What path are you walking with in life? Are you journeying on the path towards your dreams? Or are you following the standards that the society has built?
Our society seems to have a timeline. A timeline that's being normalized no matter where you are in the world. A timeline with a given standard that will determine if you are a successful individual or not. Things like you should this, and do that. The sad truth is that when one will not be able to follow such path, they will be thrown with so many opinions; sometimes too cruel that it will be absorbed from within shattering your heart into pieces.
Sometimes, we can't deny the fact that we are affected by the opinions of other people. We are affected by how they view us even in the littlest way. Even though they are not the ones who are feeding us, still, they seem to have a power that affect us and our choices.
In light of that, we wanted to prove that we are successful and can be successful by following the journey of what the society has built. We are trying to reach the expectations set even if it's no longer satisfying us. Even if it's affecting our well-being already. It's like expectations over dreams formula.
In the end, we are living someone else's life; a life driven by others. With that, we feel unhappy. There's a hole inside our heart that no matter how much we try to cover and fill, it will still be the same.
Now, try to reflect on the path that you are walking. Is it the life of your dreams? Is it the path that you wanted to walk with? Is it the path towards the summit that you've been longing for in your heart?
Fret not if the path is not your heart's desire. Don't you ever think that it's too late to walk another path as well.
What you need to do then?
Well, to regain the passion you have for your life and your dreams, you have to understand that you must recover the ownership of your choices. The choices you have are not influenced by anyone. The choices you have with no stains of expectations from other people.
Be Brave Enough to Live the Life of Your Dreams
You have your vision and purpose for your life. Be brave enough to live it, embrace it, and walk the path towards it instead of indulging in the expectations and opinions of others. Just so you know, if we allow the people's expectations in our lives, it seems like we are aiming at multiple targets with multiple hopes towards us. By trying to please them, we end up pleasing no one, including ourselves. We end up feeling hopeless in the life that we have, and worst, we will think that we are a failure in someway.
With that, we will then start looking at the cup of others and the achievements that they're pouring into their cup. It will make us feel worthless in a way that we feel inferior on the path that we're taking as we are blinded by the achievements of other people.
Not to mention, we should not allow ourselves to feel this way. We should not allow ourselves to feel like we are not enough or we are worthless just because we have not reached the expectations of anyone. Let's be brave to help ourselves to reach our dreams in life, instead of pushing them down. Be gentle to yourself all the time.
Do What Makes You Feel Alive
If your goal is to reach the expectations of others, you will not be able to live life happily. It seems like you are in the chain while walking your journey. It seems like your goal is not to make yourself happy, instead, you're constantly thinking about how others foresee you.
You have to bear in mind that it's your life, not theirs. You have your own decisions in life. You have to do what makes you feel alive. You have to do what matters to you and not theirs. You have to make yourself the happiest and not others. Because at the end of the end, all you have is yourself.
Fall in Love With Your Life Anew
Life is short to be influenced by people's opinions of you. You have to embrace yourself, you have to fall in love with your life first, and you have to embrace what you have and support yourself towards the goals you have for yourself. You have to be your number cheerer. You have to love yourself. And you have to do things for the betterment of yourself and not for others; stop pleasing, stop judging.
Not to mention, the first thing you have to do is control what people think of you. You have to control yourself not to be influenced by them in the first place. It may be hard at first, but with constant practice, you will be able to attain it. Learning to live your reality is indeed not the easiest, but once you reach it, you will live a peaceful and calm life away from the toxicity of the opinions and expectations of others towards us.
Above all, there is more to life than pleasing the people around you. There is more to life than following the path that society has built for us. You have your own choices, you have your dreams. You are the captain of your life, live it and decide who you are for yourself. One day, you will be the happiest for choosing the life of your dreams.
Disclaimer: The views expressed are personal and solely belong to me. This article is an original content by me that has been posted on read.cash as well.