Self doubt is like convincing yourself that you're not good enough. It's like trying to give yourself an excuse not to do your best. Sometimes we get so overwhelmed that we cook up lies and live in a facade, we believe everything but the truth, anxiety kicks in, whispers weakness to our strength and robs us of the happiness and satisfaction we deserve.
You betray yourself every time you don't believe in your ability to be great because greatness is in each and every one of us and that's a fact.
Imagine the sun didn't think it's light is bright enough for the earth, or it didn't believe it gives a precious view to the earth when it rises or when it falls. Now even though for a second this isn't possible, let's assume the sun can feel and it says something like "I don't think the earth needs me today, I'm not bright enough or the sun gets jealous of the moon and stars, isn't it weird?
The earth needs the sun every single day, the sun was created to shine and that's exactly what it does and whether it feels that was or not it doesn't change the fact that it shines beautifully on the earth and is needed everyday.
We are created to shine, to glow with glory, to be great is an expression of our nature, It is who we are so whether we feel like we're good enough or not, it doesn't change the fact that we magic, a reflection of God here on earth endowed with diverse mind blowing abilities and talents to make the world a beautiful place.
You're everything you're scared of not becoming.
You're beautiful, you're perfect, you're Worthy, you're amazing, you're exceptional, you're loved. You're all these and more, and the way you feel at any point in time doesn't change who you are.
Life is designed to stretch you, to build your capacity, to present daily evidence of your undeniable strength to expose your stamina and ability to withstand anything, so while you're overwhelmed and consumed by life, just breath and know that you got this, you have what it takes to be where you want to be. Be at peace with the fact that you're powerful.
One last thing, fill up your mind with positivity, spread happiness over your heart, make no room for self doubt.
You can do it, yes we can.
You are the sun, so shine.
Thank you for reading my post❤️.
Content and images are originally mine