Good evening to everyone in this beautiful platform ☺️
On my previous post, I wrote about beans and how the nutritional values it adds to the body and also the correct the generational myth that eating plenty of beans makes us grow taller 😁, and I promised to take us through the types of beans we have here in Nigeria.
Here we go with the types of beans we have in Nigeria;
1 . Honey beans famously known as (Ewa Oloyin) in Yoruba tribe: This has the most unique and sweet taste. It is easier to cook and adds tons of sugar-like taste to your food. It is actually the most preferred type of beans in Nigeria because of its natural sweetness. Some people actually like their beans sweet, so if its not Ewa Oloyin they tend to add sweetener such as sugar, honey etc. It is originated from Maiduguri and Niger states in Nigeria. I always loved to grow them at our backyard as a child. I always feel like a nurturing mother, watering and and taking care of it like a proud momma 😅. It was quite therapeutic.
2 . Nigerian Brown beans famously known as (Ewa Olotu) in Yoruba tribe: This type of beans is quite similar to honey beans but has a darker brown colour and it takes alot more time to cook. For people who try to avoid sweet foods, Ewa Olotu is a more preferred alternative.
3 . White beans also known as Black eyed beans or Iron beans: It contains more fibres taht helps in digestion and also helps to maintain the body weight level, fight aneamia, heart health, regulates blood pressure etc. It is originally from Northern Africa. It is really a very nutritious food.
Now, we have different ways of preparing beans which are famous in Nigeria
These are;
1 . Beans porridge also known as palm oil beans or stewed beans. It is really a sweet recipe and it is the most famous of all recipes. It can be eaten with with bread, plantain, cassava flakes (garri), corn starch porridge (pap or ogi), yam, potatoes and so on. You can cook any type of the beans mentioned above this recipe. You'd surl
2 . Ewa-Agoyin: This I can say Is one of our fave in Nigeria. The beans is cooked till it's super soft and broken with pepper sauce that contains any type of your desired proteins. It can be eaten with plantain, yam and bread. Honey beans is more preferable for this recipe.
3 . Beans pudding (moi moi): This is a Yoruba steamed peeled and washed beans, grinded together with desired amount of pepper and onions. Scooped into your desired shaped containers and Cook. It can be done with any type of beans. (I always love my moi moi and hot pap on a Saturday morning, especially if the weather is a cold one 😋😋). It can be eaten with bread, cassava flakes, corn starch porridge etc.
4 . Beans cake or buns (Akara): This recipe is quite similar to that of moi moi but the difference is that it is deep fried in hot vegetable oil until it forms a round shape and gets done. It goes with pap, custards, bread (warm and soft gives a beautiful feeling 😃😃), cassava flakes, you name it......
You guys must be thinking I like beans alot 😅. But the truth is, beans isn't even on my top five list of favourite meals but it's a must eat because of it's nutritional benefits.
I hope we learnt a lot from this post and we I implore us to add beans to a food time table, not because we wanna grow taller but for its nutritional benefits it has to offer our bodies 🤗🤗
Have a good night rest everyone.....🤗