitter para estar mas cerca de los usuarios. Muy interesante y popular.

#Hive Engine: es la app donde se alojan tus monedas; con ella podes comerciar tus activos. Tambien puedes usar otra como TRIBALTEX.



Además, Hive tiene un sistema de gobernanza descentralizado, que significa que los titulares de tokens tienen voz y voto en la toma de decisiones sobre la dirección de la red. ¡Imagínate tener una plataforma en la que tú y otros usuarios puedan decidir juntos cómo mejorar y dirigir el futuro de la red! PUES YA EXISTE JEJE.

Algo que me gusta y me parece interesante es el sistema de nivel ya que consiste en un nùmero que tienes al lado de tu nombre de perfil el cual ira subiendo a medida que los usuarios te voten, comenten e interactuen contigo.
La otra parte es el sistema de insignias el cual me encanta y motiva ya que algunas de ellas los podemos tener solo por tener en hold algunos tokens o reconocimiento de ciertas comunidades o proyectos.
Aqui un ejemplo con el usuario @acidyo :


HIVE actualmente ocupa la posicion 218 en capitalizacion de mercado, es decir imagínate que tienes un juguete muy valioso y quieres venderlo. Para saber cuánto vale, tienes que multiplicar el precio que le pones por la cantidad de personas que pueden comprarlo; es es mas o menos la deficiòn. Actualmente el precio por moneda es de 0.45 (muy econòmica ) aunque su maximo ha sido de 3 dolares y su promedio de precio es de 1.80 dolares.

Para finalizar, Hive es la plataforma ideal para aquellos que quieren ser recompensados por su creatividad y trabajo en esta red social y su ecosistema, mientras que al mismo tiempo forman parte de una comunidad activa y comprometida. ¡Únete hoy ,si ya eres parte te felicito, sé parte de la revolución de las redes sociales de Hive!.
Eso es todo por hoy, dime si te interesa este tipo de post; no olvides aprender algo nuevo, hacer deporte y lo mas importante SER FELIZ.


To whom it may concern; Use of images free and i.a under my
editing. My native language is Spanish, I use translator. Thanks


There is a little known game in Hive at https://fulltimegeek.com/game/ with 15 lives free to start. In case you don't know.

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @crisch23 ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people ( @davot ) sharing the post on LeoThreads,LikeTu,dBuzz.

Hi @davot, I'd like to let you know that we have a community called Loving HIVE ❤, where you can post such content next time. OCD community is for topics that don't fit in any other community and should be used when you don't find a niche community for your post.

Here's a guide I put together to help you learn about how communities work and why you should use them -> Communities Explained - Newbie Guide. I also put together a list of communities, which is not complete, there are much more communities on Hive, but it will help you get started.

Once you posted your post in the right community, you can then cross post it to OCD community. Here's a guide about cross posting.

Please don't delete any post with the purpose of reposting it in another community as that can be considered abuse. Leave this post here, you'll get it right next time.