Greetings to every-one on this amazing platform and I hope it’s not too late to say a happy new year to you. I feel entirely pumped-up that I am blogging today, it has been one of my goals for the New Year 2023 and super excited that I’m breaking the silence on my Hive wall.
My silence here wasn’t intentional but like some people say, “life happened”. It is also true that we can’t find the reason for certain experiences life throws at us but we can sure make those experience worth the while and learn the lesson inherent in it.
I last made a post on my blog on the 1st day of September last year and after that, I began to feel so devastated and a lot of things happened that totally broke me. I lost my passion for writing or blogging completely and it got worse when my finances got affected, my business went really bad and the hike in the prices of things kept increasing on a daily basis, sincerely I couldn’t keep up with it.
It is worthy of mention that depression is a silent killer and it is very possible to feel depressed even in the midst of friends because most of them do not care or are not observant enough to notice that something is wrong somewhere. I had remain that way while silently looking for how to handle my issues.
It went from loses to heart-breaks and hurts from people you trust and I got so affected that I felt maybe I had a problem. I remember telling g a church member that I think I needed to see a therapist and he smiled and said “don’t be too hard on yourself, try to live one day at a time. Everything will fall into place, just give it time…”
I got home and pondered on these words and it was the beginning of something new, I felt I had gotten the magic anchor I needed to trace my life back on point, I began to share my pains to encourage others in our small group even when I didn’t heal completely. The more I talked about the way I felt, the more I overcame.
I am not boosting that I am better off but trust me, people are going through a whole lot and you owe everyone around you one thing and that is simply being nice to them. Your words can either heal or break someone. Those few month of me being broken has shaped me into something better and has given me a new perspective about life generally.
I have learnt to smile, to guard my joy, to love and put myself first before others and I have also learnt to love even my enemies while trading carefully with them. I would love to hang my pen for now but one last word I would love to conclude with is this, this year, be focused on your goal(s) and always trust God no matter the circumstances surrounding you.
𝕴 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚. ❣️