Communities Explained - Newbie Guide

in #hive-1745782 years ago

Roaming around different communities for the past few weeks made me realize an explicit guide on how to use communities would be helpful for newbies. There are so many new things for a newbie to learn on Hive as our blockchain is not like any other social media platform out there, so today I'd like to explain you, why we need communities and how to use them.

The Purpose Of Communities

The purpose of communities is to organize topics on our blockchain. Having dedicated communities for each topic can help you find what you're looking for, without being forced to scroll through posts you're not interested in. We have general communities as well, where you can post about any topic you want.

Where To Post?

You have two options:

  1. You can post on your blog, which means your post wont appear in any community and will be visible to your followers only and by searching for tags.
  2. You can post in a community.


Getting followers is a process and takes time, so as a newbie, it is in your best interest to post in the appropriate community in order to get exposure and get followers as well.

How To Decide In Which Community To Post

This is not an easy task at first, but you'll get the hang of it in time. First you need to decide what your post is about and try to find the appropriate community, based on the community rules, but more about this later. Many times a post is not just about one topic. In that case try to see which topic takes up the majority of your post. This will help you avoid breaking community rules.

Let me give you an example. Let's say you go to the market and photograph what farmers are offering that day. In which community you think that post would fit? Well, let's see. You have photographs, product descriptions, so you can post in MarketFriday, which is a community dedicated to markets, as well as in photography communities if there are no specific requirements, like "black and white" or "macro" for example. Please note, just because your photographs have some tags, doesn't make it finance related, so please focus on the main story and not some tiny details.

How To Find Communities

We have several frontends on Hive, among which I can mention PeakD, Ecency and for example. Each frontent has a different layout.

screenshot of PakD frontend

screenshot of Ecency frontend

screenshot of frontend

As you can see, each frontend has a search box and that search box will be your best friend in the near future, trust me. So let's say you want to post your music performance and don't know which community to choose.


Just type "music" in the search box or any keyword you think describes the topic of your post and you get a list as long as my arm. From here, you're on your own as you need to select which music community is the one that fits your topic.

How To Decide Which One Is The Best Community?

Each community has its own rules, so it's recommended you read the rules and act accordingly. However, apart from community rules, general blockchain rules apply too, like no plagiarism, no identity theft etc.



You may also want to check pinned posts in a community as in most cases you will find community rules and guidelines there.


Because we have so many communities on Hive and sometimes one topic would fit in more than one community, devs have implemented the crossposting option.

What does crossposting mean? This option makes it possible for users to (cross)post their post in another community, without doing two or more posts with the same content. You post your post in the first community, then crosspost to another community. Although there's no limit to how many communities you crosspost, please don't abuse the option. Your followers will see your post in their feed as many times as you are crossposting it. Seeing the same post three or four times in your feed can become annoying.

Also please note, rewards on crossposted posts are denied, you will only be rewarded for your original post but not for the crosspost. Last, but not least, you need to respect the rules of the communities you are crossposting to.

Cross posting from the other communities to get visibility from OCDs subscribers is okay as long as the original is posted in the appropriate community. OCD community rules

This means, regardless of the topic of your post, you can crosspost to the OCD Community to get more visibility, but only if the original post is in the appropriate community.

Read more about cross posting here -> Cross Posting And Reposting Explained, Using PeakD


Tags can have an influence on how many communities your post shows up. This means even if you post in one community, but use another community's tag, your post may show up in the community of which tag you used.

This is why tags should be relevant to the topic of your post and should not be abused. Please don't use tags that have nothing to do with the topic of your post.

The number of tags is limited to 10, but there are dapps, frontends that allow more. Regardless, it is recommended to stick to 10 and not abuse tags.

Community Frontends

Some communities have their own frontends, like:

just to name a couple. In these cases, instead of posting from PeakD, Ecency or, it's best to go to their frontend and post from there as they have their own community tokens as well and you may get better rewards using their frontend. Some communities are penalizing post that are not posted from their frontend, meaning you get less community tokens if you post from another frontend.

Details To Pay Attention To

Once you posted in a community, you can't move your post to another community! Don't try to edit your post and choose another community as it doesn't work that way. If you posted in the wrong community, leave it, you'll get it right next time. The most elegant way to handle the situation is to leave a comment on your post, explain what's happened and pay more attention next time.

Please don't delete any post with the purpose of reposting it to another community as that can be considered abuse! Unfortunately there are users who are doing this regularly, to get better rewards. As I said earlier, If you posted in the wrong community, leave it, you'll get it right next time.

Constant abuse of community rules and ignoring warnings from moderators can get you muted by the community admins.

Communities should be chosen based on the topic of your post and not based on the possibility of getting voted by whales or curator groups.

Most communities have a Discord server as well, joining them can help you get answers to your questions, if you have any.

I hope I covered everything you need to know about communities. If not, please leave a comment so I can answer your questions.

Happy blogging!


Thank you for this awesome guide @erikah. I'll need to share the link of this post and save it for future reference. It's pretty helpful.

You're welcome. Bookmark it and use it for your advantage. Happy blogging.

I've done that. Thank you once more.

You're welcome.

Thank you so much for all these tips....

You're welcome. I hope it helps.

"THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THE DETAILED EXPLANATION! I was very lost, and I'm glad to find these posts aimed at beginners. THANK YOU!!

You're welcome @acxelpic, happy to know this newbie guide is useful.

Buenísimo, justamente estaba buscando esta guía 🙂 gracias por compartir!

Hello @erikah, Thank you so much for this post. It really helped me understand what to do as a newbie. I really appreciate it

You're welcome and have fun :)

very helpful for me who is a beginner. thank you @erikah

You're welcome and I'm glad to hear that!

I just read this post after 3 months of posting hehe maybe I was too late to find out the useful information in this article, such as the benefits of tags & community choices.

Never too late, unless you want to quit.

This is very educative. As a newbie, I have actually learnt a lot after reading this post. I have learnt not to abuse tags, not to post in wrong communities and other important details.

Excellent, I'm glad to hear that.

Thank you. I will continue to learn more and improve.

My name is Antonio Manuel Nápoles Rivero and I am a member of the hive community.
Cinema is one of my passions and together with sports and my family is one of the things I enjoy the most. I am not a critic or specialist in the subject, but I like to write about it.

I have not been able to write because they tell me that I must do it from a page, I do not know the language in which it should be published or if two are accepted, I would appreciate any help, to write in this community that I like very much.
Greetings and best regards

I love it. Thanks for compiling this. Should be a great resource for newbies.!!!

You're welcome, that was the main idea, to help newbies learn.

Yeah! Amazing post! This article helps us understand how to research HIVE communities. Thank you for sharing this information very clearly

My pleasure, I'm glad you find it helpful.

This is really helpful for me who struggles in hive. I am new in the blockchain so your blog would help me a lot.Thanks @erikah

My pleasure. If you let me know what you're struggling with, maybe I can help.

This was so needed and nicely put together Erikah! I know a lot of people will benefit from this for sure. 👌🏽

I'm glad to hear that. It is pinned in OCD if you need it in the future 🙂

Great! We need to get this added to the Newbies Guide as well! Not sure if we have a community section on there yet but I’ll check. 😉

I'm sure there's a way, somehow 😏

And I'll find it 😄

This is a very brilliant and thoughtful idea. I have learnt a lot just by going through this post for some few minutes.

I think we especially newbies can do a lot of good with the crossposting feature.

Thank you for carefully putting together sharing this amazing piece.

@erikah I am here again, I am sorry to bother you, but something just happened, I published a post without inserting the community I wanted to publish it to, it was prompt but it got posted on my blog alone, is there a way I add the community to it?

I took my time on that post and it's painful to know I can't post it to the community I created it for. Please help me.

What do I do?
Should I rewrite it?

It is not possible to add a community to a post after you posted it. Check if you can cross post it to a community.

How do I delete the post please? The rules of the community says no cross post😪😪

You can't delete a post. Deleting the content and reposting it is considered abuse.

Okay. I've left it that way.

Thank you for coming thru. God bless!

You're welcome.

Hola está bueno tu post, la explicación está perfecta yo Aceves me desanimo porque no se dónde publicar y termino haciendo mal, muchas gracias.

Hello your post is good, the explanation is perfect I Aceves I get discouraged because I do not know where to publish and end up doing wrong, thank you very much.

You need to look around and get familiar with the existing communities and it'll become easier in time.

Gracias por el consejo muchísimas gracias, se me había ido el internet pero ya de regreso jeje muchas gracias.

You're welcome.

Thanks for the update it really helping me get past some problem on hive, thanks for the part you explained about communities

My pleasure. Good luck and have a nice day!

I’m Not fully familiarized with most of the communities and i think this post has really been helpful to me, thanks for sharing this

You're welcome.

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Thanks for sharing this wonderful content, it has been a little while I have been on hive but but didn’t know much not until reading this ,most especially the crossposting . I will start using the frontend community where I post from now hence forth.

You're welcome. Use it wisely as this is what is going to make or break your journey on Hive. I have another post on cross posting, a more elaborate one, here.

To break my journey on hive is all I want . so nice of you , I will check it out too. Thanks

I am new to Hive, thanks for this. It was really healpful

You're welcome.

Thank you for posting this Erika. It's very helpful to newbie and also to me who is still confused on where to post my article sometimes

My pleasure. It can seem difficult at first, but trust me, if you search the communities, read the rules and make yourself a note with the communities you like, it's going to become a habit.

Thank you again for this post. Truly helpful and informative. I will bear in mind what you just shared to us Ms. Erika.😉🤗😍

You're welcome. We're here to help :)

This is very informative. Talks about a whole lot. I am really updated about the use of tags after reading this.
Never heard of 'crossposting' until now. It's really something I should make use of.
Overall I am greatful for this post. I hope to always come back to it if I need to find my way around here. Thanks mate. This was worth reading. Thank you.

You're welcome. Bookmark it and make sure you help other newbies as well, if it's needed :)

Happy blogging!

Thank youuuu

Whaoo... This is great.. I have always wanted to ask about this but no one to ask from.. This knowledge will help me a long way..

Also I want to ask, I dont think the ecency app has the feature of cross post. And if it does can you please let me know.. Cause I have seen the benefit and I'm sure it would have its disadvantage too..

@TomiAjax you would want to read this

All the dapps has to have the cross posting options.
There are 3 dots at the top of the post, where you have a menu with some options.

To be honest you just opened my eye to an opportunity, Cross posting that sounds very interesting, I will begin to crosspost and Thanks for giving the idea of finding our right niche.

You're welcome. There are some newbie guides listed in my posts as a footer. Have a look, maybe you can find something to help you.

Helpful post! I especially appreciate the info about how cross-posting does and does not work. Cheers!

I'm glad you find it helpful as that has been my goal all along. Crossposting is not largely known and not many understand it.
Have a nice day/everything 👍

Nice work and smart Information.


You are very welcome

Wow!... Fantastic post!... Very useful for recent users and even for other "not so recent" users... Excellent work @erikah friend!.... Thanks for sharing!

Thank you! I'm glad you find it useful.

Been here do long and i knew i could crosspost frim a community I post to my blog but not between communities, thanks

No matter for how long we're here, we can't always know everything :) Besides, things are changing constantly, devs are working on making the platform better, there are always new developments, so it's useful to make a recap from time to time.

Thank you for this informative post @erikah I've learned a lot from this. I still have some things need to understand especially on posting to communities and through this 0ost, I able to understand as it answered my questions in my mind.

Thank you 😊

My pleasure. No worries, it can be confusing at first, but you'll get the hang of it in time and we're here to help :)

That's why I really appreciate some hivers coz they're willing to help especially newbies and you're one of them. 😊
Thank you. I still have lots of lesson to learn here. 🤗

Thank you for this article. As a new bee here, I am still learning about the hive communities.

My pleasure. It's a process, it takes time, but you'll get there :)

Communities are broken, I reported it ages ago but nobody cared. I ran a competition and I could only see one of the entrants, no matter which tab I used. This is Hive all over and why I just gave up on my community.


This is a technical problem, maybe you should contact PeakD on Discord, or whatever frontend you're using. I really can't help as this is for devs.

I rember how much I had to learn when I was getting on board almost 5 years ago, but now the newbies have even more to figure out! You did such a great work with this guide!

Thank you! Oh God! While writing this post, I remembered how complicated the whole platform seemed back when I joined and looking back, it was 100x simpler compared to what Hive is now 😂

So I understand what newbies are going through now and that's why I want to help. After all, our blockchain is as strong as the weakest link.

Absolutely! It's even a good guide for the older people because we all learn new things daily. Keep up the great work! 😊

Thank you my dear friend 😊

Very cool guide Erika! Just sent the link to a friend of mine who joined us here on Hive recently :) Thanks for putting this useful post together!

Thank you my friend! I did my best to cover the topic the best way I can.
It is pinned in OCD community, in case you need it for newbies. :)

Helpful and educational.. Well done.

Thank you.

This has done justice to my errors all this while now I can understand better how things work that my h @erikah

I'm glad you find it helpful :) Happy blogging!

You are welcome friend

This is a super duper post @erikah dear. I will reblog this so my newbie friends could read this great post about communities... Thanks for sharing and wish you a lovely evening!

Thank you dear Mers! It is pinned to OCD and my profile as well if you need it later and another one is coming :) Have a lovely day.

Thank you dear, anxiously waiting for the next one.... wish you the same!

i appreciate you taking time to help us with that useful information

My pleasure, we're here to help.

@erikah te felicito aquí podemos encontrar información muy completa que nos sirve de mucha ayuda,gracias bendiciones infinitas

My pleasure, I hope it helps :)

Thank you for sharing @erikah. You are such a nice person and one of my list of being a good blogger since then.

Oh, my dear friend, I don't know about being a nice person 😁 but I'm trying to help as I've seen newbies need guidance. Thanks for the nice words and nice to see you again. Have a nice day :)

Thank you for being nice.😍😍😍

Thanks for the amazing work done. It is so useful to newbies and everyone.

My pleasure.

Wow, thanks for the enlightenment, I really gained alot from here, thank you 🙏

My pleasure, hang tight as another one is coming tomorrow about crossposting :)

Thanks for sharing your article post. It will help a lot for me, and I will understand it even more so that I can have a lot of ideas

The main idea is to help newbies and oldies as well, to understand how the chain works. You're welcome!

Fantastic post! I'd be grateful for any information on how cross-posting works and does not work. Cheers!
This is an extremely useful post. This is an excellent piece that will aid in the investigation of the HIVE community.
Thank you for sharing this informative article.

Thank you! I see many are interested in the crossposting option, so tomorrow I'm going to do another post and detail everything about the matter.

This post is pinned in OCD community if you ever need it for your newbie friends. Spread the word, help others as only together we can have a strong community.

Happy blogging, keep up the good work as I know you've been putting out great content :)

Thank you; I will keep working hard and giving my all. Thank you for your assistance. God bless you as you travel. I'm looking forward to the next post. I wish you luck and hope that we will all be strong and victorious in the future. Thank you very much, @erikah.

Thank you and God bless you too :)

Well detailed post. Tags are usually abused sometimes because the authors do not really understand that. This post is very good especially for newbies who are still trying to find their way around the platform

Tags are usually abused sometimes because the authors do not really understand that.

Sometimes tags are abused hoping to get better curation or milk some tribe tokens, but not for long.

Stay tuned as another one is coming on crossposting.

This was such a great post for me to find. Now I can finally start to feel less and less like a Hive n00b, and more of an hiver? note to self google what a person using hive is called

Again thank you for an excellent post =)

You're welcome and I'm glad you find it helpful. There's another one coming today (hopefully) on crossposting, so stay tuned :)

Sweet, looking forward to reading it =)

Thanks for putting this together

You're welcome!

Thank you it was much needed information because I want to engage in almost every community. I hope it will improve me for good content creator in each community especially Leofinance I found splendid.

You're welcome, I am glad to know it's helpful. Posting good content and engaging with others is the way to follow. Good luck :)

Great post! I do post to a few communities but could definitely branch out more and give which one a lot more thought.

Thanks for the info!

It depends on the topic of your post but we have so many communities on Hive and topics are also various, so you can really find a community for every topic.

Yep for sure. I've posted to several of the music ones naturally. But I do post about other topics too sometimes so will try and branch out into some different communities.

Have a great day!

Super helpful :) Thanks!

"Practice deep listening" (HIVE Open MIC rules) 😌 I love that <3

My pleasure.

Thanks for sharing this @erikah you have really done well to explain all this into details I will surely take everything into consideration.. Kudos to you

You're welcome. I hope you're going to use the knowledge and find the best communities for your upcoming posts.

Sure I should.. and I should be careful with that also. All thanks to you.

This is useful to me too, @erikah. Thank you so much for the time and effort to educate and to share this knowledge and info with us. 😉👏

My pleasure. Keep it at hand in case you need to guide newbies. It's easier to link a post, then try to explain it every time :)

Hi @erikah I remember your warm welcome when I got here 🙃, thanks again. This is great intel, you're great. Gracias!

You're welcome and have a nice weekend :)

This gave me a lot of information regarding posting in a proper community, I guess as a newbie, it's not all about getting a high reward but all about making a reputation. For now, I'll neglect the mindset for getting a reward but focus on how to build a good image in Hive.

Yeah, some of the newbies come with extremely high expectations, after which comes disappointment, which is almost inevitable. Rewards on Hive are never guaranteed, no matter who you are and must be earned.

Focusing on creating good content, respecting the rules and engaging can never fail.

Thanks for the insightful information

My pleasure and sorry for the late reply.

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Nice composition

Thank you!

Thank you so much for this.
This will better help my navigation here as a newbie.

My pleasure, I'm glad to hear you're finding it helpful.

Yes, I did.

You've done a great job. There are a lot of people new to Hive right now and there will continue to be. I was actually thinking of publishing a post like this, but I don't need to now. I will reblog this post so that it reaches all the people I know. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you! As you say, there are a lot of newbies that need some guidance and it's best to explain things to them, otherwise they will not be able to evolve. Thanks for the reblog and have a nice day :)

This is very helpful. I'm bookmarking this for future reference. 😁😁

I'm glad to hear that and also pass it on for the newbies you know :)

Will do. :)

@erikah I remembered you told me to call you if I need navigation here on the hive, please which community is best to post a topic on self-love, or self-appreciation? Thank you

Yes, I did and I'm glad you remember that. We have a community called Holos&Lotus

"An integral space for the Self"

Check it out.

Okay, I just checked it out. Thank you

This is quite helpful. The sheer abundance and variety of communities, requirements, preferences and rules has felt overwhelming and at times demotivating to me. I'm finding that I really love Hive but still at times, I think perhaps I am out of my element because I cannot keep up with all of this. Hugs to you @erikah

Thanks a lot for the guide!

You're welcome!

Esto es algo de suma utilidad para los nuevos usuarios y porque no, tambien sirve para refrescar cosas en suaurios que ya estan en Hive desde hace tiempo. Muchas gracias.

You're welcome and I agree, we can't know everything.

Thanks for this post
It's really a guide indeed.
It has really helped me a whole lot.
I hope to do better.
Thanks so much 😊

It's very frustrating to be in a new environment without adequate information and guide as to how to get oneself acquainted with the environment. I'm a newbie and this is one of the best articles to help new users like me to get our feet strong. Thank you for this compass for new users to improve and succeed here on hive.

I'm glad you find it helpful. It can be difficult to learn everything at the beginning, as Hive is a very complex place, but we're here to help. This post is pinned in OCD community, so whoever needs help, you know where to get this post from :)

Also, if you have further questions, let me know as I can do more posts, to explain what newbies need to know :)

And happy blogging!

Thank you for the support services 💕🙂

My pleasure :)

thanks for the info , much appreciated

You're welcome.

I'm a newbie and honestly I had a sigh of relief reading this post. THANK YOUUU for this

You're welcome. I have a collection of newbie guides at the bottom of each post of mine, if you are interested. Check them out, maybe it helps and I'm here as well, if you need more help :)

Dear @erikah!
Thank you for article!
I will gladly follow your advice!

You're welcome :)

It would be good if there is a weekly contest in ocd.

Niche communities are running contests.

Yes but if ocd run then it would be easy for newbies to get support from ocd.Random post if a newbie hardly get support.

That is not true. OCD has the LoveSniper initiative, which is to support newbies. The other project is to support niche communities.

Thanks for the information 👍

Amazing post, amazing content!
Greets from Vienna

I'm glad to hear that. Greetings from Transylvania :)

Cool enjoy life and share some upvotes to my posts :-)

This is best way to increase folowers and upvotes from community

I'm glad you see it that way.

Thanks a lot for this!
It'll really guide me to avoid mistakes here in HIVE.

You're welcome.

It the way the details here were broken down to their smallest forms for me. This is sooo easy to understand. This will go a long way for newbies like us.
Thank you so so much.

You're welcome, I'm glad you find it helpful.

Thank you so much. This information is really helpful 😊

I use ecency most of the time because I understand it. I see a lot of people using peak to make post. I get confused most of the time. Is there in any way you can explain to me the benefits of using peak to make post or make comments or to even make upvotes? Do you get rewards like on ecency that can be used to boost your post?

Both are frontends and you use whichever you like. No, PeakD does not reward you for usage. However, your priority should be to gain support organically and not by boosting your own content.

Oh ok thanks for the explanation. I will keep that in mind:)

You're welcome.

Thank you for this detailed explanation of how communities work and how to choose the correct one. I will sure use these tips when I publish my next article 💙

You're welcome :)

Great post Erikah. It is so great when people find a need make a great informative post like this! Thanks!!

Thank you! I've been guiding newbies lately and it's difficult to explain each of them in a comment how things work and also see many have no idea, so I hope this helps.

It is great! And it is even nice for those of us that have been around a long time!

For us it's common knowledge, for them it could be life saving 😉

good information, it helped me a lot

That's great to hear. Use it as it's going to help you a lot in the future.


Very informative post! I still wasn't so sure about cross-posting as I used this feature just a couple of times but now it's clear, I guess. 😁

Thank you for putting all this info together, it is useful for everyone, not just for newbies. 😊

You're welcome and I'm happh you find it helpful 🙂

This post is very informative I especially appreciate the Info about how cross-post does & doesn't work This is a very amazing article that helps to research HIVE communities
Thank you so much for sharing this Intersting post .

My pleasure. Yes, crossposting is a tricky thing not many understand :)

This is eye opening. Thanks for the information, I now have an insight on how to identify community that best suit each content I creat, thanks

You're welcome! Use it as posting in the right community is key here.

Hello @erikah , I have a question, I have a post about my experience using the duolingo application to learn English, in which community could I share it? I can't find a specific one for that topic.

Hello. Well, without knowing more details, I suppose Self Improvement would be appropriate as it is about your learning experience and not the application review, right?

correct, it is about my personal experience, but in case of being a review about the application, where would that topic come in?

Well, there's Geek Zone community, where you can write reviews. Please read the guidelines as there are in Spanish (you speak Spanish), make sure you respect all the rules.

The truth is, I can suggest communities, but as I can't see the content of the post, only you can decide what's write or wrong.

I understand, I'll make sure to read the rules when posting so I can get it right, thanks for the help and suggestion.

My pleasure.

Thank you @erikah for this helpful blog! Much appreciated.

You're welcome.

thank you very much =) very good help and very well explained

My pleasure :)

Hola, muy bueno! Soy nueva y todo este tiempo he estado buscando los tutoriales... Estudiando y gracias a personas como tú que hacen y comparten información valiosa 😊🙏 ando un poco perdida, pero ahí voy con ánimos!... Muy bueno!
(Ahora actualmente estoy buscando como hacer y aprender para hacer transferencia "retirar" 🥺😅)
Muchas gracias.

I don't speak Spanish, I can translate and understand what you're saying, but with transactions you need someone who speaks Spanish. We have a few Spanish communities on Hive, among which Aliento. I see you posted your introduction post there. Please contact them and join their Discord server (I suppose they have one) and ask for help.

Oh and you're welcome :)

Ok thank 😅👍

Thank you for this info. This helps me as a newbie.I am learning step by step.

I'm glad to hear that.

This is a very good explanation I have learned a lot thank you so much for sharing this

I'm glad to hear that and you're welcome as that was the main purpose.

This post is really encouraging. Thank you for sharing.

You're welcome.



Thank you very much for taking out time to give detailed explanation on what to do as a newbie, it's indeed helpful,I really appreciate this

Sorry for the offense I committed again, what kind of post is meant for ocd, so I won't repeat same mistake again.

Why do you want to post in OCD? I think you're looking at this totally backwards. Posting in OCD gives you no advantage, on the contrary. Your priority should be finding the best community for your topic. If your post is good, curators will find it. But if you insist on posting in OCD contents that belong to a niche community, ignoring the OCD community rules, you can be muted.

Try submitting your content to the more appropriate communities before OCD unless you feel it does not belong in any and is original content that works within our rules. OCD community rules

You should try to grow the number of your followers, that can be rewarding in time, but you can only do that, by posting in the right community. Trust me, those interested in gardening for example, will look in the gardening communities and not in OCD and this goes for every topic. However, you can cross post to OCD to get more visibility, in case the first post is posted in the right niche community.

Alright 🤝 thanks

Hi this was a great guide. i have a question though. how do we get good curators to curate our posts and earn better rewards?

That has to be earned and there's no guide to it. Be active, engage with other users, make quality posts, that's all I can say.

Thanks so much!, I needed this information🔥🙌

Pude aclarar algunos aspectos que no estoy entendiendo bien, aún tengo una duda:

Cuántas veces se recomienda hacer publicación cruzada para no ser considerado un abuso. Parece que usar esta opción ayuda a mejorar la exposición de los post, así que podría pensarse que al cruzar las publicaciones todo el tiempo, se podrá obtener mayor cantidad de lectores y recompensas.

There's no rule regarding how many times you can cross post, but as I showed in my post about this topic, your followers will see your post as many times as you cross post it. I am seeing people cross posting times sometimes, which is too much. Some may get enough and unfollow you and I can't blame them honestly. If you want my opinion, one is enough, but it's your decision.

This is really good for newbies like me. I will try to abide by rules and regulations of each Community. Thanks so much @erikah for this tutorial guide.

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Hello, thanks for this guide..I'm just a newbie here and still learning and exploring..this article helps a lot for newbies like me..though I still don't understand what's this cross-posting exactly means I'll surely try to learn about it too 🙂

You're welcome! Don't stress yourself with cross-posting, you have plenty of time to learn that. It's more important to get familiar with communities :)

yes I will thank you so much again :)

Happy blogging, too.

Very good article but how do you do crosspostings?

Thank you! I think I'm going to write another post and explain crossposting in details as I see many are interested. Stay tuned :)